Pendray Aerospace Literature Award Open for Nominations 10 February 2025 – 1 June 2025
The Pendray Aerospace Literature Award is named in honor of Dr. G. Edward Pendray, a founder and past president of the American Rocket Society. The award is presented for an outstanding contribution or contributions to aeronautical and astronautical literature in the relatively recent past. The emphasis should be upon the high quality or major influence of the piece rather than, for example, the importance of the underlying technological contribution. The award is an incentive for aerospace professionals to write eloquently and persuasively about their field and should encompass editorials as well as papers or books.
This annual award is generally presented at the AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition (AIAA SciTech Forum).
Accepting Online Nominations: 10 February
Nomination Deadline: 1 June
Endorsement Letters Deadline: 1 July
Award Recipients
Prof Joseph M PowersUniversity of Notre DameAwardedAward: 2025 AIAA Pendray Aerospace Literature AwardAIAA Citation: Book: Mechanics of Fluids
Prof Ann P DowlingUniversity Of CambridgeAwardedAward: 2024 AIAA Pendray Aerospace Literature AwardAIAA Citation: Book: Combustion Noise
Dr Balakumar BalachandranUniversity of MarylandAwardedAward: 2023 AIAA Pendray Aerospace Literature AwardAIAA Citation: Book:"Applied Nonlinear Dynamics: Analytical, Computational, and Experimental Methods and Vibrations, Third Edition"
Prof Tim C LieuwenGeorgia Institute of TechnologyAwardedAward: 2021 AIAA Pendray Aerospace Literature AwardAIAA Citation: For outstanding contributions to the development of aerospace literature in combustion and propulsion, particularly in unsteady combustor physics, gas turbine emissions, and synthesis gas combustion.
Prof Russell M CummingsUS Air Force AcademyAwardedAward: For being the lead author on a ground breaking undergraduate text that introduces computational fluid dynamics to aeronautical engineering students.AIAA Citation: Presented at SciTech 2020
Prof Naira HovakimyanUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignAwardedAward: L1 Adaptive Control Theory: Guaranteed Robustness with Fast AdaptationAIAA Citation: L1 Adaptive Control Theory: Guaranteed Robustness with Fast Adaptation
Dr Josette R BellanJet Propulsion LaboratoryAwardedAward: “For widely reaching, seminal and outstanding publications on bio-fuels, sprays and high pressure flows to meet future challenges of Aeronautics and Astronautics combustion systems.”AIAA Citation: “For widely reaching, seminal and outstanding publications on bio-fuels, sprays and high pressure flows to meet future challenges of Aeronautics and Astronautics combustion systems.”
Prof Ashwani K GuptaUniversity of MarylandAwardedAIAA Citation: For exemplary contributions to the aerospace literature especially on swirl flows and high temperature combustion technology and for his services as book series editor and associate editor of journals.
Dr David K SchmidtRetired f/University of ColoradoAwardedAIAA Citation: For sustaining and influential contributions to aerospace literature in the area of aerospace vehicle dynamics and control, including the comprehensive textbook, Modern Flight Dynamics.
Dr Antony JamesonStanford UniversityAwardedAward: For seminal and high-impact research papers in the field of computational fluid dynamics and aerodynamic optimization."AIAA Citation: For seminal and high-impact research papers in the field of computational fluid dynamics and aerodynamic optimization."
Prof Wassim Michael HaddadGeorgia Institute of TechnologyAwardedAward: For paramount and fundamental contributions to the literature of dynamical systems and control for large-scale aerospace systems.AIAA Citation: For paramount and fundamental contributions to the literature of dynamical systems and control for large-scale aerospace systems.
Prof Ronald F ProbsteinMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyAwardedAIAA Citation: For seminal contributions to hypersonics, synthetic fuels, water purification and physicochemical hydrodynamics.
Prof Robert F StengelAwardedAIAA Citation: For outstanding and influential contributions to aerospace literature in the areas of flight dynamics, and optimal control and estimation.
William F Milliken JrMilliken Research AssociatesAwardedAIAA Citation: For seven decades of outstanding technical accomplishments and unparalleled leadership in the field of vehicle dynamics, and for his inspiring autobiography for future generations.
Prof Moshe MatalonUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignAwardedAIAA Citation: For outstanding contributions to aerospace literature, most notably seminal papers in the area of reacting flows.
Prof Kenneth K. KuoAwardedAIAA Citation: For outstanding contributions to the propulsion and combustion literature through textbooks, edited volumes and technical articles.
Dr Vigor YangGeorgia Institute of TechnologyAwardedAIAA Citation: For significant contributions as both an author and an editor to aerospace literature, particularly in the areas of propulsion, combustion and energetics.
