In This Section

AIAA is the premier place for aerospace industry’s conferences and events. Presentation of research results and conferring about cutting-edge developments from engineering and science to management and policy is a priority among our members and nonmembers. For those interested in sharing their knowledge with other leaders, we provide answers to help you get started.

Submission and Publication Policies
Submission Policies

View detailed Submission Policies on the Abstract Process & Requirements webpage.

Can I submit the same abstract to multiple events? 
No. AIAA Overlapping Submissions Policy precludes an abstract or paper from being submitted multiple times to the same event, or to conferences held in conjunction with other AIAA events. Overlapping submissions will result in your paper being withdrawn to avoid duplicate papers being published in the proceedings. View Abstract Submission Policies on the Abstract Submission Process & Requirements webpage.

Publication Policies

My paper has been published in an AIAA journal. Can I still present it at an event? 
If a paper has been published in an AIAA journal, an author may only present as an oral presentation at an AIAA event. Consideration for oral presentations will only be made if the content has significant changes from the published journal article. During the submission process, authors should select “oral-presentation only” as the presentation type during the submission process.

Where can I find the copyright form and related information?
For more information about AIAA’s copyright and reuse policies, go to Rights and Permissions.

My paper has been accepted for presentation at an AIAA event. Can I still submit it to one of AIAA’s journals?
Authors of AIAA event papers who are seeking the opportunity for peer-reviewed publication are encouraged to submit their papers for consideration by one of AIAA’s eight archival journals: AIAA Journal; Journal of Aerospace Information Systems; Journal of Air Transportation; Journal of Aircraft; Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics; Journal of Propulsion and Power; Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets; and Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer. More information and submission guidelines can be found here Submission of AIAA Conference Papers to Journals. You may submit your paper to a journal for review before the event presentation date. AIAA has prior publication rights to papers presented at its events.

Can I submit my accepted event paper for consideration by a non-AIAA journal?
Although it is preferred that AIAA event papers are first considered for publication in our own journals, we recognize that the scope of an outside journal may be a better fit for your paper. AIAA liberally grants permission for authors to republish their own work elsewhere, even when AIAA is the copyright owner for the paper. No permission fees are charged. See Rights and Permissions for how and when you should seek permission to reuse some or all of your own work.

What information will display in the event’s printed program?
The presentation title and author list in the printed program come from the data that is in the ScholarOne Abstracts submission site. Only the first 6 authors in the publishing order of your author list will appear in the printed program. The full author list will appear in the online agenda and Aerospace Research Central (ARC).

What information will display in ARC?
ARC displays the paper title and author list with affiliations, as well as the manuscript and the presenter-entered abstract text from that manuscript.

The information in ARC is incorrect. How do I update it?
Please go to Revisions

Scholar One Abstracts General Information
User Account

How do I create a ScholarOne Abstracts user account?
Opening a ScholarOne Abstracts site automatically creates a user record in that site.

How do I log in to ScholarOne Abstracts?
View the Abstract Submission Process and Requirements webpage.

I’ve had a user record in a previous AIAA ScholarOne Abstracts site, but not in a new site. Why?
Each ScholarOne Abstracts site is a unique database. Active user records from the most current previous events were preloaded. If you have not been active in that event for the last couple of years, you will need to create a user record.

Can I use my ScholarOne Manuscripts user account in ScholarOne Abstracts?
No. ScholarOne Abstracts and ScholarOne Manuscripts are separate databases.

How do I update my ScholarOne Abstracts user record, such as my email address?
Most ScholarOne user records are controlled by their corresponding AIAA records. To update your AIAA user record.

  1. Log into
  2. Click on Edit Contact Info and update your information.
  3. Access the appropriate ScholarOne Abstracts submission site to complete record update.

If you received an email notifying you that a user record had been created for you by a co-author or during session chair assignment, you must email the site contact listed on the ScholarOne Abstracts Welcome page to request updates to your user record.

Who has access to upload the final manuscript?
For accepted submissions, the presenter indicated on the author list in the ScholarOne Abstracts site will be granted access to upload the manuscript. See Manuscript Submission for more information.

