Mechanics and Control of Flight Award Open for Nominations 10 February 2026 – 1 June 2026
The Mechanics and Control of Flight Award is presented for an outstanding recent technical or scientific contribution by an individual in the mechanics, guidance, or control of flight in space or the atmosphere. This award is normally given to an individual. However a small team of colleagues (nominally two to four) that have collaborated on a technical contribution may be considered for the award. In this case, the nomination package should be submitted for the team of individuals.
This annual award is generally presented at the AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition (AIAA SciTech Forum).
Accepting Online Nominations: 10 February
Nomination Deadline: 1 June
Endorsement Letters Deadline: 1 July
Award Recipients
Dr Ilya KolmanovskyThe University of MichiganAwardedAward: 2025 AIAA Mechanics and Control of Flight AwardAIAA Citation: For significant contributions to advances in theory and methods enabling development of reference governors and model predictive control algorithms enforcing safety constraints in aerospace systems.
Mr David G MitchellMitchell Aerospace ResearchAwardedAward: 2024 AIAA Mechanics and Control of Flight AwardAIAA Citation: For industry-defining research and globally recognized leadership in flying qualities, handling qualities, and PIO evaluation in both fixed wing and rotary wing vehicles.
Dr Robert H BishopUniversity of South FloridaAwardedAward: 2023 AIAA Mechanics & Control of Flight AwardAIAA Citation: For distinguished contributions to spacecraft control systems, especially for pioneering advancements of guidance and navigation systems for the Space Shuttle and ALHAT, and precision landings.
Prof Mark L PsiakiVirginia Tech Applied Research CorporationAwardedAward: 2022 AIAA Mechanics and Control of Flight AwardAIAA Citation: For the development of new nonlinear estimation algorithms and for their application to problems in satellite attitude and orbit determination and in GPS signal processing.
Dr Fred Y HadaeghJet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)AwardedAward: 2021 AIAA Mechanics and Control of Flight AwardAIAA Citation: Extraordinary contributions for advances in the theory, computation, and implementation of autonomous guidance, navigation, and control of single and distributed spacecraft systems.
Dr Christopher N D'SouzaNASA-Johnson Space CenterAwardedAward: For seminal contributions to the theory and practice of autonomous guidance, navigation, and control of space vehicles.
Dr E Glenn LightseyGeorgia Institute of TechnologyAwardedAward: 2019 Mechanics and Control of Flight AwardAIAA Citation: “For far-reaching advances toward low-cost space mission concepts through groundbreaking technological developments in sensor and actuator systems for small satellites.”
Dr Hanspeter SchaubAwardedAward: For the far-reaching theoretical and practical advances in spacecraft guidance, navigation and control, particularly in the fields of relative motion and nonlinear attitude dynamics and control, as well as space debris remediation dynamics.”AIAA Citation: For the far-reaching theoretical and practical advances in spacecraft guidance, navigation and control, particularly in the fields of relative motion and nonlinear attitude dynamics and control, as well as space debris remediation dynamics.”
Dr Robert E SkeltonTexas A&M UniversityAwardedAIAA Citation: For lasting contributions at the interfaces of mechanics and control of flight and leading the world in analysis, design, modeling and control of tensegrity structures.
Dr Srinivas R VadaliTexas A&M UnivAwardedAIAA Citation: For lasting contribution to the understanding of the relative motion of satellite formations and the control of this relative motion.
Prof Maruthi R AkellaUniversity of Texas at AustinAwardedAIAA Citation: For far-reaching theoretical and practical advances in aircraft/spacecraft guidance, navigation and control, particularly nonlinear attitude estimation and control.
Dr Eugene A MorelliNASA Langley Research CenterAwardedAIAA Citation: For pioneering research and innovative scientific contributions in the area of aircraft system identification with applications to flight mechanics and flight control systems.
Dr John L CrassidisUniversity at Buffalo, State University of New YorkAwardedAIAA Citation: For fundamental theoretical, computational, and mission support in spacecraft attitude estimation
Prof Naira HovakimyanUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignAwardedAIAA Citation: For ground breaking work in L1 robust adaptive control of nonlinear uncertain systems, vision-based guidance, navigation and control, and cooperative path planning of UAVs.
Dr Fariba FahrooAwardedAIAA Citation: For the development and implementation in software of pseudospectral methods for the solution of complex nonlinear optimal control problems.
Dr I. Michael RossNaval Postgraduate SchoolAwardedAIAA Citation: For the development and implementation in software of pseudospectral methods for the solution of complex nonlinear optimal control problems.
Dr Eugene LavretskyBoeing Engineering Operations & TechnologyAwardedAIAA Citation: For the development and technical transition of adaptive flight control technologies into unmanned aircraft and advanced weapon systems.
