2024 Region I Student Conference 12 April 2024 - 13 April 2024 Lake View Golf Resort, Morgantown, West Virginia, USA

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2024 Region I Student Conference
Hosting the Region I Student Conference is West Virginia University. Pictured: Woodburn Hall at West Virginia University | Credit: Swimmerguy269; Wikipedia; CC BY-SA 3.0

Abstract Submission Closed | Registration Deadline: 22 March

Conference Host: West Virginia University
Conference Location: Lake View Golf Resort, Morgantown, WV

Take part in AIAA’s Regional Student Conference by presenting your research in a formal technical meeting, exchange ideas, and discuss programs with students from other universities in your region.

Please note: A university student in good standing at their institution who is also an AIAA student member is eligible to submit a paper to the Regional Student Conference. The submitting and presenting author(s) must be AIAA student members. Any student may attend the Regional Student Conference but may be subjected to a higher registration fee if they are not AIAA members. Please click here for more information to join as an AIAA Student Member.

You must be attending a college/university in Region I to participate in the Region I Student Conference.

Region I includes Maine, Vermont, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, West Virginia, Virginia, and Washington DC. Additionally, it includes students from the Canadian provinces of Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, and Newfoundland and Labrador.

Cash prizes are awarded for first, second, and third place winners for each category. First-place regional winners are then invited to participate in the AIAA Foundation International Student Conference, held during the AIAA SciTech Forum each January.

Refer to the Student Conferences webpage for conference rules and FAQs.

Registration & Cancellation

Registration is now open. 

Register Now

Registration Deadline is 22 March.

Conference Registration Fee: $50

Call for Papers
Abstract Submissions are now closed

Abstract Deadline Extended: 5 February 2024
Manuscript Deadline: 4 March 2024 Extended to 11 March 2024


Agenda Subject to Chnage

Friday April 12, 2024
Lake View Golf Resort, Morgantown, WV
8:00 AM–9:00 AM: Breakfast / Check In
9:00 AM–9:45 AM: Welcome Remarks
10:00 AM–12:00 PM: Student Presentations
12:15 PM–2:00 PM: Keynote Speaker and Lunch
2:15 PM–4:15 PM: Student Presentation
4:30 PM–5:00 PM: Closing Remarks
5:30PM-7:30PM: Dinner and Trivia at Ali Baba Restaurant in Morgantown

Saturday April 13, 2024
Lake View Golf Resort, Morgantown, WV
8:00 AM–9:00 AM: Breakfast / Check In
9:00 AM–9:15 AM: Welcome
9:30 AM–11:30 AM: Student Presentations
11:45 AM–1:15 PM: Keynote Speaker and Lunch
1:30 PM–3:00 PM: Student Presentations
3:15 PM–4:15 PM: Keynote Speaker: Kerri Phillips, JHU APL
4:30 PM–5:00 PM: Awards Presentation & Closing Remarks
5:30 PM–7:30 PM: Social at WVU Campus


The Region I Student Conference will be taking place at the Lake View Golf Resort. The resort has arranged for a discount for conference attendees at $89 per night, plus taxes and fees. To book a room, please call the resort directly at 304-594-1111, Option 1, or email [email protected], and be sure to mention the student conference to receive the discount.

National Sponsors

Contact AIAA Student Programs at [email protected].