Abstract & Manuscript Submission Access

Who has access to edit, upload, or view the abstract submission data?
Abstract submissions are associated with the submitting author’s ScholarOne account, so only the submitting author may view or edit the abstract submission data, depending on the timeframe. For information on revisions/edits, go to Revisions for more information.

What is a control ID number?
A control ID number is the unique identifier of an abstract submission. Please include it, as well as the name of the event, in all correspondence concerning your submission. Control ID numbers are listed on the ScholarOne Submission tab of the author who created the submission and are also listed on all email notices.


Abstract Submission: All authors entered in the ScholarOne author list are notified when an abstract is submitted, as well as if/when it is returned to draft and resubmitted.

Abstract Accept/Reject: All authors entered in the ScholarOne author list are notified of acceptance or rejection.

Manuscript Submission Instructions & Confirmation of Submission: Only the presenting author receives manuscript submission instructions and all subsequent notices concerning manuscript submission and submission data updates. Thus, it is critical to ensure the correct presenter is designated in the author list.

Withdrawal: All authors will be notified of withdrawal.

Abstract Submission/Review
Prepare & Submit Abstract

Where do I find information on technical disciplines soliciting presentations?
View the event’s Call for Papers.

Where can I find Student Paper Competition information?
View the event’s Call for Papers.

How do I submit to an event?
Visit the event webpage and click the Submit an Abstract or Manage Submissions button. View log in instructions on the Abstract Submission Process & Requirements webpage.

Are there submission fees or membership restrictions?
There are no submission fees and AIAA membership is not required.

What are the minimum abstract requirements for submission?
Minimum abstract submission requirements are listed on the Abstract Submission Process & Requirements webpage. All abstract submissions must meet the minimum requirements to be considered for acceptance to the event.

Is there a required format for abstract submission? 
There is no required format, but many authors use the final Manuscript Template available on the Technical Presenters Resources webpage. The content of abstracts must follow Abstract Submission Requirements listed on the Abstract Submission Process & Requirements webpage.

Are there file specifications for the abstract submission upload?

  • Accepted File Types: pdf (preferred), doc, docx
  • File Name: maximum 40 alpha-numeric characters only
  • File Size Maximum: 10 MB

Are there submission policies restricting certain submissions?
Yes. View AIAA submission policies around publication, Technology Transfer Considerations, and International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) on the  Abstract Submission Process & Requirements webpage.

How can I verify that my abstract submission is complete? 
Upon completion of abstract submission, all authors will receive an automatic email from ScholarOne Abstracts confirming receipt of the submission. Additionally, the submitting author may re-access the ScholarOne submission site from the event webpage by clicking the Submission tab and then clicking View Submissions. The submitting author will be able to see whether a submission is in draft form or submitted.

After Abstract Submission Deadline

The abstract submission deadline has passed. Can I still submit to the event? 
Late abstract submission is granted by technical discipline chairs at their discretion. Please visit the event’s Call for Papers webpage to determine whom to contact.

I’ve been granted late abstract submission. How do I access the submission site?
Visit the event’s Call for Papers webpage and click the “Manage Submissions” button. Please note that the submission site will always display the general abstract deadline.

Can I make edits to my abstract submission data after the Abstract Submission Deadline?
Accepted authors will be able to change some of the abstract submission data during the Open Edit Access window. See Revisions for detailed information.

Can I make edits to my abstract file after the Abstract Submission Deadline?
No. Please carefully check the abstract file before submitting. To learn more, go to Revisions.

How are abstracts reviewed and considered for event participation?
Reviewers will score abstract submissions based on technical quality, importance/relevance to the field, originality, conciseness/style/clarity, and potential to be a good paper. All abstracts will be evaluated by qualified individuals from industry, academia, or government. AIAA encourages the broadest representation of reviewers appropriate for the event. Exceptions may be made for invited abstracts. Please note that this is a review of abstracts only and that final manuscripts are not reviewed.

