AIAA Training Links
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Lisa Le, Education Specialist ( )
These Workshops, organized by AIAA Technical Committees, are held in conjunction with AIAA Forums and are open and welcoming to anyone to participate/contribute/attend. Click on the individual workshops below for more details and contact information.
5th AIAA CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop (HLPW) - 1.5 Days at 2024 AVIATION FORUM
2 August - 3 August 2024
Assess the numerical prediction capability of current-generation CFD technology/codes for swept, medium-to-high-aspect ratio wings for landing/take-off (high-lift) configurations.
AIAA Aeroelastic Prediction Workshop (AePW-3)
Last held in conjunction with the 2023 AIAA SciTech Forum. The workshop is aimed at understanding the effectiveness of current tools towards predicting aeroelastic phenomena critical for aircraft analysis and design.
AIAA CFD Transition Modeling Prediction Workshop
Assess the current state of the art in laminar-turbulent transition prediction in an industrial CFD environment
AIAA Drag Prediction Workshop
To assess the state-of-the-art computational methods as practical aerodynamic tools for aircraft force and moment prediction of industry relevant geometries.
AIAA Geometry and Mesh Generation Workshop (GMGW)
Geometry and Mesh Generation Workshops (GMGW) assess the current state-of-the art in geometry and mesh generation technology and software as applied to aircraft and spacecraft systems.
AIAA High-Fidelity CFD Verification Workshop
6 January - 7 January 2024
AIAA Hover Prediction Workshop
Wide range of topics dealing with hover simulations including rotor performance, aeroelastic windup, boundary layer transition and flow separation prediction, wake capture, and aerodynamic interactional effects
AIAA Ice Prediction Workshop
This workshop will assess the current capabilities of 3D computational icing simulation tools.
AIAA Propulsion Aerodynamics Workshop (PAW)
Last held in conjunction with the 2023 AIAA SciTech Forum. The focus of the workshop will be on assessing the accuracy of CFD in obtaining air breathing system performance and flow structure in nozzle and inlet flow fields.
AIAA Sonic Boom Prediction Workshop
This workshop will cover both the state-of-the-art for predicting near field sonic boom signatures with CFD as well as propagation of the near field pressures to the ground.
AIAA Stability and Control Prediction Workshop
Establish best practices for the prediction of S&C derivatives with RANS or DES – based CFD and to assess the limitations of these CFD methods when those best practices are applied.
AIAA Workshop for Multifidelity Modeling in Support of Design and Uncertainty Quantification
Multifidelity modeling encompasses a broad range of methods that use approximate models together with high-fidelity models to accelerate a computational task that requires repeated model evaluations.