2024 Region VII Student Conference 25 November 2024 - 26 November 2024 Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia & Online

Abstract Submission Period is Now Closed | Registration Now Open!

2024 Region VII Student Conference
Swinburne University of Technology

AIAA is pleasead to announce that the Region VII/International Student Conference will be held from 25–26 November 2024 at Swinburne University of Technology Hawthorn, Melbourne, Australia & Online. This conference is intended for AIAA Region VII Students from around the world, with the exceptions of Canada and Mexico, which have been incorporated into AIAA’s North America Regions. The conference will also be hybrid with an online component to accommodate students who are not able to travel to Australia to present their paper in-person.

The AIAA Region VII Student Conference is a technical and oral paper competition for high schoolers (grades 9-12), undergraduate and graduate students of all majors! Connect with professionals in the Aerospace industry and also meet other like-minded students who share similar interests, and receive feedback on your work! Students may submit any paper that covers the technical disciplines of AIAA, and will have the chance to compete for cash prizes in a fun-filled two-day event. First-place winners will be offered a chance to compete in the 2025 International Student Conference, taking place in conjunction with the 2025 AIAA SciTech Forum, with flight, lodging, and most expenses paid.

*This competition is subject to all applicable laws, including US export laws. US law prevents AIAA from accepting registration fees, awarding prize money to, providing feedback on or publishing entries from, persons residing in Iran, Cuba, North Korea, Crimea, Sudan, or Syria. Additionally with respect to the conflict in Ukraine, AIAA will continue our practice not allowing Russian- or Belarusian-based students to participate in the AIAA Region VII Student Conference.

Registration Information

Registration is Closed!

Virtual Attendance: $10 AUD
In-person Attendance: $20 AUD

Please note the price of in-person conference registration includes your meals as listed in the conference agenda.

All students who are presenting their papers (virtually or in-person) are required to register for the conference. If a student presenter fails to register ahead of the conference, they will not be allowed to present.

Questions?  Contact us at [email protected].

Call for Papers

Abstract Submission Period is Now Closed

Abstract Deadline: 4 August 2024, Extended to 16 August 11:59 PM Australian Eastern Standard Time
Manuscript Deadline: 27 October 2024


All conference activities will take place in the Business & Arts Building (BA) on Swinburne’s campus.

Please note times in the agenda are in Australian Eastern Daylight Time.

Monday, November 25

     8:30-9:00 AM: Registration, Checkin and Coffee (BA Foyer)
     9:00-10:00AM: Conference Welcome Opening and Keynote Speaker (Lt Gen Larry D. James, USAF (Ret).\ Strategic Advisor, SmartSat Cooperative Research Centre; and Professor of Practice in Space Innovation, Monash University)
     10:00-11:00AM: Student Presentations
     11:00-11:15AM: Morning Tea Break
     11:15AM-1:15PM: Student Presentations
     1:15-1:45PM: Lunch & Keynote: Chris Lawrence, National Indigenous Space Academy
     1:45-3:45PM: Student Presentations
     3:45-4:00PM: Afternoon Tea Break
     4:00-5:00PM: Student Presentations
     6:00-8:00PM: Reception at the Hawthorn Hotel (5-minute walk from Campus; Additional cost for attendees)

Tuesday, November 26

     8:30-9:00AM: Checkin
     9:00-11:00AM: Student Presentations
     11:00-11:15AM: Morning Tea Break
     11:15AM-1:15PM: Student Presentations
     1:15-1:45PM: Lunch
     1:45-3:45PM: Student Presentations
     3:45-4:00PM: Afternoon Tea Break
     4:00-5:00PM: Swinburne University of Technology Laboratory Tours
     5:30-6:30PM: Awards Presentation and Closing Remarks
     6:30-8:30PM: Post-Conference Celebration
Hotels and Travel

 Travel Information
If traveling into Australia, please review the Australian Electronic Travel Authorization website to ensure you have the proper travel requirements to enter the country.

The conference will be held at Swinburne University of Technology’s Hawthorn Campus in the Business & Arts Building (BA). Please see the campus map  to navigate to BA.

 Parking: If you are planning to drive to Swinburne, there are parking garages available throughout the campus at an additional cost. Refer to the campus map for garage locations.

 By Train: If traveling from the city, the Victoria Train Network’s Glenferrie train station is located directly on campus and is about a 7-minute train ride from Melbourne Central. See train map.

 Hotel Information
Conference attendees are responsible for their own hotel and travel accommodations. Below is a list of some recommended hotels close to campus.

Corporate Living Accommodation Hawthorn
Distance from Campus: Less than 1 kilometer, 1-minute drive

Glenferrie Hotel
Distance from Campus: Less than 1 kilometer, 1-minute drive

Element Melbourne Richmond
Distance from Campus: 2.2 kilometers, 4-minute drive

Regional Student Paper Conference Rules

Presented By