de Florez Award for Flight Simulation Open for Nominations 10 February 2025 – 1 June 2025
The de Florez Award for Flight Simulation, named in honor of the late Admiral Luis de Florez, is presented for an outstanding individual achievement in the application of flight simulation to aerospace training, research, and development.
This annual award is generally presented at the AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition (AIAA SciTech Forum).
Accepting Online Nominations: 10 February
Nomination Deadline: 1 June
Endorsement Letters Deadline: 1 July
Award Recipients
Prof Heinrich H BuelthoffMPI for Biological CyberneticsAwardedAward: 2025 AIAA de Florez Award for Flight SimulationAIAA Citation: For groundbreaking research into how the brain processes multisensory perceptual information and the application of this knowledge for developing revolutionary new motion simulation technologies.
Loren J NewtonStanford UniversityAwardedAward: 2024
Dr Marinus M van PaassenDelft University of Technology - Aerospace EngineeringAwardedAward: 2024 AIAA de Florez Award for Flight SimulationAIAA Citation: For key contributions to the fields of human-in-the-loop vehicle simulation, real-time and distributed simulation software, and aerospace human factors.
Dr Sunjoo K AdvaniInternational Development of Technology B.V.AwardedAward: 2022 AIAA de Florez Award for Flight SimulationAIAA Citation: "For his exceptional impacts on simulation science, particularly in the worldwide implementation of objective measures of the quality of flight simulation motion systems."
Edward L BurnettRetiredAwardedAward: For his outstanding contributions to the nation’s most advanced military aircraft through the art of modeling and simulation to enhance controllability and performance.AIAA Citation: Presented at SciTech 2020
Prof Ronald A HessAwardedAward: 2019 deFlorez Award for Flight SimulationAIAA Citation: For contributions in the field of simulation fidelity for the improvement of air vehicle simulation and trainers, aircraft man machine interface, and flight controls.
Dr Laurence R YoungAwardedAward: Distinguished researcher and outstanding educator, responsible for fundamental contributions in applying quantitative models of human perception and control to flight simulation technology.AIAA Citation: Distinguished researcher and outstanding educator, responsible for fundamental contributions in applying quantitative models of human perception and control to flight simulation technology.
Dr Joseph F HornThe Pennsylvania State UniversityAwardedAIAA Citation: For pioneering contributions to rotorcraft flight simulation and education, including piloted ship-board landing and real-time simulation of coupled flight dynamics, ship-air wake modeling, and acoustics.
Dr John M HansonNASA Marshall Space Flight CenterAwardedAIAA Citation: For outstanding innovations and contributions in flight simulation applications for launch vehicle design, development, and requirements verification.
Dr Cleve MolerMathWorksAwardedAIAA Citation: For significant impact to the science of flight simulation through development of computational algorithms underlying an environment now used widely to create multi-domain models and operational software.
Mr William W ChungAmerican System CorpAwardedAIAA Citation: For technical leadership in advancing flight simulation technologies through development of flight and air traffic simulation facilities and improvement of motion cueing algorithms over thirty years of government and industry service.
Mark E DreierAwardedAIAA Citation: In recognition of 34 years of outstanding, innovative contributions to simulation of rotary wing aircraft, understanding of vortex ring state, fuzzy logic control, teaching, and publications.
Rodger A MuellerNASA-AmesAwardedAIAA Citation: For technical leadership in advancing the state-of-the-art of pilot cockpit control force-loader technology for flight simulation and enabling high-quality research and development flight simulations.
Lloyd M LandryAwardedAIAA Citation: For 44 years of technical leadership in the areas of modeling simulation and laboratires, and development of industry-government collaborative modeling and simulation activities.
Mr David G MillerBoeing Defense, Space & SecurityAwardedAIAA Citation: For outstanding achievements and innovative approaches in modeling and simulation of complex rotorcraft aeromechanical systems which led to important and broadly applied advancements in rotorcraft flying qualities and flight control technologies.
Dr Ruud J HosmanAMSAwardedAIAA Citation: In recognition of outstanding contributions to the development and validation of mathematical models of pilot perception and control of aircraft motions, and application to flight simulator motion cueing algorithm design.
Mr. Richard E McFarlandNASA-AmesAwardedAIAA Citation: In recognition of innovative technical accomplishments and leadership in real-time simulation modeling and algorithm development, especially in the areas of standardized kinematic models, time delay compensations, and rotorcraft modeling
Dr Patricia A SandersRetired f/Missile Defense AgencyAwardedAIAA Citation: In recognition of inspiration and relentless advocacy in implementing the disciplined use of modeling and simulation in the DOD weapons systems acquisition process
Dr Edward A MartinAwardedAIAA Citation: In recognition of outstanding contributions to advancement of flight simulation technology through research involving pilot perceptual cueing, leadership in establishing flight simulator design standards, and dedication to education and training of the simulation community
Col (AF) Jack A ThorpeAwardedAIAA Citation: In recognition of the vision and continued leadership that advanced networked simulation concepts and technology supporting system evaluation, test, and training in a globally-capable, virtual battlefield environment.
