Ralph Jansen Deputy Project Manager for Technology, Electrified Powertrain Flight Demonstration Project NASA Glenn Research Center

Mr. Ralph H. Jansen is a member of the Aeronautics Mission Office at NASA Glenn Research Center in Cleveland, Ohio. He currently serves as the Deputy Project Manager for Technology on the NASA Electrified Powertrain Flight Demonstration Project. