Dimitris C. Lagoudas Senior Associate Vice Chancellor for Engineering Research, Senior Associate Dean for Research, College of Engineering, and a Distinguished University Professor Texas A&M University

Dimitris C. Lagoudas is the Senior Associate Vice Chancellor for Engineering Research, Senior Associate Dean for Research, College of Engineering, and a Distinguished University Professor at Texas A&M University. He is the holder of Robert C. “Bud” Hagner Chair of Engineering.
D.C. Lagoudas’ research involves the design, characterization and modeling of multifunctional materials at multiple scales, bridging the various length scales and functionalities, including mechanical, thermal and electromagnetic. He has co-authored more than 500 scientific publications in archival journals and conference proceedings and one of the widely used books on Shape Memory Alloys (SMAs). The SMA constitutive models that his research group developed have been implemented and integrated into finite element analysis software, used by many academic institutions and also by industry and government.
D.C. Lagoudas received the 2006 ASME Adaptive Structures and Material Systems Prize in recognition of his contributions to the modeling and characterization of SMAs and their use in aerospace structures and he is the 2011 recipient of the SPIE Smart Structure and Materials Lifetime Achievement Award. He is a Fellow of AIAA, ASME, IOP and SES and was named a Distinguished University Professor at Texas A&M University in 2013.