Outstanding Section Award
Presented to sections judged on their overall activities and contributions throughout the year.
Award Recipients
Kevin SimmonsBLUECUBE AerospaceAwardedAward: 2023 Outstanding Section Award - Large, Cape Canaveral
Miss Alexandra M DukesLockheed Martin Space SystemsAwardedAward: 2023 Outstanding Section Award - Very Large, 3rd Place
Edward FeltropTextron AviationAwardedAward: 2023 Outstanding Section Award - Small, 2nd Place
Kevin L JohnsonJacobs Technology Inc.AwardedAward: 2023 Outstanding Section Award - Large, 2nd Place
Laura Villafañe RocaUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignAwardedAward: 2023 Outstanding Section Award - Medium, 3rd Place
Dr Kaja AntlejDeakin UniversityAwardedAward: 2023 Outstanding Section Award - Very Small, 3rd Place
Joseph W ConnollyNASA Glenn Research CenterAwardedAward: 2023 Outstanding Section Award - Large, 1st Place
Dr Soumyo DuttaNASA Langley Research CenterAwardedAward: 2023 Outstanding Section Award - Very Large, 2nd Place
Dr Teresa J ClementRaytheonAwardedAward: 2023 Outstanding Section Award - Medium, 1st Place
Dr Patrick R C NeumannNeumann SpaceAwardedAward: 2023 Outstanding Section Award - Very Small, 2nd Place
Mr James L SergeantVirgin GalacticAwardedAward: 2023 Outstanding Section Award - Large, 3rd Place
Mr Randy C ParsleyAwardedAward: 2023 Outstanding Section Award - Small, 3rd Place
Dr Ryan E SherrillAwardedAward: 2023 Outstanding Section Award - Small, 1st Place
Ms Michelle E Itzel-MontoyaUnited States Space ForceAwardedAward: 2023 Outstanding Section Award - 1st Place
Dr Kenneth LuiKen's ConsultingAwardedAward: 2023 Outstanding Section Award - Very Large, 1st Place
Dr Ryan E SherrillAwardedAward: 2022 Outstanding Section Award - Small SectionAIAA Citation: Northwest Florida Section
Mr Randy C ParsleyAwardedAward: 2022 Outstanding Section Award - Small SectionAIAA Citation: Palm Beach Section
Dr Jeffery J PuschellNorthrop Grumman Space SystemsAwardedAward: 2022 Outstanding Section Award - Very Large SectionAIAA Citation: Los Angeles-Las Vegas Section
Joseph W ConnollyNASA Glenn Research CenterAwardedAward: 2022 Outstanding Section Award - Large SectionAIAA Citation: Northern Ohio Section
Ms Michelle E Itzel-MontoyaUnited States Space ForceAwardedAward: 2022 Outstanding Section Award - Very Small SectionAIAA Citation: Central Coast of California Section
Dr Patrick R C NeumannNeumann SpaceAwardedAward: 2022 Outstanding Section Award - Very Small SectionAIAA Citation: Adelaide Section
Dr Teresa J ClementRaytheonAwardedAward: 2022 Outstanding Section Award - Medium SectionAIAA Citation: Tucson Section
Dr Atri DuttaWichita State UniversityAwardedAward: 2022 Outstanding Section Award - Small SectionAIAA Citation: Wichita Section
Mr Jonathan W MooreLockheed Martin Space SystemsAwardedAward: 2022 Outstanding Section Award - Medium SectionAIAA Citation: Greater Philadelphia Section
Mr Daniel J NiceNorthrop Grumman Defense SystemsAwardedAward: 2022 Outstanding Section Award - Very Small SectionAIAA Citation: Delaware Section
Theresa JehleNAAwardedAward: 2022 Outstanding Section Award - Very Large SectionAIAA Citation: Greater Huntsville Section
Laura Villafañe RocaUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignAwardedAward: 2022 Outstanding Section Award - Medium SectionAIAA Citation: Illinois Section
Dr Sanjay JayaramSaint Louis UniversityAwardedAward: 2022 Outstanding Section Award - Large SectionAIAA Citation: St. Louis Section
