Wade Smith Applications Engineering Manager ANSYS

Wade Smith

Wade Smith is an Applications Engineer Manager at ANSYS, Inc. in the High Frequency Electromagnetics Division where he specializes in Signal Integrity, Power Integrity, and EMI/EMC applications via tools such as HFSS, SIwave and Q3D. Prior to joining ANSYS, Wade worked with Sciperio, Inc. where he conducted multiple projects including antenna, FSS, and wireless sensor applications using 3D Printed fabrication techniques and electronic textiles. Prior to Sciperio, Wade worked at Harris Corporation where he was involved in projects such as wireless sensor applications, high-speed data-rate systems, 3D embedded RF Filter designs, antennas, and SIP/MCM applications used in the miniaturization of Software Defined Radio systems. Wade has received multiple awards throughout his career, with the most recent being the 2020 Ansys “Manager of the Year” and President’s Club Awards. Wade has an M.S.E.E. from the University of Central Florida.