Course Approval Process

In This Section

AIAA is always looking to contract with Instructors with expertise in their field to teach courses to benefit the aerospace workforce.  If you have an idea for a new course, please contact Jason Cole, Director, Continuing Education ([email protected]).

Step 1: Course Proposal

    • For a specific course proposal, the potential instructor completes the Course Profile Form and submits it to the staff liaison for Continuing Education. Through this form, the instructor provides information about the course, including:
    • Synopsis
    • Length
    • Type and suitable deliverable format(s)
    • Sponsoring Technical Committee, if appropriate
    • Instructor name(s) and bio(s)
    • Learning objective/key topics
    • Outline
    • Audience (targeted markets)
    • Materials
  • For general suggestions for new courses, the individual completes the Course Suggestion Form and submits it to the staff liaison.

Step 2: Course Review by AIAA Stakeholder Group

  • The instructor submits the Course Profile Form to the appropriate AIAA Technical Committee (TC) or appropriate AIAA stakeholder group to review it and provide its recommendation for approval/rejection.
  • The TC chair finds a reviewer from the TC to assess the course and complete the AIAA Course Proposal Review/Recommendation Form.

Step 3: Course Review and Selection

  • Once a course is approved, it can be scheduled to be publicly offered.
  • AIAA is responsible for selecting all courses to offer, with consult from the Continuing Education Committee and other Committees when warranted.
  • Please refer to “AIAA Continuing Education Guidelines – Courses” for more details.

For More Information, Please Contact:

Jason Cole, Director, Continuing Education
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +1.703.264.7596