Accelerating Technology Transition 5 May 2020 0800 - 0930

Within OUSD R&E, there are three Directorates of Defense Research and Engineering. The Directorate of Modernization sets the strategic technical direction and investment strategy for DoD; the Directorate for Research and Technologies ensures the DoD’s science and technology enterprise is postured to develop the next generation of game-changing technologies and enable rapid delivery of superior capabilities to the warfighter; while the Directorate for Advanced Capabilities accelerates and prototypes more mature technologies, ensuring the integration of new technology into the joint force. In this session, the leaders of each office will discuss what it means to accelerate technology transition to ensure technical dominance on the battlefield.
  • Laura-McGill Laura J. McGill
    AIAA Immediate Past President; Deputy Laboratories Director, and Chief Technology Officer, Nuclear Deterrence, Sandia National Laboratories
  • James_Faist_Photo James Faist
    Director, Defense Research and Engineering for Advanced Capabilities
  • Lei_Photo JihFen Lei
    Acting Director, Defense Research and Engineering for Research and Technology
  • Mark-J-Lewis-2022 Mark Lewis
    Executive Director of NDIA’s Emerging Technologies Institute (ETI)