Timothy Cichan
Chief Architect, Commercial Civil Space , Lockheed Martin
Jamie Landers
Director, New Products and Innovation Strategy , Lockheed Martin
Gwen Lighter
CEO , GoFly
Jerry M. Wohletz
President and CEO , Draper
John Choi
Director, Special Purpose UAS Quick Reaction Capability, Special Programs , General Atomics Aeronautical Systems
Pamela Millar
Associate Director , Earth Science Technology Office, NASA
Taylor Fazzini
Principal Systems Engineer - Future Technical Leaders Program , Northrop Grumman Corporation
Cristina Riso
Assistant Professor in the Daniel Guggenheim School of Aerospace Engineering , Georgia Institute of Technology
Margaret Weitekamp
Department Chair, Space History, and Curator, Cultural History of Spaceflight , Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum
Guillermo Jenaro Rabadan
Project Executive, Advanced Digital Design and Manufacturing , Acubed