Spacecraft Lithium-Ion Battery Power Systems Online

Spacecraft Lithium-Ion Battery Power Systems

Instructed by Dr. Thomas (Tom) P. Barrera, former Technical Fellow for The Boeing Co., battery R&D test engineer at The Aerospace Corporation, and fuel cell systems engineer at NASA

  • New practical course covering the basic fundamental principles underlying the design and development of LIB-based EPS for various types of spacecraft mission applications.
  • All students will receive an AIAA Certificate of Completion at the end of the course.

Since the early 2000’s, high specific energy lithium-ion battery (LIB) technologies have enabled higher power spacecraft electrical power systems (EPS) resulting in significant improvements to on-orbit mission capability. As such, rechargeable LIB energy storage technologies are now used exclusively to provide primary power capability for all types of spacecraft vehicles. However, new and innovative design solutions for next-generation spacecraft LIB-based EPS are becoming critical to meeting increasing aerospace market demands for higher power, lower cost, and longer on-orbit service life missions. Utilizing a systems engineering approach, this course provides a comprehensive treatment of the requirements, design, manufacturing, test, safety, deployment, and on-orbit operation of spacecraft LIB power system technologies. The level of treatment will be based on a practical approach to establishing the basic fundamental principles underlying the design and development of LIB-based EPS for various types of spacecraft mission applications. An understanding of Li-ion cell and battery engineering, design, test, and operation as it relates to the unique requirements of spacecraft EPS is emphasized. The role of ground and on-orbit environments on cell and battery design and testing is described in terms of the entire life-cycle of the spacecraft EPS. The fundamentals of LIB-level requirement specifications, cell selection and matching processes, LIB acceptance and qualification testing, EPS integration, and launch site ground processing are presented. Procedures and processes for safe handling, transportation, and storage of space LIBs will also be discussed to enable user compliance to industry standards and regulations. Special topics include LIB thermal runaway hazards, dead bus events, ground life cycle testing, on-orbit mission LIB EPS management, and spacecraft EPS passivation strategies. Selected examples of on-orbit LIB-based EPS Earth-orbiting satellites, planetary mission spacecraft (such as orbiters, landers, rovers and probes), launch vehicles, and astronaut spacesuit power systems will be discussed.


  • Outline the key electrical, thermal, mechanical, safety, and quality requirements for a compliant space LIB design.
  • Describe the advantages and disadvantages of space LIB applications
  • List the natural and induced ground and on-orbit environments which impact space LIB design and test requirements.
  • Describe how to size a spacecraft LIB design for a given Earth-orbiting or planetary mission application.
  • Compare and differentiate between parallel-series (p-s) and series-parallel (s-p) electrical LIB design architectures.
  • List the acceptance and qualification test types, purpose, and success criteria for spacecraft LIBs.
  • Explain how to safely design, operate, store, transport, and handle Li-ion cells and batteries.
  • Distinguish between real-time and accelerated LIB life cycle testing.
  • Explain the key LIB telemetry measurements needed to trend on-orbit performance of spacecraft LIB power systems.
  • Summarize the differences between end-of-mission soft and hard passivation strategies for spacecraft LIB-based EPS.
  • [See below for Detailed Outline]

This course is designed to benefit a wide spectrum of industry practitioners and academicians with varying degrees of experience who have a practical need for an increased understanding of LIB-based spacecraft EPS. The primary target audience will be industry practitioners in the growing commercial and government aerospace LIB marketplace. This includes practitioners ranging in expertise from early career novices to experienced subject matter experts (SME)s requiring a more detailed understanding of space-qualified LIBs. Program and project engineers in leadership positions will also benefit from the course content. In addition, academics engaged in R&D, classroom teaching, hands-on learning, or other relevant educational environments will greatly benefit from the depth and breadth of the course content.

Type of Course: Instructor-Led Short Course
Course Level: Fundamentals – Intermediate
Course Length: 3 days
AIAA CEU’s available: Yes

This course is also available on-demand. Register here.