Joel L PerezUrsa Major TechnologiesAwardedAward: 2022 Outstanding Section Award - Large SectionAIAA Citation: San Diego Section
Miss Alexandra M DukesLockheed Martin Space SystemsAwardedAward: 2022 Outstanding Section Award - Very Large SectionAIAA Citation: Rocky Mountain
Mr Daniel J NiceNorthrop GrummanAwardedAward: 2021 Outstanding Section Award - Very Small Section
Mr Nishanth Reddy GoliAwardedAward: 2021 Outstanding Section Award - Very Large Section
Ms Michelle G RouchArtwork by RouchAwardedAward: 2021 Outstanding Section Award - Medium Section
Ms Michelle E ItzelAxientAwardedAward: 2021 Outstanding Section Award - Very Small Section
Mr Michael CarkinSierra Nevada CorporationAwardedAward: 2021 Outstanding Section Award - Very Small Section
Mr David S ParisAIAA Long Island SectionAwardedAward: 2021 Outstanding Section Award - Small Section
Mr Randy C ParsleyPratt & WhitneyAwardedAward: 2021 Outstanding Section Award - Small Section
Dr James A MartinSurf City AdventuresAwardedAward: 2021 Outstanding Section Award - Large Section
Stacey DeForeLockheed Martin Space SystemsAwardedAward: 2021 Outstanding Section Award - Very Large Section
Dr Jeffery J PuschellRaytheon Intelligence & SpaceAwardedAward: 2021 Outstanding Section Award - Very Large Section
Dr Mark E KammeyerBoeing Test & EvaluationAwardedAward: 2021 Outstanding Section Award - Large Section
Dr Ryan E SherrillAwardedAward: 2021 Outstanding Section Award - Small Section
Mr Jonathan W MooreLockheed MartinAwardedAward: 2021 Outstanding Section Award - Medium Section
Mr Michael J MackowskiAwardedAward: 2021 Outstanding Section Award - Medium Section
Dr Patrick R C NeumannNeumann SpaceAwardedAward: 2021 Outstanding Section Award - Very Small Section
Mrs Catherine M BeckNorthrop GrummanAwardedAward: 2021 Outstanding Section Award - Small Section
Joel L PerezSolar TurbinesAwardedAward: 2021 Outstanding Section Award - Large Section
Dr Chandrashekhar SonwaneAerojet RocketdyneAwardedAward: 2021 Outstanding Section Award - Very Large Section
Ms Kimberly M PainterNAVAIRAwardedAward: 2020 Outstanding Section Award - Large Section
Dr Wilfredo A CortezDoDAwardedAward: 2020 Outstanding Section Award - Medium Section
Mr Jason A LechniakNASA/AFRCAwardedAward: 2020 Outstanding Section Award - Medium Section
Mr Eugen R TomaPegasus EnterprisesAwardedAward: 2020 Outstanding Section Award - Small Section
Elizabeth A BalgaThe Boeing CompanyAwardedAward: 2020 Outstanding Section Award - Large Section
Mr Michael CarkinSierra Nevada CorporationAwardedAward: 2020 Outstanding Section Award - Very Small Section
Mr David S ParisAIAA Long Island SectionAwardedAward: 2020 Outstanding Section Award - Small Section
Ms Michelle E Itzel-MontoyaUnited States Space ForceAwardedAward: 2020 Outstanding Section Award - Very Small SectionAIAA Citation: Vandenberg Section
Mr Daniel J NiceNorthrop GrummanAwardedAward: 2020 Outstanding Section Award - Very Small Section
LTC Charles G SimpsonAwardedAward: 2020 Outstanding Section Award - Very Large Section
Ms Michelle G RouchArtwork by RouchAwardedAward: 2020 Outstanding Section Award - Medium Section
Dr Tyler B HudsonNASA Langley Research CenterAwardedAward: 2020 Outstanding Section Award - Very Large Section
Mr Randy C ParsleyPratt & WhitneyAwardedAward: 2020 Outstanding Section Award - Small Section
