AIAA Corporate Member Connect: ISS National Lab 8 June 2021 3:30 pm - 8 June 2021 4:30 pm & Online

AIAA Corporate Member Connect: ISS National Lab
International Space Station. | Credit: NASA

AIAA corporate members are invited to explore the latest in aerospace research and development while networking with aerospace organizations across the globe.  This event will feature representatives on behalf of the International Space Station (ISS) U.S. National Laboratory. Corporate members will have the ability to engage with the following representatives who have intrinsic knowledge of the ISS National Lab, and work in cooperative agreement with NASA daily to fully utilize the orbiting business incubator to bring value to our nation, and enable a robust market in low Earth orbit:

Christine-Kretz-roundedChristine Kretz, Vice President of Programs and Partnerships


Ken-Savin-roundedKen Savin, Sr., Program Director of In-Space Production Applications


Sven-Eenmaa-roundedSven Eenmaa, Director of Investment and Economic Analysis

Corporate members will have the ability to understand the strategic practices of the ISS National Lab, understand space investment and business trends, and learn about programmatic priorities of the space station.

If you are an AIAA corporate member and would like your organization to attend this event, please send an email to  Nancy Hilliard.

Corporate Member RSVP


 Past Events / On Demand

Previous webinars may contain recorded sessions. Please check individual webinar pages below for more information.

AIAA-CorpMember-Logo-300x300    AIAA Corporate Member Connect: ISS National Lab
8 JUNE 2021 1530 – 1630 *EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME)

AIAA corporate members are invited to explore the latest in aerospace research and development while networking with aerospace organizations across the globe. This event will feature representatives on behalf of the International Space Station (ISS) U.S. National Laboratory.

About AIAA Corporate Membership