In This Section
Disruptive Technologies: Riding the Wave of Change
12 January 2017
Panelists: Moderator Joycelyn Harrison, program manager, Air Force Office of Scientific Research; Irene Gregory, senior technologist for advanced control theory and applications, NASA’s Langley Research Center; Rob High, IBM Fellow and vice president and chief technology officer, IBM Watson; Steven Huybrechts, chief of staff, Applied Minds LLC; Robert Lutwak, program manager, DARPA By Duane Hyland,
Enhancing Aerospace Capabilities With Computing, Robots and Automation
12 January 2017
Panelists: Moderator Samantha Marquart Brainard, doctoral candidate, George Washington University; Danette Allen, senior technologist for intelligent flight systems, NASA’s Langley Research Center; Neil Gershenfeld, director, The Center for Bits and Atoms, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Rob High, IBM Fellow and vice president and chief technology officer, IBM Watson; Robert Lutwak, program manager, Microsystems Technology Office,
Flying Safer, Flying Steadier — the Role of Active Flow Control Technology
11 January 2017
Speaker: Israel J. Wygnanski, professor of aerospace engineering, University of Arizona By Duane Hyland, AIAA Communications (2008-2017) Active flow control technology holds much promise for helping aircraft designers design safer and more efficient aircraft, Israel J. Wygnanski said Jan. 10 during the Dryden Lectureship in Research at the 2017 AIAA SciTech Forum in Grapevine, Texas. Wygnanski’s lecture,
FAA Eager to Start Space Traffic Transition
11 January 2017
Panelists: Moderator Moriba Jah, director of space object behavioral sciences, University of Arizona; Travis Blake, senior manager, Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Center; P.J. Blount, adjunct professor, University of Mississippi; Mike Gazarik, vice president of engineering, Ball Aerospace; Don Greiman, vice president and general manager of commercial space situational awareness, Schafer Corp.; retired U.S. Air Force
Wild Ideas for Stopping Climate Change
10 January 2017
Panelists: Moderator Marty Bradley, technical fellow, Boeing; Martin Bunzl, philosophy professor, Rutgers University; Timothy C. Langenkamp, partner, Sidley Austin LLP; Douglas MacMartin, research professor, Caltech, and senior research associate, Cornell University by Ben Iannotta, Aerospace America Editor-in-Chief If humanity wants to get serious about stopping human-caused climate change, it’s going to have to actively intervene in the functioning
Newman: Getting Humans to Mars Requires Global, Collaborative Effort
10 January 2017
Speaker: Dava Newman, deputy administrator, NASA by Lawrence Garrett, AIAA Web Editor During the “Innovation to Enable NASA’s Journey to Mars” plenary, Newman said although NASA and the U.S. may lead the effort, private industry and international partner contributions are also vital. Newman, NASA’s deputy administrator, explained that NASA’s plan has three phases. The first consists of using
NASA’s Langley Research Center Directors Talk About Time at Center
10 January 2017
Panelists: Moderator James R. Hansen, professor of history and director of The University Honors College, Auburn University; Dave Bowles, director, NASA’s Langley Research Center; Roy Bridges, former director, Langley; Jeremiah Creedon, former director, Langley; Delma Freeman, former director, Langley; Steve Jurczyk, former director, Langley; Lesa Roe, former director, Langley by Hannah Godofsky, AIAA Communications Past
Computer Prototyping Enhances Efficiency in Aircraft Design
9 January 2017
Panelists: Moderator Paul Nielsen, director and CEO, Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University; Edward Kraft, technical adviser, Arnold Engineering Development Complex, Arnold Air Force Base; Robert Meakin, Air Vehicles project manager, Computational Research and Engineering Acquisition Tools and Environments, High Performance Computing Modernization Program, Department of Defense; Scott Morton, Kestrel principal software developer, CREATE Air
Córdova: Basic Research Is Key to Sustaining Innovation
9 January 2017
Speaker: France A. Córdova, director of the National Science Foundation by Lawrence Garrett, AIAA Web Editor To ensure the U.S. maintains its standing as the global leader in innovation and scientific advancement, basic research needs support, said France A. Córdova, director of the National Science Foundation, during the Durand Lecture for Public Service on Jan. 9 at the 2017
AIAA Congratulates Charles Elachi on Being Selected as the Winner of the 2016 National Space Trophy
28 December 2016
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: John Blacksten 703.264.7532 [email protected] AIAA Congratulates Charles Elachi on Being Selected as the Winner of the 2016 National Space TrophyAIAA Fellow is Director of NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory January 28, 2016 – Reston, Va. – The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) congratulates AIAA Fellow Dr. Charles Elachi, director of