Dr Chandrashekhar SonwaneAerojet RocketdyneAwardedAward: 2020 Outstanding Section Award - Very Large Section
Mr James GuglielmoBoeing Research & TechnologyAwardedAward: 2020 Outstanding Section Award - Large Section
Mr Glen GuzikNASAAwardedAward: 2019 Outstanding Section - Very Small Section
Philip C SchulzeSystems Technology, Inc.AwardedAward: 2019 Outstanding Section - Large Section
Ms Peggy A CornellNASA Glenn Research CenterAwardedAward: 2019 Outstanding Section - Large Section
Eric J Hoffman-WattDCMAAwardedAward: 2019 Outstanding Section - Medium Section
Dr Vicki S JohnsonSpirit AeroSystems, Inc.AwardedAward: 2019 Outstanding Section - Medium Section
Mr Mark J RamseyNewSatAwardedAward: 2019 Outstanding Section - Very Small Section
Thomas R RehmeierBoeing Defense, Space & SecurityAwardedAward: 2019 Outstanding Section - Large Section
Mr Saman AghdamAwardedAward: 2019 Outstanding Section - Very Small Section
Breanne K SuttonNorthrop GrummanAwardedAward: 2019 Outstanding Section - Very Small Section
Dr Arnab DasguptaAwardedAward: 2019 Outstanding Section - Small Section
Mr Randy C ParsleyPratt & Whitney-RocketdyneAwardedAward: 2019 Outstanding Section - Small Section
Mr Miguel Antonio AmadorGulfstream Aerospace CorporationAwardedAward: 2019 Outstanding Section - Small Section
Dr Patrick R SheaNASA Langley Research CenterAwardedAward: 2019 Outstanding Section
Mr Jason A LechniakNASA/AFRCAwardedAward: 2019 Outstanding Section - Medium Section
Dr Chi L MaiGovernment Accountability OfficeAwardedAward: 2019 Outstanding Section - Small Section
Ms Peggy A CornellNASA Glenn Research CenterAwardedAward: Outstanding Section Award - Large Section 2018
Dr Amir S GohardaniInternational RectifierAwardedAward: Outstanding Section Award - Large Section 2018
Mr David S ParisAwardedAward: Outstanding Section Award - Medium Section 2018
Mr Mark J RamseyNewSatAwardedAward: Outstanding Section Award - Very Small Section 2018
David C FoxOrbital ATKAwardedAward: Outstanding Section Award - Very Small Section 2018
Dr Linda K KlimentWichita State UniversityAwardedAward: Outstanding Section Award - Medium Section 2018
Eric J Hoffman-WattDCMAAwardedAward: Outstanding Section Award - Medium Section 2018
Mr Gregory M BuckNASA Langley Research CenterAwardedAward: Outstanding Section Award - Very Large Section 2018
Marc D PolankaUS Air ForceAwardedAward: Outstanding Section Award - Very Large Section 2018
Ms Suzanne SwaineGulfstream Aerospace CorporationAwardedAward: Outstanding Section Award - Small Section 2018
Dr Naveen VetchaERC IncorporatedAwardedAward: Outstanding Section Award - Very Large Section 2018
Mr Randy C ParsleyAwardedAward: Outstanding Section Award - Small Section 2018
Dr Michael G ListAir Force Reseach LaboratoryAwardedAward: Outstanding Section Award - Very Large Section 2018
Dr Arnab DasguptaAwardedAward: Outstanding Section Award - Small Section 2018
Ioana Diana BroomeAwardedAward: Outstanding Section Award - Large Section 2018
James H GillandOhio Aerospace InstituteAwardedAward: Outstanding Section Award 2017
Dr Brian L BiswellRaytheon Missile SystemsAwardedAward: Outstanding Section Award 2017
Mr Brandon C StiltnerNASA Marshall Space Flight CenterAwardedAward: Outstanding Section Award 2017
Kristen L GerzinaNorthrop GrummanAwardedAward: Outstanding Section Award 2017
Dr Linda K KlimentWichita State UniversityAwardedAward: Outstanding Section Award 2017
Mr Robert M DowgwilloBoeing Engineering Operations & TechnologyAwardedAward: Outstanding Section Award 2017
