Energy Systems Award
Established in 1981, the Energy Systems Award is presented for a significant contribution in the broad field of energy systems, specifically as related to the application of engineering sciences and systems engineering to the production, storage, distribution, and conservation of energy.
This annual award is generally presented at the AIAA SciTech Forum.
Accepting Online Nominations: 10 February
Nomination Deadline: 1 June
Endorsement Letters Deadline: 1 July
Award Recipients
Prof Ying ZhengUniversity of Western OntarioAwardedAward: 2025 AIAA Energy Systems AwardAIAA Citation: For remarkable contributions in advancing applied catalysis for clean and renewable energy innovations through exceptional dedication to research, education, and application.
Prof Chih-Jen SungUniversity of ConnecticutAwardedAward: 2024 AIAA Energy Systems AwardAIAA Citation: For outstanding contributions to flame dynamics and low-temperature chemistry for developing fuel-flexible, ultra-low emission, efficient combustion energy systems using conventional and alternative fuels.
Bengt Aake SundénAwardedAward: 2023 AIAA Energy Systems AwardAIAA Citation: Significant contributions to the development of efficient innovative cooling concepts of gas turbines and aircraft engines by pushing advanced numerical and experimental techniques to the forefront.
George CrabtreeAwardedAward: 2022 AIAA Energy Systems AwardAIAA Citation: “For his seminal contributions to defining the next-generation energy system and innovative technological and workforce development pathways to achieve it.”
Prof Kai H LuoUniversity College LondonAwardedAward: 2021 AIAA Energy Systems AwardAIAA Citation: For groundbreaking contributions to multiscale multiphysics modeling and simulation that have transformed energy system analysis, prediction, design and optimization through research, innovation, education and leadership
Prof Alan WilliamsAwardedAward: 2020 AIAA Energy Systems AwardAIAA Citation: For pioneering contributions to energy systems for enhanced efficiency and reduced pollution using experiments and modeling, and for education and services to industry and government.
Prof Arun MajumdarStanford UniversityAwardedAward: 2019 Energy Systems AwardAIAA Citation: For superior contributions to the science and engineering of nanoscale energy-conversion materials and devices and outstanding energy-related service at the highest administrative levels.
Prof Brian Edward LaunderThe University of ManchesterAwardedAward: 2018 Energy Systems AwardAIAA Citation: 2018 Energy Systems Award
Prof Suresh K AggarwalUniversity of Illinois at ChicagoAwardedAIAA Citation: For outstanding contributions to energy and combustion systems through pioneering work on advanced spray and flame model development for improved engine performance and pollution reduction.
Prof Ronald K HansonStanford UniversityAwardedAIAA Citation: For pioneering contributions on fundamental data provided from renewable and alternative fuels for applications to combustion engines, gasifiers and fluidized bed combustors for promoting fuel flexibility and performance of terrestrial energy systems.
Prof Tom I-Ping ShihPurdue University- Sch of Aero and AstroAwardedAIAA Citation: For outstanding contributions to computational tool development and improvement for use in design, analysis and examination of complex engineering problems involving aerodynamics, propulsion, and energy.
Dr William E LearUniversity of FloridaAwardedAIAA Citation: For distinguished significant contributions in the energy systems field over many years, most notably in distributed generation, direct methanol fuel cells, and combustion.
Prof Ryoichi S AmanoUniversity of Wisconsin-MilwaukeeAwardedAIAA Citation: For pioneering work in the fields of computational fluid dynamics and Terrestrial Energy with interest in propulsion, turbulence and energy systems with successful innovations in research, education and consulting.
Prof Darrell W PepperUniversity of Nevada, Las VegasAwardedAIAA Citation: For sustained development of novel computational modeling techniques related to new advanced energy concepts with exemplary innovations in research, education and consulting.
Dr Naeim A HeneinWayne State UniversityAwardedAIAA Citation: For outstanding contribution in the understanding of pollutant formation and clean energy conversion in combustion engines and also as a prolific writer, outstanding educator, mentor and consultant
Prof Essam E KhalilCairo UniversityAwardedAIAA Citation: For outstanding contributions in the design, development and application of energy efficient combustors, furnaces and buildings, and for his research contributions in education, research, and consulting.
Dr Robert C WinnEngineering Systems, Inc.AwardedAIAA Citation: For sustained and outstanding contributions to energy systems, heat transfer and fluid flow studies, accident reconstruction, vehicle static, dynamic and aerodynamic analyses, performance analyses of mechanical systems, and analysis and prediction of aircraft icing systems.
Prof Kuni KitagawaNagoya UniversityAwardedAIAA Citation: For sustained development of novel laser diagnostics techniques that have assisted in the development of high efficiency energy conservation devices with successful innovations in research, education, and consulting.