John Crassidis Wins 2016 J. Leland Atwood Award
20 December 2016
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: John Blacksten 703.264.7532 [email protected] John Crassidis Wins 2016 J. Leland Atwood AwardAward Honors Crassidis’ Commitment to Excellence in Aerospace Engineering Education December 20, 2016 – Reston, Va. – John Crassidis, an American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Fellow, and CUBRC Professor in space situational awareness, and director of the Center
Volunteers Needed for 68-Day HERA Study
16 December 2016
NASA JSC Test Subject Screening is recruiting volunteers for a 68-day study to simulate flight operations and confinement. Subjects will spend 45 days in confined habitation in the Human Exploration Research Analog (HERA) facility at Johnson Space Center. Researchers will collect feces, blood, urine and saliva; study personal behaviors; and evaluate team cohesion, cognition and
Diversity and Inclusion Event: Culture and Leadership – The Role of Men
15 December 2016
The AIAA New England Section organized a meeting at MIT Lincoln Laboratory to coincide with the rollout of AIAA’s Diversity and Inclusion Plan, which includes recommendations and implementation steps. The group’s recommendations include adding diversity and inclusion sessions to national and regional events and conferences. This event was offered as a prototypical way for Sections to participate
AIAA Member Spotlight – December 2016
14 December 2016
AIAA Profiles Ron Gray By Duane Hyland, AIAA Communications (2008–2017) 14 December 2016 As the temperatures drop here in Reston, Virginia, the Spotlight decided to keep its beam shining on the west, swiveling from Colorado, to light up Dayton, Nevada, and highlight Ron Gray, a retired member of the aerospace community. A 1956 high school graduate,
France A. France A. Córdova to Present AIAA Durand Lecture for Public Service
14 December 2016
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: John Blacksten 703.264.7532 [email protected] France A. Córdova to Present AIAA Durand Lecture for Public ServiceDecember 14, 2016 – Reston, Va. – France A. Córdova, director of the National Science Foundation (NSF), Arlington, Virginia, has received the 2017 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Durand Lectureship for Public Service. Córdova will
Israel J. Wygnanski to Present AIAA Dryden Lecture in Research
13 December 2016
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: John Blacksten 703.264.7532 [email protected] Israel J. Wygnanski to Present AIAA Dryden Lecture in ResearchDecember 13, 2016 – Reston, Va. – Israel J. Wygnanski, professor, Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, has received the 2017 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Dryden Lectureship in Research. Wygnanski,
Anthony M. Waas Wins AIAA – ASC James H. Starnes Jr. Award
29 November 2016
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: John Blacksten 703.264.7532 [email protected] Honored for Contributions to Experimental, Analytical and Computational Composite Structures November 29, 2016 – Reston, Va. – Anthony M. Waas, professor and Boeing-Egtvedt Endowed Chair, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, has won the 2017 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)–American Society
AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition to be Held in Grapevine, Texas, January 9 – 13
28 November 2016
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: John Blacksten 703.264.7532 [email protected] 2017 AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition to be Held in Grapevine, Texas, January 9–13Forum Will Address Full Spectrum Disruption Across the Global Aerospace Community November 28, 2016 – Reston, Va. – The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) will hold its 2017 Science and
AIAA Member Spotlight – November 2016
15 November 2016
AIAA Profiles Susan Frost By Duane Hyland, AIAA Communications (2008–2017) 15 November 2016 After pointing to Colorado in October, the Spotlight decided to move further west, shining on Moffett Field, California, and illuminating Dr. Susan Frost, a research scientist in the Intelligent Systems Division at NASA Ames Research Center. Dr. Frost is an expert in intelligent
AIAA Members Invited to Participate in NASA’s 3D-Printed Habitat Challenge
15 November 2016
NASA’s 3D-Printed Habitat Challenge seeks to foster development of new technologies to additively manufacture a habitat using local indigenous materials with, or without, recyclable materials, in space and on Earth. The three-part competition asks citizen inventors to use readily available and recyclable materials for the raw material to print habitats. Phase 1 of the 3D-Printed
