Maciek Nowak Interim Dean, Professor, Quinlan School of Business Loyola University Chicago


Maciek Nowak

Through his research, Dr. Maciek Nowak has worked with Federal Express, United Parcel Service, and the Georgia Ports Authority. He has also received grants for research from the Federal Highway Administration, the U. S. Department of Transportation and the U.S. State Department. Dr. Nowak’s current research focuses on the use of various heuristic optimization techniques for vehicle routing problems. He was selected as a Fulbright Scholar to conduct research as a visiting scholar at the Warsaw School of Economics. He was also a visiting scholar at Northwestern University and the University of Tunis-El Manar. His research has been published in Transportation ScienceEuropean Journal of Operational ResearchComputers & OR, and the Journal of Transportation Management. He has also written book chapters on the package express industry and the use of technology in the trucking industry.