Eligibility Requirements
In This Section
Scholarships & Graduate Awards
Scholarship applications are being accepted from 01 October to 31 January
Undergraduate Scholarships
Applicants for an AIAA Foundation Undergraduate Scholarship shall meet the following eligibility requirements:
- Must be a current AIAA Student member in good standing
- Must have completed at least 1 academic semester of full-time college work
- Must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.300 on a 4.000 scale unless otherwise noted
- Unless otherwise noted, applicants must be enrolled in an accredited college or university within the United States or U.S. Territories
- Applicant’s education plan shall be such as to continue coursework in some field of science or engineering that will provide for entry into the aerospace engineering field
Scholarship |
Scholarship Specific Requirement |
AIAA Lockheed Martin Marillyn Hewson Scholarship: $10,000* |
Mary W. Jackson Scholarship: $10,000 |
Daedalus 88 Scholarship: $10,000 |
David and Catherine Thompson Space Technology Scholarship: $10,000 |
Vicki and George Muellner Scholarship for Aerospace Engineering: $5,000 |
Digital Avionics Scholarships: $3,000 each |
Space Transportation Scholarship: $1,500 |
Rocky Mountain Section Scholarship: $500 |
Graduate Awards
Applicants for an AIAA Foundation Graduate Award shall meet the following eligibility requirements:
- Must be a current AIAA Student member in good standing
- Must have completed at least one (1) academic quarter or semester of full-time graduate-level college work and have a research topic approved
- Must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.300 on a 4.000 scale unless otherwise noted
- Must be enrolled in an accredited college or university within the United States or U.S. Territories
- Applicants for the Orville and Wilbur Wright Graduate Award and the Luis de Florez Graduate Award may be enrolled in any accredited college worldwide*
- Applicant’s education plan shall be such as to continue graduate work or research in some field of science or engineering that will provide for entry into the aerospace engineering field
Award |
Award Specific Eligibility |
Abe M. Zarem Graduate Award for Distinguished Achievement |
Neil Armstrong Graduate Award: $10,000 |
Orville and Wilbur Wright Graduate Award (International Students encouraged to apply): $10,000 |
Guidance, Navigation and Control Graduate Award: $3,500 |
John Leland Atwood Graduate Award: $1,250 |
Martin Summerfield Propellants and Combustion Graduate Award: $1,500 |
Gordon C. Oates Air Breathing Propulsion Graduate Award: $1,000 |
William T. Piper, Sr. General Aviation Systems Graduate Award: $1,000 |
How does AIAA calculate cumulative G.P.A.? Cumulative G.P.A. is calculated using the following formula:
(# of credit hours from previous college X GPA at previous college) + (# of credit hours completed so far at current college X GPA at current college) = SUM
SUM divided by total credit hours from both colleges = combined G.P.A
- Judging for AIAA Foundation-sponsored awards and scholarships is done by the Scholarship Selection Subcommittee of the Student Activities Committee.
- Judging for Section or Technical Committee-sponsored awards and scholarships is done by sponsoring Technical Committees or Sections
- All decisions made by the scholarship selection committees are final
- If a selection committee determines there is not a qualified applicant for a particular year, the scholarship will not be awarded
- Plagiarism – any essay responses or collateral materials should be the original work of the applicant. Any portion of an application that is found to be plagiarized will disqualify the application from any further review.
- Online applications must be received by 2359 hrs EST, 31 January
- Letters of recommendation are due by 2359 hrs EST, 14 February
Due to the high volume of applications we receive, we are unable to make exceptions to these rules.
*This award is subject to all applicable laws, including US export laws. US law prohibits AIAA from awarding graduate award prize money to persons residing in Iran, Cuba, North Korea, Crimea, Sudan, or Syria.