Best Paper – Space and Missiles Group
Best Papers in a specific space or missiles discipline are selected from papers presented at technical forums by the respective technical committee.
Award Recipients
Dr Ravi teja L NallapuPlanet Labs PBCAwardedAward: 2023 AIAA Small Satellite Best PaperAIAA Citation: On-Orbit Demonstration and Validation of Glint Image Capture AIAA 2023-1109
Kenneth A PritchardPurdue UniversityAwardedAward: 2024 AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Best Paper AwardAIAA Citation: Simulation-Based Assessment of Hazardous States in a Deep Space Habitat ICES-2023-449
Prof Shirley J DykePurdue UniversityAwardedAward: 2024 AIAA Space Architecture Best Student Paper AwardAIAA Citation: Dynamic fk Estimates for Partially-Averaged Navier-Stokes Around a Circular Cylinder AIAA 2024-2514
Philip LindenPlanet Lab PBCAwardedAward: 2023 AIAA Small Satellite Best PaperAIAA Citation: On-Orbit Demonstration and Validation of Glint Image Capture AIAA 2023-1109
Bhavi JagatiaPlanetAwardedAward: 2023 AIAA Small Satellite Best PaperAIAA Citation: On-Orbit Demonstration and Validation of Glint Image Capture AIAA 2023-1109
Dr David L AkinUniversity of MarylandAwardedAward: 2024 AIAA Space Architecture Best Paper AwardAIAA Citation: Developing an Integrated Logistics Infrastructure for Lunar Surface Habitats ICES-2023-454
Prof Zachary C CorderoMITAwardedAward: 2022 AIAA Spacecraft Structures Best PaperAIAA Citation: Compressive Behavior of Isogrid Columns Fabricated with Bend-Forming AIAA 2022-2263
Harsh G BhundiyaMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyAwardedAward: 2022 AIAA Spacecraft Structures Best PaperAIAA Citation: Compressive Behavior of Isogrid Columns Fabricated with Bend-Forming AIAA 2022-2263
Alex MeredithMITAwardedAward: 2022 AIAA Small Satellite Best Paper AwardAIAA Citation: On-orbit Rule-Based and Deep Learning Image Segmentation Strategies AIAA 2022-0646
Prof Kerri CahoyAwardedAward: 2022 AIAA Small Satellite Best Paper AwardAIAA Citation: On-orbit Rule-Based and Deep Learning Image Segmentation Strategies AIAA 2022-0646
Dr Fabien RoyerMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyAwardedAward: 2022 AIAA Spacecraft Structures Best PaperAIAA Citation: Compressive Behavior of Isogrid Columns Fabricated with Bend-Forming AIAA 2022-2263
Mr Shreeyam KackerMITAwardedAward: 2022 AIAA Small Satellite Best Paper AwardAIAA Citation: On-orbit Rule-Based and Deep Learning Image Segmentation Strategies AIAA 2022-0646
Jeffrey W HudackAir Force Research LaboratoryAwardedAward: 2021 AIAA Small Satellite Best Student Paper AwardAIAA Citation: Quantifying Characterizations of CubeSat Swarms Based on Chaotic Circuit Analysis AIAA-2021-1255
Mr Adam KoenigSpace Rendezvous LaboratoryAwardedAward: 2021 AIAA Small Satellite Best Paper AwardAIAA Citation: Formation Flying Orbit and Control Concept for the VISORS Mission AIAA-2021-0423
Mr Mason NixonSelfAwardedAward: 2021 AIAA Small Satellite Best Paper AwardAIAA Citation: Adaptive Double-Layer Continuous Super-Twisting Control of a Satellite Formation AIAA-2021-0560
Dr John BakerThe University of AlabamaAwardedAward: 2021 AIAA Small Satellite Best Student Paper AwardAIAA Citation: Quantifying Characterizations of CubeSat Swarms Based on Chaotic Circuit Analysis AIAA-2021-1255
Dr E Glenn LightseyGeorgia Institute of TechnologyAwardedAward: 2021 AIAA Small Satellite Best Paper AwardAIAA Citation: Formation Flying Orbit and Control Concept for the VISORS Mission AIAA-2021-0423
Mr Jason NiebuhrSAFE Inc.AwardedAward: 2021 AIAA Small Satellite Best Paper AwardAIAA Citation: Novel Approaches to Environmental Shielding for Small Satellites AIAA-2021-0806
Dr Yuri B ShtesselUniversity of Alabama in HuntsvilleAwardedAward: 2021 AIAA Small Satellite Best Paper AwardAIAA Citation: Adaptive Double-Layer Continuous Super-Twisting Control of a Satellite Formation AIAA-2021-0560
Alec C NicholsAwardedAward: 2021 AIAA Small Satellite Best Student Paper AwardAIAA Citation: Quantifying Characterizations of CubeSat Swarms Based on Chaotic Circuit Analysis AIAA-2021-1255
Kaleb D OverbyAwardedAward: 2021 AIAA Small Satellite Best Paper AwardAIAA Citation: Novel Approaches to Environmental Shielding for Small Satellites AIAA-2021-0806
Dr Michael L Anderson PEUnited States Air Force AcademyAwardedAward: 2021 AIAA Small Satellite Best Paper AwardAIAA Citation: Novel Approaches to Environmental Shielding for Small Satellites AIAA-2021-0806
