John Stetson Senior Technical Fellow Lockheed Martin Corporation
AIAA SciTech Forum 2020

John B. Stetson Jr. is a LM Senior Technical Fellow at Lockheed Martin Corporation who has developed emerging technology for over 35 years. He is a disruptive innovator with 52 issued and pending US patents covering a vast range of domains from material systems, sensors, actuators, unconventional guidance navigation and control, to 3D imaging and control algorithms for space, terrestrial and underwater vehicles, to Quantum metrology sensors for magnetic and gravitational field detection.
He is currently chief scientist for Hypersonic Defense in Lockheed Martin’s RMS Business area.
His career focus is as a teacher: first apprenticing young and mid career engineering and science practitioners to refine their intuition and acumen. Then, to develop, prove, implement, deliver and monetize platform technologies across a wide range of domains that have broad and dual use lucrative applications.