2024 AIAA Associate Fellows Induction Ceremony and Dinner January 10 2024 6 p.m. - 10 p.m. (UTC) Hyatt Regency, Orlando, Florida, USA


Celebrate the Class of 2024 AIAA Associate Fellows!

2023_AIAA-AssociateFellows-webPictured: Class of 2023 AIAA Associate Fellows

Reception: 1800 hrs–1850 hrs | Dinner: 1915 hrs–2200 hrs

The Class of 2024 Associate Fellows will be officially recognized for their accomplishments in engineering or scientific work, outstanding merit, and contributions to the art, science, or technology of aeronautics or astronautics.

Join us in recognizing these exemplary professionals during the Associate Fellows Induction Ceremony and Dinner, to be held in conjunction with the 2024 AIAA SciTech Forum at the Hyatt Regency Orlando on Wednesday evening, 10 January.