2025 Region V Student Conference 3 April - 4 April 2025 University of Minnesota, Coffman Memorial Union, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

Abstract Submissions Closed | Registration Opens: February 2025

Northrop Mall at the University of Minnesota | Credit: Dragne SDI; Wikipedia; CC BY-SA 4.0

Conference Host: University of Minnesota

Take part in AIAA’s Regional Student Conference by presenting your research in a formal technical meeting, exchange ideas, and discuss programs with students from other universities in your region. 

Please note: A university student in good standing at their institution who is also an AIAA student member is eligible to submit a paper to the Regional Student Conference. The submitting and presenting author(s) must be AIAA student members. Any student may attend the Regional Student Conference but may be subjected to a higher registration fee if they are not AIAA members. Please click here for more information to join as an AIAA Student Member.

You must be attending a college/university in Region V to participate in the Region V Student Conference. Students can petition to present at a conference outside their university’s region by emailing studentprogram@aiaa.org.

Region V includes Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota, Colorado, Wyoming, and Montana. Additionally, it includes the Canadian provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, the Northwest Territories, and Nunavut. 

Cash prizes are awarded for first, second, and third place winners for each category.

 Registration & Cancellation

Registration Opens: February 2025

Conference Registration Fee: $50 per attendee (includes meals at conference)

Registration Deadline: 20 March 2025

 Call for Papers

Abstract submissions are closed.

Abstract Submission Deadline: 31 January 2025 Extended to 7 February 2025
Final Manuscript Deadline: 28 February 2025


Agenda Subject to Change

Wednesday, 2 April
   5:00 PM: Welcome, Registration & Conference Kickoff

Thursday, 3 April
   8:00-9:00 AM: Registration and Welcome Remarks
   9:30AM-12:30 PM: Student Paper Presentations
   12:30-1:00 PM: Lunch
   1:30-5:00 PM: Student Paper Presentations
   5:00-6:30 PM: Dinner and Guest Speaker

Friday, 4 April
   8:00-9:00 AM: Breakfast
   9:30AM-1:00 PM: Student Paper Presentations
   1:00-2:00 PM: Lunch
   2:00-5:00 PM: Student Paper Presentations
   6:30-8:30 PM: Awards Banquet and Guest Speakers

 Hotel and Travel

A hotel room block is being organized near the UMN campus. Please note, conference attendees are responsible for their own hotel and travel accommodations.


Sponsored By
AIAA Foundation

Contact AIAA Student Programs at studentprogram@aiaa.org.