A L UeltschiAwardedAIAA Citation: For forty-four years of major contributions to improving flight safety by establishing simulator-based training programs throughout the United States, Canada, and Europe
Robert T GallowayAwardedAIAA Citation: For outstanding achievements in improving the fidelity of flight simulators through the development of practical yet effective standards and validation processes, and in educating simulation developers
Mr. Edward M BootheFlight Simulation & TrainingAwardedAIAA Citation: In recognition of continued leadership in the establishment and universal acceptance of international standards for the evaluation and qualification of aircraft training simulators
Dr Lloyd D ReidRetiredAwardedAIAA Citation: In recognition of sustained contributions to flight simulation, particularly research into operator modeling, motion drive algorithms, display ergonomics and effects of motion/visual cue delays
Prof Frank M CardulloState University of NYAwardedAIAA Citation: In recognition of significant and sustained contributions as engineer, consultant, teacher, and group leader to numerous areas of flight simulation, but particularly to modeling of vehicular dynamics, motion cueing and cue synchronization issue.s
Jacob A HouckAwardedAIAA Citation: In recognition of sustained outstanding contributions to the field of Flight Simulation as the designer and implementor of important NASA rotorcraft, air traffic control, and air transportation simulator facilities used for research and training at NASA Langley Research Center
Mr. Don R GumAwardedAIAA Citation: In recognition of significant and lasting accomplishments in both training and engineering simulation, in initiating and leading numerous simulation technology developments, in developing and modernizing various laboratory simulation facilities, and in the advancement of simulation technology application
Mr. Bertram W McFaddenMcFadden ServicesAwardedAIAA Citation: In recognition of his successful application of servosystem technology to the field of flight simulation. His unique approaches to the development of high-fidelity control force engineering and flight training
Dr Edward A StarkAwardedAIAA Citation: In recognition of significant and lasting contribution to the aerospace training field. His work has influenced the thinking and helped to shape the decisions of simulator training program planners throughout Government and Industry
Mr. Waldemar O BreuhausAwardedAIAA Citation: In recognition of the development and promotion of the total-in-flight simulation concept and its culmination in the USAF/FIFS airplane, which simulates with high fidelity, the total environment of another airplane
Mr. John B SinacoriApplied Science IncAwardedAIAA Citation: In recognition of numerous contributions in the field of flight simulation. His novel approaches have advanced the techniques of vehicle dynamics, and motion and visual simulation. His work benefited engineering development and flight training
Mr. Walter S ChambersAwardedAIAA Citation: For exceptional engineering and leadership in establishing and managing the Navy''s Visual Technology Research Simulator, dedicated to demonstrating high technology simulator concepts and their cost effectiveness for training.
Dr Robert M HoweAwardedAward: -AIAA Citation: For outstanding achievement in the development of modeling techniques and computer hardware used in flight simulation
Mr. Richard J HeintzmanSimtec IncAwardedAward: -AIAA Citation: For outstanding leadership in the development and management of simulator concepts and implementation techniques which successfully resulted in the first total environment tactical air-to-air combat simulators
Carl B ShelleyAwardedAIAA Citation: For his creative contribution sand outstanding leadership in the design and development of the training concepts for the Space Shuttle Program flight crew and flight controller personnel
William HaginAwardedAIAA Citation: For continued contributions to military and civil aviation training through the promotion of simulation as an effective training process, development of innovative training concepts, and research into pilot performance and proficiency measurements
Dr John E DubergAwardedAIAA Citation: For unusual perception, implementation and leadership of innovative and mutually beneficial educational and research programs, between universities and government research laboratories, for future aerospace scientists and engineers
Mr. John C DusterberryAwardedAIAA Citation: For outstanding achievement in the development of large amplitude motion systems
Prof Hugh H HurtAwardedAIAA Citation: For more than two decades of continuing major contributions in improving flight safety and efficiency by developing tests, training programs, and courses of study that effectively transmit sound aeronautical engineering concepts to flight personnel for practical use in both the military and civil sectors
Carroll "Pete" H WoodlingAwardedAIAA Citation: For outstanding contributions to advancing the development of simulators to train flight crew members for diverse manned space flight missions and for conducting continuing training programs for these flight crews
CAPT Walter P MoranAwardedAIAA Citation: For pioneering efforts in the utilization of flight stimulation to increase safety and economy of airline flight training and checkout operations. This has been accomplished through the development of cooperative programs with the FAA resulting in drastic reduction of flight time for training and rating of flight crews
Mr. Harold G MillerNASA HeadquartersAwardedAIAA Citation: For contributing significantly to the United States Space Flight Programs through development of flight controller training techniques and capabilities
Mr. Gifford BullAwardedAIAA Citation: For establishing the use of variable stability airplanes as flight dynamics training vehicles for engineering test pilots
Edwin H LinkAwardedAIAA Citation: For imagination and ingenuity in conceiving and implementing the idea of ground-based flight training equipment
Mr. Warren J NorthAwardedAIAA Citation: For contributions to astronaut training and operational crew procedures development in support of the manned space flight programs that have clearly demonstrated man''s ability to function and operate in the space environment
Lloyd L KellyAwardedAIAA Citation: For devoted endeavors to translate pilot's requirements into simulator hardware, resulting in the achievement of a degree of fidelity permitting simulator training of pilots and astronauts