What are the next steps after abstract submission? 
All authors will be notified of the final decision on their submissions. The designated presenter of accepted submissions will receive manuscript submission instructions within a few weeks of acceptance notification.

Manuscript Submission
Manuscript File

How do I submit my manuscript? 
The author designated as the presenter in ScholarOne will receive an email with manuscript submission instructions shortly after being notified of acceptance.

Can the designated presenter be changed?
Yes. Learn more at Revisions.

Is there a page limit for the final manuscript? 
There is no page limit for final manuscripts. Most papers are 12-24 pages, including citations. Consider compressing larger files to facilitate download over Wi-Fi networks during the event.

In what format should I write my manuscript? 
For manuscript format, download the appropriate template, found on the Technical Presenter Resources webpage. For LaTeX technical assistance, contact Overleaf. The formatting requirements are identical, regardless of which program you use to prepare your manuscript. Please follow the specific formatting instructions in the template. All manuscript files must be converted to PDF before submission.

How do I indicate copyright selection, and where can I find the copyright form and related information?
The presenter will select copyright electronically on the manuscript submission page. For more information about AIAA’s copyright and reuse policies, see Rights and Permissions.

When will paper numbers be assigned?
Papers numbers will be assigned just prior to the event and made available in the Detailed Agenda, which can be accessed from the event’s Program webpage after the technical program has been completed.

Can I revise my submitted manuscript?
Learn more in Revisions

Presentation Slides

Please see the Tech Presenters & Session Chairs section of the What to Know On-Site webpage for details of audio/visual setup in session rooms.

Is there a template for presentation slides?
Please see the Technical Presenter Resources.

What aspect ratio should I use?

Do I submit my slides to AIAA? 
AIAA does not collect slides for in-person presentations. You will load them onto the session room laptop during your Speaker Briefing, which will be held in your session room the morning of your session. Information about the Speaker Briefing will be printed in the final program and sent to presenters via email. If you are making a virtual presentation, specific guidance on how to submit slides with audio will be provided.

Withdrawal Process

How do I withdraw my presentation?
There are 2 ways:

  1. If you are the presenting author and manuscript submission has opened, click your manuscript submission URL. After the webpage loads, select “View” or “View and Respond” under “Take Action.” After the page refreshes, scroll to the bottom right and click the “Decline” button.
  2. Send an email to [email protected]. Include the control ID number and the session to which it is assigned in the body of your email.
No Paper, No Podium and No Podium, No Paper Policies

The policies are:

If a written paper is not submitted by the final manuscript deadline, authors will not be permitted to present the paper at the event. It is also the responsibility of those authors whose papers or presentations are accepted to ensure that one of the authors attends the event to present the paper. 

If a paper is not presented at the event, it will be withdrawn from the published proceedings. 

These policies are intended to eliminate no-shows, to improve the quality of the event for all participants, and to ensure that the published proceedings accurately represent the presentations made at an event.

No Paper, No Podium:

  • I received an email that my paper was withdrawn because I didn’t submit by the deadline, but I thought I had an extension. Can I have it reinstated?
    All presenting authors were sent manuscript deadline reminders, and those presenters who missed their deadlines were sent notice of possible withdrawal, before the withdrawal was made. It may be possible to get your presentation reinstated. Please email the AIAA staff contact for ScholarOne with your request as soon as possible.No Podium, No Paper:
  • Neither I nor any of my co-authors can attend the event. Can a non-author present our paper?
    No. All papers must be presented by one of the authors.
  • I was not able to attend the session and present my paper due to circumstances beyond my control. Can I have it included in the proceedings anyway?
    No. The proceedings represent the material presented during the event; therefore, unpresented papers are withdrawn. You are welcome to resubmit your paper to another event since it remains unpublished.
Submission Data

Presentation titles and author lists in the printed program and ARC come from the data in the ScholarOne Abstracts submission site so please ensure this data is accurately entered in the software.