Prof Alexander J SmitsPrinceton UniversityAwardedAIAA Citation: For outstanding and significant contributions to the aerospace literature, especially in the area of high Reynolds turbulent flows and for his dedicated service as an Editor and Associate Editor of many fluid dynamics journals.
Dr Christopher K TamFlorida State UniveristyAwardedAIAA Citation: For outstanding contributions to the mathematical foundation and algorithms for computational aeroacoustics, the understanding of jet noise generation mechanisms and prediction methods, turbulence modeling and hydrodynamic instability through numerous publications.
Dr Sebastien M CandelEcole Centrale ParisAwardedAIAA Citation: For extensive and pioneering technical contributions to aerospace literature, especially for recent seminal papers on the dynamics of perturbed flames, computational aeroacoustics, advanced rocket combustion processes, and hypersonic flows.
Dr Chung K LawPrinceton UniversityAwardedAIAA Citation: For outstanding and sustained contributions to the aerospace literature, particularly in the areas of combustion and propulsion
Dr Wei ShyyThe Hong Kong University of Science and TechnologyAwardedAIAA Citation: For significant contributions to research and publications in computation and modeling techniques for a broad range of aerospace applications
Mr George P SuttonAwardedAIAA Citation: For his highly significant contributions to aerospace literature, as embodied in the classic textbook Rocket Propulsion Elements, continuously in print with seven editions, since being published originally in 1949.
Dr Ben T ZinnGeorgia Institute of TechnologyAwardedAIAA Citation: For continuous high-quality contributions to aerospace literature, especially for numerous pioneering papers in the field of oscillatory combustion and its control
Prof Vinod J ModiThe University of British ColumbiaAwardedAIAA Citation: For extraordinarily significant contributions to the literature of aerospace vehicle dynamics, controls, and robotics, and for pervasive academic impact on several generations of dynamics and control students
Prof Satya N AtluriTexas Tech UniversityAwardedAIAA Citation: For groundbreaking publications in computation structural mechanics, micromechanics of new materials, and dynamics and control of large space structures.
Dr Joseph A SchetzVirginia TechAwardedAIAA Citation: For extensive, sustained, outstanding aerospace literature contribution including many pioneering journal articles and conference preprints, a widely appreciated monograph, edited volumes, and two successful textbooks.
Dr John D AndersonRetired f/University of MarylandAwardedAIAA Citation: For writing undergraduate and graduate textbooks in aerospace engineering which have received worldwide acclaim for their readability and clarity of presentation, including historical content.
Dr Ali H NayfehAwardedAIAA Citation: For seminal contributions to perturbation methods, nonlinear dynamics, acoustics, and boundary-layer transition; praiseworthy for their quality relevance, timeliness, and lasting influence on the aerospace community
Prof Forman A WilliamsUniversity of California San DiegoAwardedAIAA Citation: For numerous, exceptionally clear, and vital contributions to the combustion science and technology literature that are recognized as advanced and fundamental expositions of a very wide range of forefront technical issues
Dr J. S. PrzemienieckiAwardedAIAA Citation: For his pioneering publications on aircraft structural analysis and design and finite element methods, particularly his world famous textbook; and for his creation and editorship of the prestigious AIAA Education Series of textbooks and monographs serving the needs of academia and the aerospace industry
Prof William A SirignanoUniversity of California, IrvineAwardedAIAA Citation: For numerous, exceptionally clear, and important contributions to the technical literature of combustion, non-steady fluid mechanics and heat transfer that are recognized as quality references in the fields of air and space flight, noise pollution, air pollution, fire safety, and energy conservation
Dr John L JunkinsTexas A&M UniversityAwardedAIAA Citation: For numerous, high quality, and influential contributions of both timely practical importance and lasting significance to the professional literature of spacecraft dynamics and control, and for extensive editorial advancing the quality of archival literature
Budugur LakshimarayanaAwardedAIAA Citation: For original, innovative and prolific contributions to the fluid dynamics and turbomachinery literature, and his ability to synthesize, correlate, and integrate knowledge in a range of areas, clearly recorded and explained for effective use by practitioners
Gordon C OatesAwardedAIAA Citation: For lifetime contributions to the literature of jet propulsion including particularly, a series of three recent books covering the field of aeropropulsion
Dr Richard H BattinMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyAwardedAIAA Citation: For sustained and outstanding contributions to the literature in astrodynamics, control, and applied mathematics which have led to significant advances in strategic missile and planetary navigation systems
Wayne JohnsonAwardedAIAA Citation: For an outstanding contribution to the aeronautical literature through the comprehensive treatise entitled "Helicopter Theory" which has provided a definitive text on the engineering analysis of helicopter aerodynamics, dynamics and aeroelasticity
Warren C StrahleAwardedAIAA Citation: For sustained and diverse contributions to the aerospace literature in the fields of combustion, combustion, combustion acoustics, and turbulent reacting flows
Dr Leonard MeirovitchVPISUAwardedAIAA Citation: For prolific and high quality research publications and five textbooks which have had a profound impact upon a whole generation of structural dynamicists and specialists in spacecraft dynamics and control.
