Summerfield Book Award Open for Nominations 10 February 2025 – 1 June 2025
The Summerfield Book Award is named in honor of Dr. Martin Summerfield, founder and initial editor of the Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics series of books published by the AIAA. The award is presented to the author of the best book recently published (within the last five years) by AIAA. This annual award is generally presented at the AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition (AIAA SciTech Forum).
Accepting Online Nominations: 10 February
Nomination Deadline: 1 June
Endorsement Letters Deadline: 1 July
Award Recipients
Mr Jeffrey W HamstraLockheed Martin AeronauticsAwardedAward: 2024 AIAA Summerfield Book AwardAIAA Citation: Book: The F-35 Lightning II: From Concept to Cockpit
Dr Donald L EdbergCalifornia State Polytechnic University, PomonaAwardedAward: 2022 AIAA Summerfield Book AwardAIAA Citation: Book: Design of Rockets and Space Launch Vehicles
Willie CostaAwardedAward: 2022 AIAA Summerfield Book AwardAIAA Citation: Book: “Design of Rockets and Space Launch Vehicles”
Dr John D AndersonRetired f/University of MarylandAwardedAward: 2021 AIAA Summerfield Book AwardAIAA Citation: Book: Hypersonic and High-Temperature Gas Dynamics, Third Edition
Dr Steve A BrandtUS Air Force AcademyAwardedAward: Introduction to Aeronautics: A Design Perspective, Third EditionAIAA Citation: Presented at 2020 AIAA SciTech Forum
Dr Keith BoyerPractical Aeronautics, Inc.AwardedAward: “For “Elements of Propulsion – Gas Turbines and Rockets” and its contributions, from quickly predicting the behavior of “real” engines to the numerous and helpful examples.”AIAA Citation: “For “Elements of Propulsion – Gas Turbines and Rockets” and its contributions, from quickly predicting the behavior of “real” engines to the numerous and helpful examples.”
Dr Jack D MattinglyMattingly ConsultingAwardedAward: 2019AIAA Citation: “Elements of Propulsion – Gas Turbines and Rockets” and its contributions, from quickly predicting the behavior of “real” engines to the numerous and helpful examples.
Grant CarichnerAwardedAward: Fundamentals of Aircraft and Airship Design is the legacy of two of Lockheed Martin's chief engineers whose experiences span dozens of projects and more than thirty years of novel flight vehicle development in the company's Skunk Works.AIAA Citation: Fundamentals of Aircraft and Airship Design is the legacy of two of Lockheed Martin's chief engineers whose experiences span dozens of projects and more than thirty years of novel flight vehicle development in the company's Skunk Works.
Dr Leland M NicolaiAwardedAward: Fundamentals of Aircraft and Airship Design is the legacy of two of Lockheed Martin's chief engineers whose experiences span dozens of projects and more than thirty years of novel flight vehicle development in the company's Skunk Works.AIAA Citation: Fundamentals of Aircraft and Airship Design is the legacy of two of Lockheed Martin's chief engineers whose experiences span dozens of projects and more than thirty years of novel flight vehicle development in the company's Skunk Works.
Dr Hanspeter SchaubAwardedAward: “Analytical Mechanics of Space Systems, 2nd edition.