Who can make abstract submission data edits and how?
The author who submitted the abstract is the only author with access to make edits. This access cannot be transferred to anyone else. The author with this access must log into ScholarOne via the “Manage Submissions” button on the event page, click the submission tab, and put the submission into open edit draft status. After completing the edits, he/she must resubmit at step 5. Putting the submission in open edit draft status does not change the acceptance status nor does it interfere with manuscript submission.

When can I make edits to the submission data?

Before the abstract submission deadline, submitting authors may make modifications to all components of their submissions. Be sure to resubmit in Step 5, otherwise your submission will not be considered for presentation. To confirm resubmission, all authors will receive an automated submission confirmation email.

After the abstract submission deadline, until author notification, no edits are permitted.

After author notification, limited editing/revising is permitted, through the published manuscript deadline. There will be no extensions to this deadline. All presenting authors will be sent reminders of this deadline.

What submission items/data can be edited/updated?

  • Title: The presentation title can be edited, but such edits should be minor. The substance of the final paper must conform to the content of your original submission.
  • Presenter Bio: Session Chairs will use this information to introduce presenters during the session so please ensure that the information entered is up to date.
  • Author List: The author list may be updated as needed.
  • Designated Presenter: Only the AIAA site contact can change the presenter. Manuscript submission access will also be transferred to the new presenter so all such requests must be made at least 24 hours before the published manuscript deadline. Presenter changes will not be made after the manuscript deadline. If you miss this deadline, email your session chairs to let them know which author will be presenting and to provide your session chairs with that person’s bio. You can download a list of session chairs from your manuscript submission page.

I have made some minor edits to the abstract portion of my final manuscript. Can I replace the abstract file that I originally submitted with the updated version?
No. That file was used for review only and will not be published so it does not need to be replaced.

After the manuscript submission deadline until the event, there is no access to edit the title or author list.

The first day of the event, through 7 business days after the last day of the event, the author who submitted the abstract may make final edits to the presentation title and author list. The proceedings will update with corrections approximately 3 weeks after the last day of the event. All presenting authors will be notified of this via email the first day of the event.

Manuscript File/Abstract Text Revisions

Can I make revisions to my manuscript file and/or abstract text entry, and if so when?

  • Before the manuscript deadline, the presenting author may upload full file revisions and update the abstract text at will. To replace an already submitted manuscript file, delete that file by clicking the “Remove” button, then upload the revised file.
  • I also need to update the title and/or author list. How do I do that? Please see go to the Revisions > Submission Data section.
  • After the manuscript deadline through several days prior to the event—
  • File revision access may be requested by emailing [email protected]. Presenting authors should check the Revisions_PaperDataUpdates.pdf posted on their manuscript submission pages for the deadline to request revision access and complete submission of revised files.
  • Title and/or author list updates in ScholarOne are not permitted during this period. Please go to Revisions > Submission Data for more information.
  • After papers are in the proceedings neither the manuscript file nor the abstract text may be revised. The manuscript in the proceedings is the version of record.
  • Paper corrections may be submitted through a Crossmark note. Crossmark corrections are limited to changes affecting the interpretation or crediting of the work. Changes to content, grammatical errors, spelling errors, or errors in formatting are not permitted. For more information, visit Crossmark Info.
  • Specific timing and instructions are available in the Revisions_PaperDataUpdates.pdf posted on each manuscript submission page. All presenting authors will also be sent an email with instructions the first day of the event.
  • The title and author list are correct on my published manuscript, but incorrect in the searchable data in ARC. How do I fix this? The searchable title and author list data come from the data input in the ScholarOne submission site, not from your manuscript file. The author who made the original abstract submission may make all necessary edits, starting at 0900 hrs the first day of the event, through 2000hrs/8pm Eastern Time 7 business days after the last day of the event. All presenting authors will be sent an email the first day of the event that provides instructions and the specific deadline for making these updates.
  • When will corrected submission data and Crossmark correction notes be available in ARC? ARC will be refreshed approximately 3 weeks after the last day of the event. Please see the Revisions_PaperDataUpdates.pdf on your manuscript submission page for specific details.