George Rumford Director Test Resource Management Center

George Rumford is the Director of the Department of Defense (DoD) Test Resource Management Center (TRMC), a field activity that reports directly to the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering within the Office of the Secretary of Defense.
The TRMC mission is the readiness of DoD test and evaluation (T&E) capabilities, infrastructure, and workforce to support DoD modernization. The TRMC provides governance over DoD test resources (open-air test ranges, ground test facilities, hardware-in-the-loop laboratories, measurement facilities, software testbeds, and modeling and simulation used for testing), including the Major Range and Test Facility Base (MRTFB). In this capacity, the Director is statutorily required to review and certify the T&E resource budgets for each Service and Defense Agency for adequacy for their mission. In addition, as the Executive Agent for Cyber Test Ranges, Mr. Rumford is responsible for the Department’s cyber test capabilities, including the National Cyber Range Complex.
The TRMC forecasts future T&E needs, defining strategic investment portfolios to test hypersonics, directed energy, autonomy and artificial intelligence, electronic warfare, cyber, nuclear effects, space systems, and multi-domain operations. Addressing the highest priority test gaps, the TRMC invests in the development of new and upgraded test resources, executed in partnership with the Services and Defense Agencies, to improve Joint and multi-Service DoD test capabilities that support acquiring advanced warfighting capabilities.
Previously, Mr. Rumford was responsible for Major Initiatives and Technical Analyses in the TRMC, serving as the Program Manager for the Test and Evaluation / Science and Technology (T&E/S&T) Program. Sponsoring advanced technology research and development in industry, academia, and government laboratories, the T&E/S&T Program develops test technologies to upgrade the capabilities at test and training ranges, with a specific focus on supporting modernization priorities aligned with national strategic guidance.
Prior to joining the TRMC, Mr. Rumford worked at the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) and for the Army at White Sands Missile Range, supporting the testing of missile defense systems, space systems, and several multi-range, multi-Service exercises. Born in St. Louis, Missouri, Mr. Rumford has received degrees with honors in Electrical Engineering and in Computer Engineering from the University of Missouri.