2nd Annual Leadership Symposium 26 June 2022 1300 - 1700
In conjunction with the 2022 AIAA AVIATION Forum (27 June–1 July)
Join AIAA leadership at the 2nd Annual Leadership Symposium as we focus on how disruption change results in growth and impact. AIAA President-Elect Laura McGill, AIAA Executive Director Dan Dumbacher, and other members of the Board of Trustees and the Council of Directors will provide insight on the Institute’s vision and strategic trajectory as we move forward. As a leader in the organization, we invite you to collaborate across divisions and committees by sharing best practices and institutional knowledge to help both new and experienced leaders have productive and engaging experiences.
The following leaders are invited to join us for this event: AIAA Board of Trustees; Council of Directors; Leaders and Deputies of TAD, IOD, READ; Board Directed Committee Chairs; Section Chairs and respective council members; Technical Committee Chairs; and Student Branch Chairs.