Mike DiCosola
Chief Executive Officer , Drone Industry Systems Corp.
Erick Corona
Director, Product, Operations & Infrastructure , Wisk
Paul Brinkmann
Aerospace America Staff Reporter , AIAA
Ahsan Choudhuri
Professor, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, and Associate Vice President and Founding Director, Aerospace Center , University of Texas at El Paso
Jeff Gajda
Chief Procurement Officer, Vice President, Sourcing and Procurement , Honeywell
Amanda VandePol
U.S. Aerospace, Defense, Federal and Marine Portfolio Development Executive , Siemens Digital Industries Software
Shweta Mulcare
Outcome Lead, Aviation Safety Information Analysis and Sharing (ASIAS) and Advanced Analytics Evolution , The MITRE Corporation
Jan Schilling
Chief Engineer for Advanced Products , GE Aviation (retired)
Jeff Guzzetti
President , Guzzetti Aviation Risk Discovery, LLC
George Ligler
Proprietor, GTL Associates; Professor and Dean's Excellence Chair, Multidisciplinary Engineering, Texas A&M University; Chair, National Academies Committee on Transport Airplane Risk Assessment Methodology