Dr Alaa A ElmiliguiNASA Langley Research CenterAwardedAward: Outstanding Section Award 2017
Mr Mark J RamseyNewSatAwardedAward: Outstanding Section Award 2017
Edward T MeyerGulfstream Aerospace CorporationAwardedAward: Outstanding Section Award 2017
Philip C SchulzeSystems Technology, Inc.AwardedAward: Outstanding Section Award 2017
Brian S GulliverKimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.AwardedAward: Outstanding Section Award 2017
Breanne K SuttonNorthrop Grumman CorporationAwardedAward: Outstanding Section Award 2017
Mr David S ParisAwardedAward: Outstanding Section Award 2017
Robert MichalakSierra Nevada CorporationAwardedAward: Outstanding Section Award 2017
Mr Steven A JacobsonGeneral Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc.AwardedAward: Outstanding Section Award 2017
Dr Joseph M SheeleyAwardedAward: Outstanding Section Award 2017
Mr Benjamin J MorrellThe University of SydneyAwardedAward: Outstanding Section Award 2017
Mr Raymond S TrohanowskyPicatinny ArsenalAwardedAward: Outstanding Section Award 2017
Dr Kurt A PolzinNASA Marshall Space Flight CenterAwarded
Dr Amir S GohardaniInternational RectifierAwardedAward: Outstanding Section Award - Large Section 2016
Jeffrey A ScottNaval Air Warfare CenterAwarded
Dr Jeffery J PuschellRaytheon Space & Airborne SystemsAwarded
James H GillandOhio Aerospace InstituteAwarded
CAPT Keegan S McCoyU.S. Air ForceAwarded
Craig D HutchinsonNASA Langley Research CenterAwarded
Mrs Katherine R KucharskiGeneral Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc.Awarded
Kristen L GerzinaNorthrop GrummanAwarded
Dr Brian L BiswellRaytheon Missile SystemsAwarded
Mr David S ParisAwarded
Dr Joan M Labay-MarquezUniversity of the Incarnate WordAwarded
Dr Evan O SmithRoyal Australian Air ForceAwarded
Mr Mark J RamseyNewSatAwarded
Breanne K SuttonNorthrop Grumman CorporationAwarded
Jason R RiopelleGulfstream Aerospace CorporationAwarded
Breanne K SuttonNorthrop Grumman CorporationAwarded
Kristen L GerzinaNorthrop GrummanAwarded
Lt Col Kenneth D PhilippartAwarded
Mrs Elishka L JepsonRaytheon Missile SystemsAwarded
Mr Randall DrobnyAwarded
Mr Charles Jakob HarrisonGulfstream Aerospace CorporationAwarded
Dr Michael D WestDepartment of DefenceAwarded
MAJ Matthew J ZukFlorida Air National GuardAwarded
Dr Michael D WestDepartment of DefenceAwarded
Dr Nicola Sarzi AmadeRaytheon Space & Airborne SystemsAwarded
Cesar Octavio MartinNaval Air Systems CommandAwarded
Mr Dino RomanBoeing Commercial AirplanesAwarded
Dr Supriya BanerjeeFAMESAwarded
Minisa R ChildersTextron AviationAwarded
Mr David S ParisAwarded
Mr Christopher M KabureckGulfstream Aerospace CorporationAwarded
Dr Michael D WestDepartment of DefenceAwarded
Dr Supriya BanerjeeFAMESAwarded
Kristen L GerzinaNorthrop GrummanAwarded
Mr Randall DrobnyAwarded
Mr Thomas W MirowskiWilliams InternationalAwarded
Dr Eric L WalkerNASA Langley Research CenterAwarded
Joseph E JustinBoeing Defense, Space & SecurityAwarded
Mr Kevin J MelcherNASA Glenn Research CenterAwarded
Mr David S ParisAwarded
Dr Benjamin DickinsonAir Force Reseach LaboratoryAwarded
Rob TrepayawPITCHAwarded
Mrs Elishka L JepsonRaytheon Missile SystemsAwarded
Mr Eric SperoU.S. Army Research LaboratoryAwarded
Dr Eric J RuggieroGEAwarded
Mr Oliver W LeembruggenSumaria SystemsAwarded
Dr Ram R RamachandranJacobs ESSSA GroupAwarded
