Policy Papers

As the world’s largest aerospace professional society, AIAA has an important role in the national public policy debate. Toward that end, AIAA public policy papers are prepared to convey educational and informational material and may express opinions of and recommendations for action by the government (the U.S. Congress, executive branch departments/agencies, and state legislatures) to address issues of interest or concern to our members. They are a mechanism by which AIAA members contribute to crafting or influencing government solutions to problems. Policy papers are developed and approved for distribution to external audiences according to following the guidelines agreed upon by the PPC.

 Types of Policy Papers
    1. Information Papers
      A paper that provides information only on a particular topic and does not make any formal policy recommendations. They may be written to support the Institute’s Key Issues. Information papers are subject to approval at the Section, Technical, Program, and/or Standing Committee level.


    1. Opinion Papers
      A paper that provides an objective and balanced study reflecting the collective opinion of a group or coalition of groups within the Institute. The paper may include formal recommendations of government action on the issue. It is important to note that these papers represent the views of the sponsoring group, but not necessarily the views of AIAA. These papers require the review and approval of sponsoring group and shall not conflict with any Board of Trustees – approved position.


    1. Institute Position Papers
      A paper that provides an objective and balanced study with a clear AIAA position on the best course of action by government, industry, academia, or other stakeholders to address an issue of interest or concern to AIAA members. At a minimum, these papers are subject to review and approval by the PPC and the Board of Trustees.


  1. White Papers
    A paper that offers information or proposals on a particular issue. From time to time AIAA, sister societies, and other constituent groups will collaboratively author such papers of relevance to our common audiences and reflect our common interests. These papers may include formal recommendations of government action on the issue.