Class 1

1. Introduction

1.1 Introduction and Background

1.2 History of Spacecraft Batteries

1.2.1 The Early Years – 1957 to 1975

1.2.2 The Next Generation – 1975 to 2000

1.2.3 The Lithium-Ion Revolution – 2000 to Present

1.3 State of Practice

1.3.1 Raw Materials Supply Chain

1.3.2 COTS and Custom Li-ion Cells

1.3.3 Hazard Safety and Controls

1.3.4 Acquisition Strategies

2. Space Lithium-Ion Cells

2.1 Introduction

2.1.1 Types of Space Battery Cells

2.1.2 Rechargeable Space Cells

2.1.3 Non-Rechargeable Space Cells

2.1.4 Specialty Reserve Space Cells

2.2 Definitions and Terminology

2.2.1 Capacity

2.2.2 Energy

2.2.3 Depth-of-Discharge

2.3 Cell Components

2.3.1 Types of Positive Electrodes

2.3.2 Types of Negative Electrodes

2.3.3 Electrolytes

2.3.4 Separators

2.4 Cell Geometry

2.4.1 Standardization

2.4.2 Cylindrical

2.4.3 Prismatic

2.4.4 Elliptical-Cylindrical

2.4.5 Pouch

Class 2

2. Space Lithium-Ion Cells (con’t)

2.5 Cell Requirements

2.5.1 Specification

2.5.2 Capacity and Energy

2.5.3 Operating Voltage

2.5.4 Mass and Volume

2.5.5 DC Resistance

2.5.6 Self-Discharge Rate

2.5.7 Environments

2.5.8 Lifetime

2.5.9 Cycle Life

2.5.10 Safety and Reliability

2.6 Cell Performance Characteristics

2.6.1 Charge and Discharge Voltage

2.6.2 Capacity

2.6.3 Energy

2.6.4 Internal Resistance

2.6.5 Depth-of-Discharge

2.6.6 Life Cycle

2.7 Cell Qualification Testing

2.7.1 Test Descriptions

2.7.2 Electrical

2.7.3 Environmental

2.7.4 Safety

2.7.5 Life Cycle Testing

2.8 Cell Screening and Acceptance Testing

2.8.1 Screening

2.8.2 Lot Definition

2.8.3 Acceptance Testing

Class 3

3. Space Lithium-Ion Batteries

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Battery Requirements

3.2.1 Specification

3.2.2 Statement of Work

3.2.3 Voltage

3.2.4 Capacity

3.2.5 Mass and Volume

3.2.6 Cycle Life

3.2.7 Environments

3.3 Cell Selection and Matching

3.3.1 Selection Methodology

3.3.2 Matching Process

3.4 Mission Specific Characteristics

3.4.1 LIB Sizing

3.4.2 GEO Missions

3.4.3 LEO Missions

3.4.4 MEO and HEO Missions

3.4.5 Lagrange Orbit Missions

3.5 Interfaces

3.5.1 Electrical

3.5.2 Mechanical

3.5.3 Thermal

3.6 Battery Design

3.6.1 Electrical

3.6.2 Mechanical

3.6.3 Thermal

3.6.4 Materials, Parts, and Processes

3.6.5 Safety and Reliability

3.7 Battery Testing

3.7.1 Test Requirements and Planning

3.7.2 Test Articles and Events

3.7.3 Qualification Testing

3.7.4 Acceptance Testing

3.8 Supply Chain

3.8.1 Battery Parts and Materials

3.8.2 Space LIB Suppliers

Class 4

4. Spacecraft Electrical Power Systems

4.1 Introduction

4.2 EPS Functional Description

4.2.1 Power Generation

4.2.2 Energy Storage

4.2.3 Power Management and Distribution

4.2.4 Harness

4.3 EPS Requirements

4.3.1 Specification

4.3.2 Orbital Mission Profile

4.3.3 Power Capability

4.3.4 Mission Lifetime

4.4 EPS Architecture

4.4.1 Bus Voltage

4.4.2 Direct Energy Transfer

4.4.3 Unregulated Bus

4.4.4 Partially-Regulated Bus

4.4.5 Fully-Regulated Bus

4.4.6 Peak-Power Tracker

4.5 Battery Management Systems

4.5.1 Autonomy

4.5.2 Battery Charge Management

4.5.3 Battery Cell Voltage Balancing

4.5.4 EPS Telemetry

4.6 Dead Bus Events

4.6.1 Orbital Considerations

4.6.2 Survival Fundamentals

4.7 EPS Analysis

4.7.1 Energy Balance

4.7.2 Power Budget

4.8 EPS Testing

4.8.1 Assembly, Integration, and Test

4.8.2 Bus Integration

4.8.3 Functional Test

Class 5

5. Battery Safety and Reliability

5.1 Introduction

5.1.1 Space Battery Safety

5.1.2 Industry Lessons Learned

5.2 Space Battery Safety Requirements

5.2.1 Requirements

5.2.2 NASA-JSC 20793

5.2.3 Range Safety

5.2.4 Design for Minimum Risk

5.3 Safety, Hazards, Controls, and Testing

5.3.1 Electrical

5.3.2 Mechanical

5.3.3 Thermal

5.3.4 Chemical

5.3.5 Safety Testing

5.4 Thermal Runaway

5.4.1 Likelihood and Severity

5.4.2 Characterization

5.4.3 Testing

5.5 Principles of Safe-by-Design

5.5.1 Field Failures Due to ISC’s

5.5.2 Cell Design

5.5.3 Cell Manufacturing and Quality Audits

5.5.4 Cell Testing and Operation

5.6 Battery Reliability

5.6.1 Requirements

5.6.2 Battery Reliability Analysis

5.6.3 Hazard Analysis

5.6.4 Battery Failure Rates

Class 6

6. Life Cycle Testing and Analysis

6.1 Introduction

6.1.1 Test-Like-You-Fly

6.1.2 Design of Test

6.1.3 Test Article Selection