Ms Kimberly P HicksThe Boeing CompanyAwardedAIAA Citation: Pacific Northwest
Ms Tristan A ClouseAwardedAIAA Citation: Cape Canaveral
Mr Cameron J MillerLockheed Martin AeronauticsAwardedAIAA Citation: Atlanta
Mr David S ParisAwarded
Kristen L GerzinaNorthrop GrummanAwardedAIAA Citation: Twin Cities
Dr Jeffrey C BoulwareAwardedAIAA Citation: Utah
Mr Eric SperoU.S. Army Research LaboratoryAwardedAIAA Citation: Delaware
Mr Terry J RichterAwardedAIAA Citation: Savannah
Dr Ying-Ming LeeDept of US NavyAwardedAIAA Citation: China Lake
Mrs Courtney Spells WinskiAwardedAIAA Citation: Hampton Roads
Rob TrepayawPITCHAwardedAIAA Citation: Phoenix
Mr Thomas David KmiecKord TechnologiesAwardedAIAA Citation: Greater Huntsville
CAPT Kirk E HivelyRaytheon Missile SystemsAwardedAIAA Citation: Tucson
Dr Jeffery J PuschellRaytheon Space & Airborne SystemsAwardedAIAA Citation: Los Angeles/Las Vegas
Mr Kevin J MelcherNASA Glenn Research CenterAwardedAIAA Citation: Northern Ohio
Mr Oliver W LeembruggenSumaria SystemsAwardedAIAA Citation: Dayton/Cincinnati
Dr Michael D WestDepartment of DefenceAwarded
Dr Jolanta M JaniszewskaThe Ohio State UniversityAwarded
Dr M. Brett McMickellHoneywell International, Inc.Awarded
Kristen L GerzinaNorthrop GrummanAwarded
Dr George Williams JrAwarded
Marc D PolankaUS Air ForceAwarded
Mrs Susie C Allen-SierpinskiNAVAIRAwarded
John D SordylWilliams InternationalAwarded
Dr John C ArmstrongWeber State UniversityAwarded
Mr David S ParisAwarded
Mr Michael T WolffGulfstream Aerospace CorporationAwarded
Mr Eric SperoU.S. Army Research LaboratoryAwarded
CAPT Kirk E HivelyRaytheon Missile SystemsAwarded
Dr Melissa B CarterNASA-Langley Research CenterAwarded
Dr Ian R TuohyBAE SystemsAwarded
John D SordylWilliams InternationalAwarded
Dr Michael D WestDepartment of DefenceAwarded
Marc D PolankaUS Air ForceAwarded
Mr David D HoppMissile Defense AgencyAwarded
John D SordylWilliams InternationalAwarded
Dr Ian R TuohyBAE SystemsAwarded
Carolyn T SlivinskiSpace Telescope Science InstituteAwarded
Dr Jeffrey K JepsonRaytheon Missile SystemsAwarded
Col (AF) Charles T VonoAwarded
Paul SierpinskiNaval Air Warfare CenterAwarded
Mr Timothy DominickNorthrop GrummanAwarded
Marc D PolankaUS Air ForceAwarded
Mr. Umesh PatelGulfstream Aerospace CorporationAwarded
Andrew A CarlsonAwarded
Dr George Williams JrAwarded
Mr Ryan CarlblomHoneywell International, Inc.Awarded
Dr Trevor M MoellerUniversity of Tennessee Space InstituteAwarded
Thomas N RamsayHonda R&D Americas, Inc.Awarded
Mr Michael T WolffGulfstream Aerospace CorporationAwarded
Mr Brett M HoffstadtBrett Hoffstadt ConsultingAwarded
Mr Timothy DominickNorthrop GrummanAwarded
Dr Michael D WestDepartment of DefenceAwarded
Bradley L CrawfordNASA-Langley Research CenterAwarded
Mr David S ParisAwarded
Dr Michael D WestDepartment of DefenceAwarded
Mr Dean E DavisAwarded
Dr Christopher L RumseyNASA-Langley Research CenterAwarded
Dr Jackelynne P Silva-MartinezNASA Johnson Space CenterAwarded
Mrs Susie C Allen-SierpinskiNAVAIRAwarded
Mr Ryan CarlblomHoneywell International, Inc.Awarded
Dr Jeffrey K JepsonRaytheon Missile SystemsAwarded
Dr Surya RaghuAdvanced FluidicsAwarded
Mr David S ParisAwarded
Darin HaudrichNorthrop Grumman Aerospace SystemsAwarded
Mr. Edwin R YarbroughHoneywell International, Inc.Awarded
Dr David C FlemingFlorida Institute of TechnologyAwarded
Thomas N RamsayHonda R&D Americas, Inc.Awarded
Michael A HoadleyUSAFAwarded