AIAA Foundation Announces Winners of Its Undergraduate Individual Aircraft Design Competition
25 October 2016
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE AIAA John Blacksten 703.264.7532 [email protected] October 25, 2016 – Reston, Va. – The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Foundation is pleased to announce the winners of its annual Undergraduate Individual Aircraft Design Competition. This year’s competition asked entrants to design a Military Flying Straddle Carrier capable of moving combat troops
AIAA Foundation Announces Results of Its Undergraduate Team Aircraft Design Competition – 2016
25 October 2016
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: John Blacksten 703.264.7532 [email protected] AIAA Foundation Announces Results of Its Undergraduate Team Aircraft Design CompetitionOctober 25, 2016 – Reston, Va. – The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Foundation is pleased to announce the results of its 2015 – 2016 Undergraduate Team Aircraft Design Competition. This year’s contest asked teams
AIAA Foundation Announces Winners of Its 2015-2016 Graduate Team Aircraft Design Competition
25 October 2016
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: John Blacksten 703.264.7532 [email protected] AIAA Foundation Announces Winners of Its 2015–2016 Graduate Team Aircraft Design CompetitionOctober 25, 2016 – Reston, Va. – The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Foundation is pleased to announce the winners of its 2015 – 2016 Graduate Team Aircraft Design Competition. This year’s competition asked
AIAA Scholarship and Student Awards 2017
17 October 2016
Applications Open 31 October To support the success of future aerospace professionals, the AIAA Foundation annually awards financial aid to undergraduate and graduate student members studying in the fields of science or engineering. Undergraduate Scholarships: David and Catherine Thompson Space Technology Scholarship – $5,000 Digital Avionics Scholarships – $2,000 Leatrice Gregory Pendray Scholarship – $1,250, female applicants only Liquid Propulsion
AIAA Member Spotlight – October 2016
14 October 2016
AIAA Profiles Dr. Brian Argrow By Lawrence Garrett, AIAA web editor 14 October 2016 With the Institute paying close attention in recent times to the many aspects of developing UAS and UAV technology, it is only fitting that it has selected an inspiring and innovative individual for its October 2016 member spotlight. Dr. Brian Argrow, a
Important Announcement: New Editor-in-Chief Sought for the Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets
13 October 2016
13 October 2016 AIAA is seeking an outstanding candidate with an international reputation for this position to assume the responsibilities of Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets in early 2017. The Editor-in-Chief is responsible for maintaining and enhancing the journal’s quality and reputation as well as establishing a strategic vision for the journal. He or
Christopher T. Lyne Wins Graduate Division of Student Paper Competition at the 67th International Astronautical Congress
12 October 2016
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: John Blacksten 703.264.7532 [email protected] Christopher T. Lyne Wins Graduate Division of Student Paper Competition at the 67th International Astronautical CongressPaper Proposed the Design of a Hydrogen-Peroxide Monopropellant Thruster October 12, 2016 – Reston, Va. – Christopher T. Lyne, a student member of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) at Vanderbilt
AIAA and AIA Host National A&D Workforce Summit
22 September 2016
by Steve Sidorek, AIAA Public Policy manager AIAA teamed with the Aerospace Industries Association (AIA) to organize and host the 2016 National A&D Workforce Summit: Collaborating to Inspire and Build the Aerospace Workforce of Tomorrow. The two-day forum, which took place 7–8 September, in Washington, DC, convened nearly 150 leaders from academia, government, industry, and
AVIATION 2017 Call for Papers Open
21 September 2016
The 2017 AIAA AVIATION Forum ;will combine the best aspects of technical conferences with insights from respected aviation leaders, providing a single, integrated forum for navigating the key challenges and opportunities affecting the future direction of global aviation policy, planning, R&D, security, environmental issues, and international markets. The DEMAND for UNMANNED symposium, ITAR sessions, 18 technical conferences, and six student
AIAA Member Spotlight – September 2016 – Connie Liu
16 September 2016
AIAA Congratulates Connie Liu Special “Back to School” Edition By Duane Hyland, AIAA Communications (2008–2017) 16 September 2016 Worn out from projecting its beam to the West Coast in July, the spotlight took the month of August off, but with millions of students returning to school across the nation, it woke from its slumber and pivoted
