16th Overset Grid Symposium 7 October - 10 October 2024 Sinclair Community College Ponitz, 444 W Third St, Dayton, Ohio, USA

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Presented By: AIAA Dayton-Cincinnati Section

Overset Grid SymposiumThis international symposium provides an open forum for communication among mathematicians, scientists, and engineers from academia, industry, and government. The technical organization is informal, and only oral presentations are required. The goals of the symposium are to:

  • Communicate recent work, new research ideas, and work in progress
  • Exchange ideas involving overset grid technologies, including unsteady and moving body problems, and emerging hybrid strategies
  • Provide an opportunity for interaction between researchers, developers, and practitioners
  • Improve individual performance and understanding of overset technologies via many tutorial sessions and technical presentations

No written paper is required, and works in development for other technical forums are welcome. Best presentation awards will be made for each technology area.

Key Dates:

  • Tutorial Day 7 October
  • Presentations 8–10 October

Please contact the  AIAA Dayton-Cincinnati Section with any questions.

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