U.S. TAG for ISO/TC 20/SC 14, Space Systems and Operations
ISO is a world-wide federation of national standards bodies in 163 countries. Founded in 1946, under the auspices of the United Nations, ISO is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. ISO promotes the development of standardization and related activities in the world to facilitate international trade of goods and services. In 2011, there were 224 technical committees and 513 subcommittees which address a specific sector of technology or business.
International Standardization Subcommittee for Space Systems and Operations
ISO Technical Committee 20 (TC20), Aircraft and Space Vehicles, was founded in 1947 and is devoted to the standardization of materials, components,and equipment for construction and operation of aircraft and space vehicles, as well as equipment used in the servicing and maintenance of these vehicles. Its secretariat is provided by the Aerospace Industries Association in Arlington,VA.
AIAA holds the secretariat for ISO TC20 Subcommittee 14 (SC14) for Space Systems and Operations. Founded in 1992, its scope of work is the standardization for manned and unmanned space vehicles, their design, production, maintenance, operation, and disposal, and the environment in which they operate. Six working groups provide an international forum for addressing the standardization needs and concerns of organizations and personnel involved with the development and operation of space systems. They field more than 110 projects underway. Additional activity in space data and information transfer systems is conducted by the sister Subcommittee 13 (SC13).
If you are interested in participating on the U.S. TAG for ISO/TC 20/SC 14, please complete and return the TC20 SC14 TAG Participation Form .
Fred Slane, Space Infrastructure Foundation (SIF)
Committee Manager
Nick Tongson, Director of Standards
12700 Sunrise Valley Drive, Suite 200
Reston, VA 20191-5807
Phone: 703-264-7515
Fax: 703-264-7551
E-mail: [email protected]