An AIAA Journey: From ASM 30 (1992) to the 2030 Goals 6 January 2022 00:00 - 6 January 2022 00:30
In 1991, Dr. Joe Casper of United Technologies Research Center called me to ask if Intelligent Light had any collaboration with an aerospace organization called “AIAA.” UTRC was a customer of our 3DV animation and rendering products and through their visualization visionary, David Edwards, were sponsoring the development of FieldView. So, when Joe said, “they are having exhibits at the Reno meeting for the first time, and you should be there,” we jumped! Thus began our association with AIAA. Looking ahead, despite many advances, we’ll need to break free of legacy processes if we are to exceed NASA’s 2030 goals.
Steve M. Legensky
President & CTO