Meggan Schoenberg Principal Director for Integrated Network System of Systems (INSS), Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Critical Technologies OUSD R&E

Ms. Meggan Schoenberg is the Principal Director for Integrated Network System of Systems (INSS) in the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Critical Technologies (ASD CT), Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering (OUSD(R&E)). In this position, she serves as the Department of Defense’s senior official and subject matter expert for INSS. Ms. Schoenberg leads the DOD’s vision, strategy, and roadmap for INSS Strategic Command Control and Communication (C3) systems. Additionally, she oversees the strategic alignment and coordination of the Department’s more than $7 billion annual portfolio in C3 including science and technology, prototyping, test and evaluation, and industrial base development.
Ms. Schoenberg has over 30 years of experience in the research and development of C3 systems. She has over 20 years of Industry experience researching, designing, developing, and deploying C3 technology for OSD and Joint Staff, the United States Air Force, and Commercial telecommunications. This includes deploying technology in theater to the Army Deep Operations Coordination Cell (DOCC) during the Kosovo conflict.
As a Civil Service Scientist and Engineer, she came to OUSD(R&E) in 2022 to support ASD Mission Capabilities (MC) Mission Integration (MI) as the Chief Engineer for Joint All Domain Command and Control (JADC2), Mission Digital Environment (MDE), and Nuclear Command Control Communications (NC3) before assuming the PD INSS role in 2023.
Prior to joining OUSD(R&E) in 2022, as a Naval Computer Scientist and Engineer, she completed a two-year tour as the Navy Surface Warfare Command Dahlgren Division (NSWC DD) Intelligence and Cyber Advanced Technologies branch and Cyber Engineering brand head, leading development and delivery of Navy and Special Force capabilities to the warfighter.
As Principal Department of Navy Modeling & Simulation (M&S) Technical Advisor to USFFC (2018 – 2020), Ms. Schoenberg advanced critical LVC (Live, Virtual, Constructive) capabilities and policies to certify Carrier Strike Groups for deployment; strengthened & institutionalized testing & training resource sharing; and secured funding and transition for next generation strategic capabilities. In 2018 she completed a three-year tour as the Office of Naval Research Global (ONRG) Science Advisor to Commanding General United States Marine Corps Forces Command earning the Meritorious Civil Service Award. In 2015 she completed a three-year tour as ONRG Science Advisor to Commander Navy Warfare Development Command where she enabled immediate transition of Science & Technology (S&T) capabilities, initiated results driven requirements and budget informing S&T experimentation program, established a transition path for training M&S technologies, was the senior advisor to the CNO’s (Chief of Naval Operations) Rapid Innovation Cell (CRIC), and was the principal technical advisor for the USFFC lead Miami Submarine investigation.
She is a Doctoral student at Old Dominion University in Complex Systems Governance, building on a master’s degree in systems Engineering at Virginia Tech and a BS in Mathematics and a BS in Computer Science from Penn State University. She is an acquisition professional for DOD with DAWIA PM level 2 and Engineering level 3 certification. Most recently, she authored the “Context in Complex Systems Governance” chapter of the Masters/PhD level textbook, “Complex Systems Governance Theory and Practice”.