Prof Ping LuSan Diego State UniversityAwardedAIAA Citation: For contributions in advanced guidance algorithms for entry and ascent flight.
Dr Shannon L CoffeyNaval Research LaboratoryAwardedAIAA Citation: For developments in parallel processing that have resulted in a significant improvement in the U.S. capability in space situational awareness.
Prof Bong WieIowa State UniversityAwardedAIAA Citation: For innovative research on advanced control of complex spacecraft such as solar sails, large flexible structures, and agile imaging satellites equipped with CMGs.
Michael J HellerAwardedAIAA Citation: In recognition of outstanding improvements to F/A-18 high-angle-of-attack flying qualities, providing increased maneuverability and enhanced safety.
Dr Kevin A WiseBoeing Defense, Space & SecurityAwardedAIAA Citation: For active involvement in the application of guidance, navigation and control methodologies in flight control problems for jet aircraft and missiles
Dr Gottfried P SachsTechnical University of MunichAwardedAIAA Citation: For an outstanding contribution to the field of advanced, 3-dimensional guidance displays, particularly by developing and validating an innovative predictor-tunnel display for achieving maximum pilot-aircraft system performance.
Dr John E PrussingUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignAwardedAIAA Citation: For an outstanding contribution to the theory and computation of optimal spacecraft trajectories by developing a practical, necessary and sufficient condition test for optimality
Mr James K MillerAwardedAIAA Citation: In recognition of expectional contributions to the disciplines of astrodynamics and space exploration and in particular for being the technical innovator of the navigation system used to plan and implement the first asteroid orbiter.
Prof Ronald A HessAwardedAIAA Citation: For advances toward the design and analytical evaluation of flight control systems, emphasizing the safe piloted operation of aircraft.
Prof Robert F StengelAwardedAIAA Citation: For many contributions to the theory and practive of aerospace control and guidance, and for educating a gneration of students in these concepts.
Dr George H BornUniversity of Colorado BoulderAwardedAIAA Citation: For notable achievements in astrodynamics—navigation, precise orbit determination, and satellite applications to geophysics and oceanography.
Dr Kyle T AlfriendTexas A&M University (career opp)AwardedAIAA Citation: For significant contributions to orbital mechanics and satellite attitude and control
Dr F. Landis MarkleyAwardedAIAA Citation: For lasting contributions in spacecraft orbit and attitude dynamics, estimation and control, and satellite operations
Dr David K SchmidtRetired f/University of ColoradoAwardedAIAA Citation: For contributions to the field of dynamics and control of aerospace vehicles, especially in the multidisciplinary areas of aeroservoelastic interactions and aircraft handling characteristics
Prof Vinod J ModiThe University of British ColumbiaAwardedAIAA Citation: For pioneering, unique, and most important contributions toward the advancement of spacecraft dynamics, controls and space robotics, and for pervasive academic impact upon several generations of spacecraft dynamics and control student.s
Dr Robert D CulpRetired f/University of ColoradoAwardedAIAA Citation: For significant and lasting contributions to orbit determination techniques, atmospheric reentry theory, and optimal flight mechanics, including work on space debris, satellite fragmentation modeling, hazard to resident space objects, and the space environment.
Dr Nguyen VinhUniversity of MichiganAwardedAIAA Citation: For outstanding contributions to the mathematical theory of optimal control, applied to the flight mechanics of aerospace vehicles in the atmosphere and in space.
Dr Jer-Nan JuangAwardedAIAA Citation: For multi-faceted contributions to the mechanical design, controller designs, and system identification for control of flexible structures
Dr Anthony J CaliseAwardedAIAA Citation: For significant contributions to singular perturbation theory and its applications to real-time, approximate, optimal guidance of aerospace vehicles
Dr F William Nesline Jr.AwardedAIAA Citation: For outstanding leadership in pioneering the development of Observer Guidance, a unique approach to homing missile guidance that substantially increases the capability of U.S. Naval and land forces to defend themselves against all types of modern air threats
Dr Roger E DiehlAwardedAIAA Citation: In recognition of exceptional contributions to the discipline of trajectory analysis and, in particular, for his discovery of the Venus-Earth-Gravity-Assist trajectory used by the Galileo spacecraft
Dr Byron D TapleyUniversity of Texas at AustinAwardedAIAA Citation: For outstanding leadership and contributions in the development, education and application of precision orbit determination technology to oceanographic, geodetic and navigation satellites
Mr. William H PhillipsAwardedAIAA Citation: For outstanding theoretical and practical contributions which have significantly advanced aeronautics and astronautics in the fields of aircraft and spacecraft stability, control, guidance, flying qualities and simulation research.
Dr Leonard MeirovitchVPISUAwardedAIAA Citation: For extensive research results on spacecraft flight dynamics and control, especially for recent methods for suppressing vibration of large flexible spacecraft.
