Rich Oullette AQUIFER project Boeing

Rich Oullette

Boeing BCA, Product Development, Advanced Design new aircraft synthesis & business development. Boeing Chief Engineer of NASA AQUIFER Program & Boeing project lead of small ZEST (Zero-emission Electric SSTOL Transport) air-commuter seeking Safe, Silent, Sustainable & Supportable SSTOL. Extensive propulsion &  low observable background starting 1979 at Wright Patterson, then Northrop, NAA/Rockwell, and presently Boeing (~40 years). Aircraft exposure: Tacit Blue, TASSM, Tacit Rainbow, B-2, YF-23, F/A-18, F-5, F-20, A-12, X-31, B-1B, Pulsejet-Ejector design/testing and proprietary. MS Systems Engineering, BS Aerospace Engineering. 16 (unclassified) patents.