AIAA Member Spotlight – September 2016 – April A. Lanotte
16 September 2016
AIAA Profiles April A. Lanotte Special “Back to School” Edition By Duane Hyland, AIAA Communications (2008–2017) 16 September 2016 Feeling energized from its long rest in August, the Spotlight decided that one profile was not enough for the month of September, so after its short sprint to Atlanta, the Spotlight grew ambitious and also decided to
AIAA to Recognize Achievements During AIAA Space and Astronautics Forum and Exposition 2016
9 September 2016
9 September 2016 AIAA will present awards for key contributions to space science and technology during a 12:30 p.m. luncheon on September 15, as part of the AIAA Space and Astronautics Forum and Exposition AIAA SPACE, September 13-16, at the Long Beach Hyatt, Long Beach, California. Full Story
AIAA Foundation Announces Winners of Its 2015 – 2016 Undergraduate Team Engine Design Competition
8 September 2016
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: John Blacksten 703.264.7532 [email protected] AIAA Foundation Announces Winners of Its 2015 – 2016 Undergraduate Team Engine Design Competition September 8, 2016 – Reston, Va. – The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Foundation is pleased to announce the winners of its 2015–2016 AIAA Foundation Undergraduate Team Engine Design Competition. This
Call for AIAA Foundation Award Nominations
8 September 2016
AIAA Foundation Award for Excellence Honoring Excellence within the Aerospace Community The AIAA Foundation Award for Excellence is the highest award presented by the AIAA Foundation Board of Trustees, recognizing excellence within the aerospace community. Eligible nominees will offer a unique achievement or extraordinary lifetime contributions inspiring the global aerospace community. Nomination Deadline: 15 November
AIAA Foundation Announces Winners of Its 2015-2016 Space Design Competition
8 September 2016
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE AIAA John Blacksten 703.264.7532 [email protected] Teams from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Sweep Top Three Places September 8, 2016 – Reston, Va. – The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Foundation is pleased to announce the results of its annual Undergraduate Space Design Competition. The 2015–2016 competition asked contestants to design
AIAA Space and Astronautics Forum and Exposition 2016 To Be Held in Long Beach, California
6 September 2016
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: John Blacksten 703.264.7532 [email protected] AIAA Space and Astronautics Forum and Exposition 2016 to be Held in Long Beach, CaliforniaVisions for Future Space Use, Free Market Space Economy, Mars Exploration, On-Orbit Satellite Servicing Among Agenda ItemsSeptember 6, 2016 – Reston, Va. – The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) will hold
AIAA Foundation Announces its Graduate Award Winners
23 August 2016
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE AIAA John Blacksten 703.264.7532 [email protected] August 23, 2016 – Reston, Va. – The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Foundation has announced the recipients of its seven Graduate Awards for the 2016–2017 academic year. Each academic year the AIAA Foundation presents the Orville and Wilbur Wright Graduate Awards. These $5,000 awards, given in
Call for Papers – JGCD – Kalman Filter
9 August 2016
Special Issue on “The Kalman Filter and Its Aerospace Applications” On July 2, 2016 the guidance, navigation, and control (GN&C) community lost its eminent ambassador, with the passing of Rudolf Emil Kálmán. Although Kálmán made significant advances to general control and estimation theory, his greatest legacy is the invention of the legendary “Kalman filter,” first
21 AIAA Members Elected to Interational Academy of Astronautics
4 August 2016
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE AIAA John Blacksten 703.264.7532 [email protected] August 4, 2016 – Reston, Va. – The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) congratulates its 21 members who were recently elected as corresponding members and members of the International Academy of Astronautics. The newly elected members are: Mengu Cho,Republic of Korea,member, Engineering Sciences Section Janis
AIAA Member Spotlight – July–August 2016
1 August 2016
AIAA Profiles Phil Pressel By Duane Hyland, AIAA Communications (2008–2017) 1 August 2016 Deciding it would stay in the west, and wanting to experience a pleasant seashore atmosphere, the spotlight turned its beam from New Mexico to fall on San Diego, California, this month, illuminating AIAA Senior Member Phil Pressel, a semi-retired engineer, author, and Holocaust
Pierre Chao Looks to the Future of the Propulsion and Energy Market
27 July 2016
