The Urgency to Act on Space Traffic Management 13 September 2021 12:00 am - 13 September 2021 1:00 pm & Online

On Demand Recording Available

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Our dynamic panel will explain the basics of STM and why it is so important for space safety, sustainability, and security. They will describe the steps we have already taken to implement STM and the most important missing elements that still need action. Most importantly, you will gain an understanding of why this is an urgent issue that needs action now, and, how such action will send a strong, responsible signal to the international aerospace community.

Expert Panelists:

MikeGoldHeadshotMr. Mike Gold
Executive Vice President for Civil Space and External Affairs at Redwire Space



KenHodgkinsHeadshotMr. Ken Hodgkins
President, International Space Enterprise Consultants



DianeHowardHeadshotDr. Diane Howard
Vice President, International Institute of Space Law and Principal, sur l’espace PLLC



BrianWeedenHeadshotPanel Moderator: Dr. Brian Weeden
Director of Program Planning, Secure World Foundation





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