FlightLab: AIAA Presents Issues in Aerospace: CVD Reimagined 15 June 2023 00:00 - 15 June 2023 00:30

AIAA chose to sunset the Congressional Visits Day annual event for many reasons. Primarily, CVD was too broad to make discrete aerospace policy impacts. It was a great experience for our members but didn’t move the needle on issues important to our organization. Our new reimagined CVD aligns with our 3 domains of Aerospace R&D; Aeronautics; and Space. Together with the domain leadership, the PPC can help AIAA advocate for targeted and discrete issues in each of these domains in a specific period of time called Domain Campaigns. Additionally, AIAA will expand our annual Aerospace 101 into an Expo featuring key issues from all domains along with bedrock issues important to our members.  AIAA Presents is a years-long event providing timely advice and advocacy to our stakeholders and our members alike.