Jeff D FlammNASA Langley Research CenterAwarded
Dr Kimberley C ClayfieldCSIRO Space Sciences & TechnologyAwarded
Prof Oleg A YakimenkoNaval Postgraduate SchoolAwarded
Col (AF) Charles T VonoAwarded
Jason C SlagleThe Boeing CompanyAwarded
Mr Raymond S TrohanowskyPicatinny ArsenalAwarded
Thomas J MroczkowskiBoeing Defense, Space & SecurityAwarded
Mark S HughesNASA Stennis Space CenterAwarded
Thomas N RamsayHonda R&D Americas, Inc.Awarded
Petra NedimovicAwarded
Dr Ian R TuohyBAE SystemsAwarded
Mr Greg J MarienNorthrop Grumman Aerospace SystemsAwarded
Mr Robert M VieitoGulfstream Aerospace CorporationAwarded
Mr Timothy DominickNorthrop GrummanAwarded
Scott M MunsonOrbital Technologies CorporationAwarded
Melvin (Mel) J BulmanAwarded
Dr Kimberley C ClayfieldCSIRO Space Sciences & TechnologyAwarded
Dr Shahzad KhalighSpace Technology Research LLCAwarded
Aaron AltmanAir Force Research LaboratoryAwarded
Prof Oleg A YakimenkoNaval Postgraduate SchoolAwarded
Mr. Edwin R YarbroughHoneywell International, Inc.Awarded
Mr Nalin A RatnayakeNASA Langley Research CenterAwarded
Mr Douglas J YazellHoneywell retired, now a Math Teacher Houston ISDAwarded
Mary-Ann M BoyceAwarded
Matthew J AngiuloRaytheon Missile SystemsAwarded
Mr David S ParisAwarded
Mr Greg J MarienNorthrop Grumman Aerospace SystemsAwarded
Dr Pramud RawatAwarded
Mr. Michael WoosterBall Aerospace & Technologies CorpAwarded
Dr Ian R TuohyBAE SystemsAwarded
Dr Jayant V RamakrishnanBastion Technologies, Inc.Awarded
Dr Joseph A WehrmeyerUSAF, AEDCAwarded
Melvin (Mel) J BulmanAwarded
Mr Raymond S TrohanowskyPicatinny ArsenalAwarded
L. Jane HansenAwarded
Mr. Christopher P St ClairOrbital Technologies CorporationAwarded
Mr. William J BernzottGulfstream Aerospace CorporationAwarded
Dr Tobenette HoltzAwarded
Dr F Ayhan SakaryaAwarded
Chris M TavaresBoeing Defense, Space & SecurityAwarded
Matthew J AngiuloRaytheon Missile SystemsAwarded
Mary-Ann M BoyceAwarded
Dr Robert J BrucknerNASA Glenn Research CenterAwarded
Paul KostekBase 2 SolutionsAwarded
Dr Roy Y MyoseWichita State UniversityAwarded
Mr Eric M RohrbaughATK Mission SystemsAwarded
Matthew J AngiuloRaytheon Missile SystemsAwarded
Mr Kevin R BurnsAwardedAward: San Diego Section
Mr. Mark J SnauferATK Space SystemsAwardedAIAA Citation: Presented to sections judged on their overall activities and contributions throughout the year. The basis for this award is the Section Annual Report.
Dorothy L BuckaninAwardedAIAA Citation: Presented to sections judged on their overall activities and contributions throughout the year. The basis for this award is the Section Annual Report.
Dr Andrew S Arena JrOklahoma State UniversityAwardedAIAA Citation: Presented to sections judged on their overall activities and contributions throughout the year. The basis for this award is the Section Annual Report.
Charles R KilmerKilmer EngineeringAwardedAIAA Citation: Presented to sections judged on their overall activities and contributions throughout the year. The basis for this award is the Section Annual Report.
Dr Fred L SwernSwerlin ASS, LLCAwardedAIAA Citation: Presented to sections judged on their overall activities and contributions throughout the year. The basis for this award is the Section Annual Report.
Mark E RayGulfstream Aerospace CorporationAwardedAIAA Citation: Presented to sections judged on their overall activities and contributions throughout the year. The basis for this award is the Section Annual Report.