Speakers: Pierre Chao, founding partner, Renaissance Strategic Advisors By Duane Hyland, AIAA Communications (2008-2017) With world turmoil, sluggish markets and changing geopolitical landscapes, it pays to know where the U.S. aerospace community stands and in what directions it may go. Pierre Chao, founding partner of Renaissance Strategic Advisors, discussed the future of the market July 27 in
Stretch Goals Eyed in Additive Manufacturing of Rocket Engines
27 July 2016
Speakers: Moderator Randy Furnas, chief of the power division, Research and Engineering Directorate, NASA’s Glenn Research Center; Elizabeth Robertson, team lead, Liquid Engine Systems Branch, NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center; Jay Littles, director of advanced launch vehicle propulsion, Aerojet Rocketdyne By Ben Iannotta, Aerospace America Editor-in-Chief Makers of rocket engines have plenty of evidence that costs and production
Aerospace Businesses Must Be Flexible, Adaptable, Innovative
27 July 2016
Panelists: Co-Moderator Bonnie Prado Pino, doctoral student, School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Purdue University; co-moderator Guillermo Jaramillo Pizarro, doctoral student, School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Purdue University; Dave Bowles, director, NASA’s Langley Research Center; Duane Cuttrell, director of operations engineering and technical operations, Lockheed Martin Aeronautics; Julie Van Kleeck, vice president of space programs, Aerojet
BWX Technologies COO Shares 7 Hacks for Career Success
27 July 2016
Speaker: Rex Geveden, chief operating officer, BWX Technologies Inc by Hannah Godofsky, AIAA Communications Rex Geveden, the chief operating officer of BWX Technologies Inc., shared some advice in the “Seven Career Hacks for Professional Success” session July 27 at the 2016 AIAA Propulsion and Energy Forum in Salt Lake City. Career Hack 1: Draft and track your
Gleaning Propulsion Lessons from History
26 July 2016
Speakers: Eric Besnard, professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering, California State University, Long Beach; Stephen Heister, Raisbeck distinguished professor and director of the Maurice J. Zucrow Laboratories, Purdue University; Allan McDonald, aerospace consultant and author of “Truth, Lies, and O-Rings: Inside the Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster”; John Steinmeyer, business development director, Orbital ATK By Ben Iannotta, Aerospace
Nuclear Power Could Fuel America’s Space Future
26 July 2016
Panelists: Moderator Lee Mason, principal technologist for power and energy storage, Space Technology Mission Directorate, NASA; Rex Geveden, chief operating officer, BWX Technologies Inc.; John Casani, Jet Propulsion Laboratory (retired); Leonard Dudzinski, Science Mission Directorate, NASA; Susan Voss, president, Global Nuclear Network Analysis LCC; Patrick McClure, project lead for reactor development, Los Alamos National Laboratory
High-Power Systems’ Needs Drive Design Challenges
26 July 2016
Panelists: Moderator Graham Warwick, technology managing editor, Aviation Week and Space Technology; Randy Furnas, chief of the power division, Research and Engineering Directorate, NASA’s Glenn Research Center; Rick Hooker, design engineer, Lockheed Martin Aeronautics; John Nairus, chief engineer, Propulsion and Control Division, Air Force Research Laboratory; John Scott, chief technologist, Propulsion and Power Division, NASA’s
Advancements in Propulsion and Energy Are Changing the Name of the Game
26 July 2016
Panelists: Moderator Janet Kavandi, director, NASA’s Glenn Research Center; Jay Littles, director of advanced launch vehicle propulsion, Aerojet Rocketdyne; Tom Markusic, co-founder and CEO, Firefly Space Systems; James Maughan, technical director of aero-thermal and mechanical systems, GE Global Research By Lawrence Garrett, AIAA Web Editor Ongoing technological advancements in the propulsion and energy sector are spurring
Reusable Space Systems Are Obtainable
25 July 2016
Panelists: Moderator Dan Dumbacher, professor of engineering practice, Purdue University; Doug Bradley, chief engineer of advance space and launch, Aerojet Rocketdyne; Ben Goldberg, vice president of science and engineering, Propulsion Systems Division, Orbital ATK; Jim Paulsen, vice president of NASA programs, Aerojet Rocketdyne; Gary Payton, distinguished visiting professor, U.S. Air Force Academy; Tom Markusic, co-founder
U.S. Air Force, NASA Pledge Bold Research Efforts
25 July 2016
Panelists: Moderator Dan Dumbacher, professor of engineering practice, Purdue University; Doug Blake, director, Aerospace Systems Directorate, Air Force Research Laboratory; Dennis Andrucyk, deputy associate administrator, Space Technology Mission Directorate, NASA By Ben Iannotta, Aerospace America Editor-in-Chief Representatives from NASA and the U.S. Air Force discussed initiatives and issues, such as how much technical risk can be accepted when