Dr John L JunkinsTexas A&M UniversityAwardedAward: “Analytical Mechanics of Space Systems, 2nd edition"
Dr James J Spilker Jr.Awarded
Per K EngeAwarded
Dr Penina AxelradUniversity of Colorado BoulderAwarded
Dr Bradford W ParkinsonAwarded
Dr Michael D GriffinSchafer CorporationAwardedAIAA Citation: Space Vehicle Design, Second Edition
James R FrenchJRF Engineering ServicesAwardedAIAA Citation: Space Vehicle Design, Second Edition
Dr Robert E BallAwardedAIAA Citation: The Fundamentals of Aircraft Combat Survivability Analysis and Design, Second Edition
Dr David E BossertRaytheon Missile SystemsAwardedAIAA Citation: Introduction to Aircraft Flight Mechanics: Performance, Static Stability, Dynamic Stability, and Classical Feedback Control
Dr Steven L MorrisEngineering Systems, Inc.AwardedAIAA Citation: Introduction to Aircraft Flight Mechanics: Performance, Static Stability, Dynamic Stability, and Classical Feedback Control
Dr Thomas R YechoutU.S. Air Force AcademyAwardedAIAA Citation: Introduction to Aircraft Flight Mechanics: Performance, Static Stability, Dynamic Stability, and Classical Feedback Control
Dr Wayne F HallgrenPractical Aeronautics, Inc.AwardedAIAA Citation: Introduction to Aircraft Flight Mechanics: Performance, Static Stability, Dynamic Stability, and Classical Feedback Control
Dr David T PrattPratt ConsultingAwardedAIAA Citation: For their AIAA Education Series book, Hypersonic Airbreathing Propulsion, which presents a fundamental, logical, integrated treatment of this complex field and also contributes original research and scholarship. Its comprehensive exposition is extremely well written and friendly to read, representing an outstanding educational resource and a critical reference for years to come
Dr Jack D MattinglyMattingly ConsultingAwardedAIAA Citation: For an outstanding, modern, and unique classic textbook, Aircraft Engine Design: Second Edition, which provides a sound, comprehensive foundation for students of engine design
Dr William H HeiserWilliam Heiser ConsultantAwardedAIAA Citation: For an outstanding, modern, and unique classic textbook, Aircraft Engine Design: Second Edition, which provides a sound, comprehensive foundation for students of engine design.
Mr Steven J IsakowitzThe Aerospace CorporationAwardedAIAA Citation: For the book International Reference Guide to Space Launch Systems 3rd Edition and Guide to Space Launch Systems currently in its 3rd edition, which has become the standard authoritative reference for launch vehicle data both nationally and internationally, and will continue to be a reference to the aerospace industry for years to come
Mr. Joseph P Hopkins Jr.AwardedAIAA Citation: For the book International Reference Guide to Space Launch Systems 3rd Edition and Guide to Space Launch Systems currently in its 3rd edition, which has become the standard authoritative reference for launch vehicle data both nationally and internationally, and will continue to be a reference to the aerospace industry for years to come
Joshua B HopkinsLockheed Martin Space SystemsAwardedAIAA Citation: For the book International Reference Guide to Space Launch Systems 3rd Edition and Guide to Space Launch Systems currently in its 3rd edition, which has become the standard authoritative reference for launch vehicle data both nationally and internationally, and will continue to be a reference to the aerospace industry for years to come
Dr Richard H BattinMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyAwardedAIAA Citation: For the AIAA Education Series book An Introduction to the Mathematics and Methods of Astrodynamics, an excellent source for both classical results and recent research, much of it generated by the author
Paul ZarchanMassachusettes Institute of TechnologyAwardedAIAA Citation: For the book “Tactical and Strategic Missile Guidance” with three editions published in the AIAA Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics, which has become a classic by providing a unique, insightful, and modern exposition of this complex subject in an unusually clear pedagogical format useful to both novices and experts
Dr Daniel P RaymerConceptual Research CorporationAwardedAIAA Citation: For his book, Aircraft Design: A Conceptual Approach, which presents both students and practicing designers a comprehensive exposition of the aircraft design process from initial conceptual layouts to final design decisions, covering every phase of design.
Dr William H HeiserWilliam Heiser ConsultantAwardedAIAA Citation: For their AIAA Education Series book, Hypersonic Airbreathing Propulsion, which presents a fundamental, logical, integrated treatment of this complex field and also contributes original research and scholarship. Its comprehensive exposition is extremely well written and friendly to read, representing an outstanding educational resource and a critical reference for years to come
Dr David T PrattPratt ConsultingAwardedAIAA Citation: For their AIAA Education Series book, Hypersonic Airbreathing Propulsion,which presents a fundamental, logical, integrated treatment of this complex field and also contributes original research and scholarship. Its comprehensive exposition is extremely well written and friendly to read, representing an outstanding educational resource and a critical reference for years to come
Gordon C OatesAwardedAIAA Citation: For high quality books that set the standard for excellence at the inception of the AIAA Education Series in both the marketplace and the aerospace community, attracting subsequent outstanding authors to make the Series successful