Dr Pramud RawatAwardedAIAA Citation: Presented to sections judged on their overall activities and contributions throughout the year. The basis for this award is the Section Annual Report.
Dr O Hal BurnsideAwardedAIAA Citation: Presented to sections judged on their overall activities and contributions throughout the year. The basis for this award is the Section Annual Report.
Mr Richard J KwanConsultantAwardedAIAA Citation: Presented to sections judged on their overall activities and contributions throughout the year. The basis for this award is the Section Annual Report.
Christopher J PestakUniversities Space Research Association (USRA)AwardedAIAA Citation: Presented to sections judged on their overall activities and contributions throughout the year. The basis for this award is the Section Annual Report.
Mrs LaTunia G Pack MeltonNASA Langley Research CenterAwardedAIAA Citation: Presented to sections judged on their overall activities and contributions throughout the year. The basis for this award is the Section Annual Report.
Mr Steven R KingLockheed Martin Space SystemsAwardedAIAA Citation: Presented to sections judged on their overall activities and contributions throughout the year. The basis for this award is the Section Annual Report.
Dr Ian R TuohyBAE SystemsAwarded
Mrs. Marty A GustafsonOrbital Technologies CorporationAwardedAIAA Citation: Presented to sections judged on their overall activities and contributions throughout the year. The basis for this award is the Section Annual Report.
Dr Dale M PittAwardedAIAA Citation: Presented to sections judged on their overall activities and contributions throughout the year. The basis for this award is the Section Annual Report.
Dr Troy D DownenGulfstream Aerospace CorporationAwardedAIAA Citation: Presented to sections judged on their overall activities and contributions throughout the year. The basis for this award is the Section Annual Report.
Mr Eric M RohrbaughATK Mission SystemsAwarded
Brant C WhiteOrbital Technologies CorporationAwardedAIAA Citation: Presented to sections judged on their overall activities and contributions throughout the year. The basis for this award is the Section Annual Report.
Mr Jimmy A TurnerAwardedAIAA Citation: Presented to sections judged on their overall activities and contributions throughout the year. The basis for this award is the Section Annual Report.
Mary-Ann M BoyceAwarded
Mr Domenico A RuggieroBooz Allen Hamilton, Inc.AwardedAIAA Citation: Presented to sections judged on their overall activities and contributions throughout the year. The basis for this award is the Section Annual Report.
Mr Eric M RohrbaughATK Mission SystemsAwardedAIAA Citation: Presented to sections judged on their overall activities and contributions throughout the year. The basis for this award is the Section Annual Report.
Dr Prasada R GogineniAwardedAIAA Citation: Presented to sections judged on their overall activities and contributions throughout the year. The basis for this award is the Section Annual Report.
Christopher J PestakUniversities Space Research Association (USRA)Awarded
Mrs Barbara A LearyThe Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics LaboratoryAwardedAIAA Citation: Presented to sections judged on their overall activities and contributions throughout the year. The basis for this award is the Section Annual Report.
Dr Peter A CavalloCRAFT TechAwardedAIAA Citation: Presented to sections judged on their overall activities and contributions throughout the year. The basis for this award is the Section Annual Report.
Dr Donald J MalloyU.S. Air ForceAwardedAIAA Citation: Presented to sections judged on their overall activities and contributions throughout the year. The basis for this award is the Section Annual Report.
Mrs Shelly K CorbetsLockheed Martin CorporationAwarded
Mr. Abraham Franz BrunnerAwardedAIAA Citation: Presented to sections judged on their overall activities and contributions throughout the year. The basis for this award is the Section Annual Report.
Mr Kevin R BurnsAwardedAIAA Citation: Presented to sections judged on their overall activities and contributions throughout the year. The basis for this award is the Section Annual Report.
Greg L LarsonAwardedAIAA Citation: Presented to sections judged on their overall activities and contributions throughout the year. The basis for this award is the Section Annual Report.
COL James E SerpanosAwardedAIAA Citation: The Outstanding Section Award is presented to sections judged on their overall activities and contributions throughout the year. The basis for this award is the Section Annual Report.
Sophia BrightThe Boeing CompanyAwardedAIAA Citation: Presented to sections judged on their overall activities and contributions throughout the year. The basis for this award is the Section Annual Report.