Coen J WilliamsAwardedAward: 2021 AIAA Small Satellite Best Paper AwardAIAA Citation: Novel Approaches to Environmental Shielding for Small Satellites AIAA-2021-0806
Jonathon L GabrielAwardedAward: 2021 AIAA Small Satellite Best Paper AwardAIAA Citation: Novel Approaches to Environmental Shielding for Small Satellites AIAA-2021-0806
Isabelle Duvaux-BechonEuropean Space Agency (ESA)AwardedAward: 2020 AIAA Space Architecture Best PaperAIAA Citation: “Future Space Architecture: Cross-Functional Multidisciplinary Design and Engineering” AIAA-2020-4067
David BrandãoEuropean Space Research & Technology Centre (ESTEC)AwardedAward: 2020 AIAA Space Architecture Best PaperAIAA Citation: “Future Space Architecture: Cross-Functional Multidisciplinary Design and Engineering” AIAA-2020-4067
Mr Daniel Inocente JrSkidmore, Owings and MerrillAwardedAward: 2020 AIAA Space Architecture Best PaperAIAA Citation: Future Space Architecture: Cross-Functional Multidisciplinary Design and Engineering AIAA-2020-4067
Colin KoopSkidmore, Owings & Merrill LLPAwardedAward: 2020 AIAA Space Architecture Best PaperAIAA Citation: “Future Space Architecture: Cross-Functional Multidisciplinary Design and Engineering” AIAA-2020-4067
Mr Georgi I PetrovSynthesis InternationalAwardedAward: 2020 AIAA Space Architecture Best PaperAIAA Citation: “Future Space Architecture: Cross-Functional Multidisciplinary Design and Engineering” AIAA-2020-4067
David A. BinnsEuropean Space Research & Technology Centre (ESTEC)AwardedAward: 2020 AIAA Space Architecture Best PaperAIAA Citation: “Future Space Architecture: Cross-Functional Multidisciplinary Design and Engineering” AIAA-2020-4067
Mr Piero MessinaEuropean Space Agency (ESA)AwardedAward: 2020 AIAA Space Architecture Best PaperAIAA Citation: “Future Space Architecture: Cross-Functional Multidisciplinary Design and Engineering” AIAA-2020-4067
Dr Advenit MakayaEuropean Space AgencyAwardedAward: 2020 AIAA Space Architecture Best PaperAIAA Citation: “Future Space Architecture: Cross-Functional Multidisciplinary Design and Engineering” AIAA-2020-4067
Randy L SpicerNorthrop GrummanAwardedAward: 2020 AIAA Small Satellite Best Professional PaperAIAA Citation: "Simulating the Dynamics and Control of a Free-Flying Small Satellite with a Robotic Manipulator for 3D Printing" (AIAA 2020-1432)
Robin BiesbroekEuropean Space Research & Technology Centre (ESTEC)AwardedAward: 2020 AIAA Space Architecture Best PaperAIAA Citation: “Future Space Architecture: Cross-Functional Multidisciplinary Design and Engineering” AIAA-2020-4067
Tim ElrickWentworth Institute of TechnologyAwardedAward: 2020 AIAA Space Architecture Best Student PaperAIAA Citation: "Building with Celestial Bodies"
Dr Jonathan BlackVirginia TechAwardedAward: 2020 AIAA Small Satellite Best Professional PaperAIAA Citation: "Simulating the Dynamics and Control of a Free-Flying Small Satellite with a Robotic Manipulator for 3D Printing" (AIAA 2020-1432)
Anastasia ProsinaStellar AmenitiesAwardedAward: 2019 AIAA Space Architecture Best Paper AwardAIAA Citation: “Space Habitat Reconfigurability: TESSERAE platform for self- aware assembly” (IAC-19.E5.1A.12x52608)
Ariel EkblawMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyAwardedAward: 2019 AIAA Space Architecture Best Paper AwardAIAA Citation: “Space Habitat Reconfigurability: TESSERAE platform for self- aware assembly” (IAC-19.E5.1A.12x52608)
Dr Dava J NewmanMITAwardedAward: 2019 AIAA Space Architecture Best Paper AwardAIAA Citation: “Space Habitat Reconfigurability: TESSERAE platform for self- aware assembly” (IAC-19.E5.1A.12x52608)
Michael J. Van WieKBRwyle, Lexington Park, MarylandAwardedAward: "Recommendations for Next Generation Crew Quarters"AIAA Citation: ICES 2018-106
Toni A. ClarkLeidos, Inc., Reston, VAAwardedAward: "Recommendations for Next Generation Crew Quarters"AIAA Citation: ICES 2018-106
Brandon W. MaryattNASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, TexasAwardedAward: "Recommendations for Next Generation Crew Quarters"AIAA Citation: ICES 2018-106
Danielle RacelisAwardedAward: Space Architecture -2018 Best Student PaperAIAA Citation: High-Integrity TLE Error Models for MEO and GEO Satellites (AIAA 2018-5241)
Shunsuke MiyazakiAwardedAward: “ACOSS (Advanced Commercial international Space Station), Commercially Habitable LEO/Mars Habitable Module.”AIAA Citation: “ACOSS (Advanced Commercial international Space Station), Commercially Habitable LEO/Mars Habitable Module.”