6.1.4 Personnel, Equipment, and Facilities

6.2 Life Cycle Test Planning

6.2.1 Test Plan

6.2.2 Test Procedures

6.2.3 Test Readiness Review

6.3 Charge and Discharge Test Conditions

6.3.1 Charge and Discharge Rates

6.3.2 Capacity and Depth-of-Discharge

6.3.3 Voltage Limits

6.3.4 Charge and Discharge Control

6.4 Test Configuration and Environments

6.4.1 Test Article Configuration

6.4.2 Test Environments

6.5 Test Equipment and Safety Hazards

6.5.1 Test Equipment Configuration

6.5.2 Test Safety Hazards

6.6 Real-Time Life Cycle Testing

6.6.1 Test Article Selection

6.6.2 Test Execution and Monitoring

6.6.3 LCT End-of-Life Management

6.7 Calendar and Storage Life Testing

6.7.1 Calendar Life

6.7.2 Storage Life

6.7.3 Test Methodology

6.8 Accelerated Life Cycle Testing

6.8.1 Lessons Learned

6.8.2 Data Analysis

6.9 Data Analysis

6.9.1 LCT Data Analysis

6.9.2 Trend Analysis and Reporting

Class 7

7. Ground Processing and On-Orbit Mission Operations

7.1 Introduction

7.1.1 Satellite Systems Engineering

7.1.2 Ground and Space Satellite EPS Requirements

7.2 Ground Processing

7.2.1 Storage

7.2.2 Transportation and Handling

7.3 Launch Site Operations

7.3.1 Launch Site Processing

7.3.2 Pre-Launch Operations

7.3.3 Launch Operations

7.4 Mission Operations

7.4.1 GEO Transfer Orbit

7.4.2 GEO On-Station Operations

7.4.3 On-Orbit Maintenance Operations

7.4.4 Contingency Operations

7.4.5 End-of-Life Operations

7.5 End-of-Mission Operations

7.5.1 Satellite Disposal Operations

7.5.2 Passivation Requirements

7.5.3 Satellite EPS Passivation Operations

Class 8

8. Earth-Orbiting and Planetary Mission Spacecraft

8.1 Introduction

8.2 Earth Orbit Missions

8.2.1 Requirements

8.2.1 LEO Missions

8.2.2 MEO Missions

8.2.3 HEO Missions

8.2.4 GEO Missions

8.2.5 LaGrange Orbit Missions

8.3 NASA Astronaut Battery Systems

8.3.1 Astronaut Space Suit LIBs

8.4 Planetary Mission Battery Requirements

8.4.1 Service Life and Reliability

8.4.2 Radiation Tolerance

8.4.3 Extreme Temperature

8.4.4 Low Magnetic Signature

8.4.5 Mechanical Environments

8.4.6 Planetary Protection

8.5 Planetary and Space Exploration Missions

8.5.1 Earth Orbiters

8.5.2 Lunar Missions

8.5.3 Mars Missions

8.5.4 Missions to Jupiter

8.5.5 Missions to Comets and Asteroids

8.5.6 Missions to Deep Space and Outer Planets

8.6 Future Missions

8.7 Summary


Dr. Thomas (Tom) P. Barrera is currently Owner and President, LIB-X Consulting, where he provides engineering and educational services in the broad area of lithium-ion battery power systems. Previously, Tom was a Technical Fellow for The Boeing Co., Satellite Development Center (El Segundo, CA), where he led multidisciplinary teams in systems engineering of advanced space electrical power subsystem technologies. During his 19-year Boeing career, Tom provided missions operations support for the NASA Space Shuttle and International Space Station programs as well as battery expertise for the CST-100 Starliner, Space Launch System, numerous commercial and government LEO/GEO satellite systems, and various high-value proprietary programs. Before joining The Boeing Co., Tom served as a space battery R&D test engineer at The Aerospace Corporation and electrical power systems engineer at the NASA Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center. Tom currently serves as an industry member of the NASA Engineering and Safety Center and is on the advisory board for South 8 Technologies. Frequently invited to speak and lecture at domestic and international conferences, Tom has over 50 combined conference presentations and publications, including 3 US patents in the area of aviation battery safety. Dr. Barrera earned his PhD in chemical engineering from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) with a minor in atmospheric chemistry and physics. He also served as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the department of materials science and engineering at UCLA. Tom earned his MS in industrial engineering and management sciences from Northwestern University, BS in chemical engineering (cum laude) and BA in mathematics–economics both from University of California, Santa Barbara. He is also an AIAA Associate Fellow, member-at-large for the Battery Division of the ECS, and member of Tau Beta Pi.


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