H. R WelgeRobert's Engineering DevelopmentAwardedAIAA Citation: Presented to sections judged on their overall activities and contributions throughout the year. The basis for this award is the Section Annual Report.
Dr Marco T DebiasiAwardedAIAA Citation: Presented to sections judged on their overall activities and contributions throughout the year. The basis for this award is the Section Annual Report.
Jeff VeselenakAir Force Flight Test Center (AFFTC)AwardedAIAA Citation: Presented to sections judged on their overall activities and contributions throughout the year. The basis for this award is the Section Annual Report.
Karen K CopperAwardedAIAA Citation: Presented to sections judged on their overall activities and contributions throughout the year. The basis for this award is the Section Annual Report.
Dr James H ThacherAwardedAIAA Citation: Presented to sections judged on their overall activities and contributions throughout the year. The basis for this award is the Section Annual Report.
Dr John C LinNASA-Langley Research CenterAwardedAIAA Citation: Presented to sections judged on their overall activities and contributions throughout the year. The basis for this award is the Section Annual Report.
Dr Kevin P KremeyerPhysics, Materials, and Applied Mathematics Research, LLCAwardedAIAA Citation: The Outstanding Section Award is presented to sections judged on their overall activities and contributions throughout the year. The basis for this award is the Section Annual Report.
Dr Lawrence E LijewskiAwardedAIAA Citation: The Outstanding Section Award is presented to sections judged on their overall activities and contributions throughout the year. The basis for this award is the Section Annual Report.
Ms Allison F ZunigaNASA-Ames Research CenterAwardedAIAA Citation: The Outstanding Section Award is presented to sections judged on their overall activities and contributions throughout the year. The basis for this award is the Section Annual Report.
Dr Lawrence E LijewskiAwarded
Mr Jason ThomasAwardedAIAA Citation: The Outstanding Section Award is presented to sections judged on their overall activities and contributions throughout the year. The basis for this award is the Section Annual Report.
Gary P WhiteAwardedAIAA Citation: The Outstanding Section Award is presented to sections judged on their overall activities and contributions throughout the year. The basis for this award is the Section Annual Report.
Mr Timothy T TraversMillennium Engineering and Integration CompanyAwardedAIAA Citation: The Outstanding Section Award is presented to sections judged on their overall activities and contributions throughout the year. The basis for this award is the Section Annual Report.
Dr William W CopenhaverUSAFAwardedAIAA Citation: The Outstanding Section Award is presented to sections judged on their overall activities and contributions throughout the year. The basis for this award is the Section Annual Report.
Mr Clyde E Carr JrNorthrop GrummanAwardedAIAA Citation: The Outstanding Section Award is presented to sections judged on their overall activities and contributions throughout the year. The basis for this award is the Section Annual Report.
Mr. Pedro R NievesLockheed Martin CorporationAwardedAIAA Citation: The Outstanding Section Award is presented to sections judged on their overall activities and contributions throughout the year. The basis for this award is the Section Annual Report.
Mr Michael L OelkeAwardedAIAA Citation: The Outstanding Section Award is presented to sections judged on their overall activities and contributions throughout the year. The basis for this award is the Section Annual Report.
LT John A Morris2nd Space Launch SqAwardedAIAA Citation: The Outstanding Section Award is presented to sections judged on their overall activities and contributions throughout the year. The basis for this award is the Section Annual Report.
Andrew D SantangeloAwardedAIAA Citation: The Outstanding Section Award is presented to sections judged on their overall activities and contributions throughout the year. The basis for this award is the Section Annual Report.
COL James E SerpanosAwarded
Mr Steven R NonemanAwardedAIAA Citation: The Outstanding Section Award is presented to sections judged on their overall activities and contributions throughout the year. The basis for this award is the Section Annual Report.
Dr Ian HalliwellNorthwind Propulsion Inc.AwardedAIAA Citation: The Outstanding Section Award is presented to sections judged on their overall activities and contributions throughout the year. The basis for this award is the Section Annual Report.
Ms. Kathy J PremUniversity of WisconsinAwardedAIAA Citation: The Outstanding Section Award is presented to sections judged on their overall activities and contributions throughout the year. The basis for this award is the Section Annual Report.
Lynn Nicole SmithNASA Glenn Research CenterAwarded