Barry Tilton Technology Evangelist Maxar Technologies


Barry Tilton

Barry Tilton is the Technology Evangelist for Maxar Technologies. He has over 36 years’ experience as an Electrical Engineer in the aerospace field and is both a Licensed Professional Engineer and Certified Project Management Professional. He is a 20-year veteran of the US Air Force, where he had over 1000 flight hours as a test director, and worked as a Chief Engineer, and Chief Scientist, and Program Director for the US Defense and State Departments as well as several international efforts with countries on five Continents.

Barry earned his BSEE from USC and his MSEE from Northrop University. He is a Senior Member of AIAA. IEEE, Eta Kappa Nu and the IEEE, a life member of the USGIF and a Fellow of the American Geographical Society. He is currently Director of IEEE Region 2 (the US Mid-Atlantic). His current work includes expanding the applications of Maxar solutions, including remote sensing, 3D data and mapping technologies, analytics and space environment characterization.