Dr Marvin E GoldsteinNASA Glenn Research CenterAwardedAIAA Citation: For outstanding literature contributions in aeroacoustics and unsteady aerodynamics which have significantly advanced those sciences and produced key elements in the design of high-speed fans and compressors for modern aircraft engines
Dr Angelo MieleRice University MS-322AwardedAIAA Citation: For contributions to the literature on flight mechanics, aerodynamics, optimization theory and numerical methods, and particularly for recent contributions to methods for solution of optimal control problems on digital computers
Mr. Robert B HotzAwardedAIAA Citation: For outstanding contributions to aerospace information dissemination and stimulating editorials over a period of 25 years
Prof Fred E C CulickAwardedAIAA Citation: For numerous outstanding contributions to the technical literature of combustion instability in solid rocket motors.
Henry J KelleyAwardedAIAA Citation: For numerous, significant, innovative and timely contributions to the literature on numerical methods for the solution of trajectory optimization and pursuit evasion/differential games problems
Dr A. M KuetheAwardedAIAA Citation: For the clear, cogent and comprehensive technical writing which has characterized the three editions of the nationally renowned book, "Foundations of Aerodynamics", that has educated and influenced several generations of engineers
Dr George LeitmannAwardedAIAA Citation: For significant, innovative and timely contributions to the literature on rocket trajectory optimizations, optimum control and differential games.
Prof Stanford S PennerUniversity of California, San DiegoAwardedAIAA Citation: For outstanding contributions to the literature of aerothermo chemistry and its application to combustion, theory, radiative heat transfer and re-entry phenomena
William R SearsAwardedAIAA Citation: For many contributions to the aeronautical and astronautical literature since 1938
Dr Frederick I Ordway IIIAwardedAIAA Citation: For many contributions to the literature in recording the history and publicizing the benefits of the space program
Dr Richard J PriemAwardedAIAA Citation: For outstanding contributions to the field of liquid rocket combustion, particularly for contributions on performance and instability criteria for liquid motor design
Marcus F HeidmannAwardedAIAA Citation: For outstanding contributions to the field of liquid rocket combustion, particularly for contributions on performance and instability criteria for liquid motor design
Dr Edward W PriceAwardedAIAA Citation: For continued outstanding contributions to the literature of solid rocket internal ballistics and combustion, particularly for his contributions on combustion instability and ignition
Prof Nicholas J HoffStanford UniversityAwardedAIAA Citation: For outstanding contributions in the fields of structures and structural mechanics through his many books and publications as well as through direct consultation for government agencies and industry
Wilmont N HessAwardedAIAA Citation: For an outstanding contribution to the literature in the field of space physics by synthesizing and reflecting in a single text the results of a decade of research on the Radiation Belt and Magnetosphere
Dr Arthur E BrysonStanford UniversityAwardedAIAA Citation: For outstanding publications in the area of guidance and control as typified by the text Applied Optimal Control
Dr Robert A GrossColumbia UniversityAwardedAIAA Citation: For the outstanding contribution to the literature of the flight sciences
Prof Antoni K OppenheimUniversity of California BerkeleyAwardedAIAA Citation: For outstanding contributions to the field of aeronautical and astronautical literature in the area of gaseous detonation and gas wave dynamics
Dinsmore AlterAwardedAIAA Citation: For the Lunar Atlas, whose purpose is to aid lunar research by presenting the moon''s surface in accurate photographic and descriptive detail from a fundamental selenographic and astronomical point of view
Andrew G HaleyAwardedAIAA Citation: In recognition and appreciation of his pioneering contributions to the analysis of governmental and international legal questions arising from the rapid development of space travel and space exploration, as exemplified by his book, Space Law and Government
Howard SeifertAwardedAIAA Citation: For the outstanding contribution to the literature of the flight sciences
Krafft EhrickeAwarded
Luigi M CroccoAwarded
Dr Ali B CambelAwarded
Homer E Newell Jr.Awarded
Grayson MerrillAwarded
Hermann OberthAwarded
Walter R DornbergerAwarded
Martin SummerfieldAwardedAIAA Citation: For significant lasting contributions to the American Rocket Society Journal and to the AIAA Progress In Aeronautics and Astronautics Book Series.
T S TsienAwarded
Maurice J ZuckrowAwarded
Mr George P SuttonAwardedAIAA Citation: For the first edition of his book Rocket Propulsion Elements.