Mrs Suzana O BiancoAwardedAward: “ACOSS (Advanced Commercial international Space Station), Commercially Habitable LEO/Mars Habitable Module.”AIAA Citation: “ACOSS (Advanced Commercial international Space Station), Commercially Habitable LEO/Mars Habitable Module.”
Dr Robert D BraunAwardedAward: "Analytical Assessment Of Drag-Modulation Trajectory Control For Planetary Entry"AIAA Citation: AAS 15-748
Dr Marc M CohenMarc M. Cohen, Architect PCAwardedAward: “What Do We Give Up and Leave Behind?”AIAA Citation: ICES-2015-56
Dr Sandra Haeuplik-MeusburgerAwardedAward: “What Do We Give Up and Leave Behind?”AIAA Citation: ICES-2015-56
Dr Zachary R PutnamUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignAwardedAward: "Analytical Assessment Of Drag-Modulation Trajectory Control For Planetary Entry"AIAA Citation: AAS 15-748
Dr Marc M CohenMarc M. Cohen, Architect PCAwardedAward: “Mockups 101: Code and Standard Research for Space Habitat Analogues”AIAA Citation: AIAA 2012-5153
Joe P ChamblissAwardedAward: “Habitat Water Wall for Water, Solids, and Atmosphere Recycle and Reuse”AIAA Citation: AIAA 2011-5018
Dr Dava J NewmanMITAwardedAward: “Developing a Spacesuit Injury Countermeasure System for Extravehicular Activity: Modeling and Analysis”AIAA Citation: AIAA 2012-3548
Dr Sergei TanyginAGIAwardedAward: Attitude Parameterizations as Higher Dimensional Map ProjectionsAIAA Citation: AAS 11-134
Mr Michal KracikAcademy of Fine Arts in Cracow, Industrial Design DepartmentAwardedAward: “Developing a Spacesuit Injury Countermeasure System for Extravehicular Activity: Modeling and Analysis”AIAA Citation: AIAA 2012-3548
Ms Mona Khalil HammoudehAwardedAward: “Habitat Water Wall for Water, Solids, and Atmosphere Recycle and Reuse”AIAA Citation: AIAA 2011-5018
Allison AndersonAwardedAward: “Developing a Spacesuit Injury Countermeasure System for Extravehicular Activity: Modeling and Analysis”AIAA Citation: AIAA 2012-3548
Michael T FlynnNASA-Ames Research CenterAwardedAward: “Habitat Water Wall for Water, Solids, and Atmosphere Recycle and Reuse”AIAA Citation: AIAA 2011-5018
Ms Hali Laraelizabeth ShawBioengineering BranchAwardedAward: “Habitat Water Wall for Water, Solids, and Atmosphere Recycle and Reuse”AIAA Citation: AIAA 2011-5018
Lance D DelzeitNASA-Ames Research CenterAwardedAward: “Habitat Water Wall for Water, Solids, and Atmosphere Recycle and Reuse”AIAA Citation: AIAA 2011-5018
Sherwin J GormlyNASA-AmesAwardedAward: “Habitat Water Wall for Water, Solids, and Atmosphere Recycle and Reuse”AIAA Citation: AIAA 2011-5018
Prof Ana DiazCornell UniversityAwardedAward: “Developing a Spacesuit Injury Countermeasure System for Extravehicular Activity: Modeling and Analysis”AIAA Citation: AIAA 2012-3548
Dr Kohei FujimotoUtah State UniversityAwardedAward: Correlation of Optical Observations of Earth-Orbiting Objects by Means of Probability DistributionsAIAA Citation: AIAA 2010-7975
Dr Daniele MortariTexas A&M UniversityAwardedAward: Star-ND: Multidimensional Star-IdentificationAIAA Citation: AAS 10-207
Dr Daniel J ScheeresUniversity of Colorado BoulderAwardedAward: Correlation of Optical Observations of Earth-Orbiting Objects by Means of Probability DistributionsAIAA Citation: AIAA 2010-7975
Mr. Benjamin B Spratling IVTexas A&MAwardedAward: Star-ND: Multidimensional Star-IdentificationAIAA Citation: AAS 10-207