Mark Glenn Acting Director, Joint Hypersonics Transition Office Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Science and Technology (OASD(S&T))

Mr. Mark Glenn has supported the Missile Defense Agency Innovation, Science, and Technology (MDA/DV) Program Office for the past 11 years. He currently serves MDA/DV in two roles, the Hypersonic Technology Lead, and recently selected as the Aegis ChiefTechnology Officer. In his position, he develops technology maturation strategies to reduce technical risks of the Missile Defense System. Beginning in 2018, he has represented the Missile Defense Agency at Office of Secretary of Defense, Research and Engineering (OSD R&E) Joint Offense and Defense Hypersonic Science and Technology Roadmapping sessions and has continued to support the Joint Hypersonics Transition Office. He actively manages and oversees multiple component technology developments specific to interceptor technologies, such as materials, structures, deployment systems, additive manufacturing, seeker windowsand aero optics testing. Mr. Glenn has presented multiple technical briefings at the National Space and Missile Materials Symposium and Hypersonic Technology and Systems Conference. During his career at the Missile Defense Agency, he has received numerous accolades including the MDA 11th Annual Individual Innovation Award, MDA 14th Annual Rising Star Award, MDA 17th Annual Individual Technology award and the Annual Team Small Business Utilization Award. He received his Bachelors of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Alabama.
In January of 2023, Mr. Glenn became the Acting Director of the Joint Hypersonics Transition Office (JHTO). He manages a team that is located in the National Capital Region, Crane, IN and Huntsville, AL.