Dr Mark J LewisScience & Technology Policy Inst/Inst for Def AnalysesAwardedAIAA Citation: For outstanding contributions as a teacher, researcher, and advisor in advancing fundamental understanding of propulsion and fuels research that increased energy conservation and global awareness.
Dr Jim SwithenbankUniversity of SheffieldAwardedAIAA Citation: For extensive and pioneering contributions in combustion for clean energy utilization, mathematical modeling, and diagnostic tools development through sustained efforts in research, education and application.
Prof James H WhitelawImperial CollegeAwardedAIAA Citation: For outstanding contributions as a teacher, researcher, and consultant, and for significant contributions to the understanding development and applications of laser giagnostics and math mmodeling resulting in significant increase in energy efficiency and pollution reduction.
Prof William A SirignanoUniversity of California, IrvineAwardedAIAA Citation: For fundamental pioneering research on fuel atomization, spray combustion, and turbulent flames in gas-turbine and automotive engines, and for the innovative turbine-burner and miniature-liquid-film-combustor concepts
Dr Gabriel D RoyAwardedAIAA Citation: For outstanding vision in formulating and advancing innovative research leading to stable, more efficient operation of energy conversion systems, with significantly reduced noise and emissions.
Dr Merrill K KingNASA HeadquartersAwardedAIAA Citation: For outstanding contributions in the area of energy systems involving solid fuels, and for guiding and advancing innovative research in microgravity combustion that has led to numerous terrestrial applications with significant energy conservation and clean combustion systems.
Prof Subramanyam R GollahalliThe University of OklahomaAwardedAIAA Citation: For distinguished contributions to education, research, professional service, and advancement of the fields of energy and combustion
Adel F SarofimAwardedAIAA Citation: For outstanding and wide-ranging contributions in the areas of combustion and heat transfer including problems of pollution reduction from fossil-fuelled power systems
Dr Chung K LawPrinceton UniversityAwardedAIAA Citation: For outstanding contributions to the science and technology of combustion in chemical energy systems
Janos M BeerAwardedAIAA Citation: For distinguished contributions as an educator, researcher and consultant in techniques, developments and applications in the field of combustion
Dr Ken N C BrayUniversity of CambridgeAwardedAIAA Citation: For outstanding contributions to the understanding of the interaction between flow turbulence and combustion chemistry and to its modeling in computational simulations of practical combustion systems
Alexander I KalinaAwardedAIAA Citation: For originating a new high efficiency power plant cycle and to bring this cycle from an idea to an operational demonstration power plant
Dr William D JacksonAwardedAIAA Citation: For serving as a leader in energy technology an systems with particular recognition as a principal in the development, on an international basis, of magnetohydrodynamic electrical power generation.
Dr Geoffrey J SturgessAwardedAIAA Citation: For outstanding contributions to gas turbine combustion and energy systems, especially in the areas of combustion stability, heat transfer, and pollutant emissions and control
Prof Dilip R BallalUniversity of DaytonAwardedAIAA Citation: For distinguished contributions as a teacher and researcher in experimental and theoretical techniques, developments and applications in the field of combustion and environment
Prof David G LilleyAwardedAIAA Citation: For distinguished contributions as a teacher, researcher and consultant in the areas of swirl flows in combustors and furnaces, mathematical modeling, fuels and fires
Dr C. Byron WinnAwardedAIAA Citation: For long lasting contributions to energy conversion and conservation through education, consultation, and research, and as an innovator in applying aerospace technology to terrestrial energy systems.
Prof Ashwani K GuptaUniversity of MarylandAwardedAIAA Citation: For outstanding experimental and theoretical work on combustion, pollution control, alternative fuels, optical diagnostics, flowfield modeling, and fouling of heat exchangers have significantly enhanced the broad field of energy conversion and utilization
Dr L. Skip FletcherTexas A&M UniversityAwardedAIAA Citation: For significant contributions in the area of energy systems, for implementation of very successful energy conservation programs, for training young engineers in energy practice and for outstanding service to the AIAA energy community
Prof Stanford S PennerUniversity of California, San DiegoAwardedAIAA Citation: For significantly contributing to future fossil-fuel utilization by effectively leading prestigious national committees over a five-year period in detailed evaluations of opportunities, problems, potential solutions and R&D needs for enhanced development of fossil-fuel reserves
Dr Kenell J TouryanNational Renewable Energy LaboratoryAwardedAIAA Citation: For notable and continuing contributions to the fluid and thermal sciences, particularly thermohydraulics, solar total energy systems and MHD and for leadership in the development of advanced solar energy programs