Submit one nomination form for each nominee. Nominees who are not selected for committee membership the first year will automatically be considered for membership the following year. As the nomination forms are held for a total of two years, it is not necessary to resubmit a form for someone not selected the first year. You may send updated information to be attached to an existing nomination form.
You do not have to be nominated by someone else; you may submit an application for yourself.
A resume or biographical data should be submitted with the nomination form.
Membership is usually restricted to one technical committee (TC) or Integration committee (IC) at a time. If you nominate someone to more than one committee, use one form. All information should be detailed and complete. Please list each TC or IC for which you wish to be considered. This form will be duplicated at AIAA and sent to each TC indicated. In the event of selection by more than one TC chair, the nominee will be contacted to select one committee for membership.
The Technical Activities Division (TAD) strongly suggests that special consideration be given to members 34 years of age and under.
All TC/IC members must join AIAA (if they are not already members) within 45 days of their appointment to a technical committee.
TC/IC membership is generally for one year with two additional years possible, but contingent upon committee participation, ongoing projects, and AIAA membership. It is not necessary to send a new nomination form for someone who is already on a committee. All committee members are automatically considered for a second and third year of membership.
Deadline for receipt of nominations is 1 November. Nominations received after this date will be held for consideration until the next year.