Dr Heinz ErzbergerNASA-AmesAwardedAIAA Citation: For work in development of flight path optimization techniques for commercial aircraft; for his pioneering work in development of guidance systems and for integration of these techniques into the national air traffic control system
Dr Jason L SpeyerUCLAAwardedAIAA Citation: For contributions to the deterministic and stochastic optimal control theory and its application to missile, manned spacecraft and aircraft guidance, navigation and control; for his quality research papers and his contributions a as a teacher of aerospace sciences
Dr George LeitmannAwardedAIAA Citation: For fundamental contributions to the theory and practices of flight mechanics, optimal control, and differential games, both through research and teaching
Dr John L JunkinsTexas A&M UniversityAwardedAIAA Citation: For significant contributions in analytical dynamics, optimal spacecraft maneuver strategies, modeling of the gravity field and especially for practical solutions of nonlinear two-point-boundary value problems to determine optimal attitude maneuvers
Dr Angelo MieleRice University MS-322AwardedAIAA Citation: For fundamental contributions to the mechanics and control of flight of aircraft, missiles, satellites and spaceships, and in particular for the development of innovative techniques for the analysis and computation of flight trajectories
Dr Robert W FarquharKinetX, Inc.AwardedAIAA Citation: For unique and sustained contributions to the technology of the control and application of libration-point satellites resulting in the successful flight of the world''s first libration point mission
Dr Arthur E BrysonStanford UniversityAwardedAIAA Citation: For developing the technology to predict high angle of attack, stall and spin characteristics for aircraft and for improving those characteristics through combined aerodynamic and automatic control design
Mr. Morris A OstgaardMorris A Ostgaard ConsultantAwardedAIAA Citation: For sustained achievements in modern control technology pioneering the use of Control Configured Vehicles, Fly-By-Wire, Digital Control and Active Control technology and achieving international recognition and the respect of leaders within this field.
Dr Richard H BattinMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyAwardedAIAA Citation: For invaluable contributions to the on board navigation and guidance for the Apollo missions.
Mr. Joseph R ChambersChambers Consulting Group LLCAwardedAIAA Citation: For developing the technology to predict high angle of attack, stall and spin characteristics for aircraft and for improving those characteristics through combined aerodynamic and automatic control design.
Mr. William P GilbertNASA-Langley Research CenterAwardedAIAA Citation: For developing the technology to predict high angle of attack, stall and spin characteristics for aircraft and for improving those characteristics through combined aerodynamic and automatic control design.
Dr Charles H MurphyAwardedAIAA Citation: For original non-linear theoretical analyses of missile flight dynamics
Prof Bernard EtkinAwardedAIAA Citation: For outstanding contribution to the science, the practice, and the teaching of aircraft and missile stability and control
Mr. Harold R VaughnAwardedAIAA Citation: For fundamental contributions to the understanding of the flight mechanics of reentry vehicles, rockets, bombs and shells, together with innovations in their aerodynamic design for stability and minimum dispersion in transonic flight
Henry J KelleyAwardedAIAA Citation: For exceptional and continuing contributions to optimal control theory and its applications and techniques in trajectory optimization
John V BreakwellAwardedAIAA Citation: For fundamental contributions in mathematical methods and physical insight in the areas of optimum control, stochastic optimization and guidance, and optimization for orbital transfer, and for his pioneering work in celestial mechanics which was instrumental in the success of early satellite tracking programs.
George W CherryAwardedAIAA Citation: For pioneering the development of the digital control system for space vehicles and the application of these techniques to the Apollo Command and Service Modules and the Lunar Modules
Dr William S WidnallAwardedAIAA Citation: For pioneering the development of the digital control system for space vehicles and the application of these techniques to the Apollo Command and Service Modules and the Lunar Modules
Dr Kenneth J CoxAwardedAIAA Citation: For pioneering the development of the digital control system for space vehicles and the application of these techniques to the Apollo Command and Service Modules and the Lunar Modules.
Mr. Irving L AshkenasAwardedAIAA Citation: For outstanding joint accomplishments in the conception, development and application of an analytical theory of aircraft handling qualities
Mr. Duane T McRuerAwardedAIAA Citation: For outstanding joint accomplishments in the conception, development and application of an analytical theory of aircraft handling qualities.
John P MayerAwardedAIAA Citation: For outstanding leadership in pioneering the design and development of trajectories which contributed decisively to the success of all United States manned spaceflights, including Apollo 8, the first manned lunar orbit mission.
Robert V KnoxMicromagneticsAwardedAIAA Citation: For outstanding accomplishments in design and system integration of the Minuteman guidance and control systems
Derek F LawdenAwardedAIAA Citation: For pioneer work and outstanding contributions to the field of space flight trajectory optimization.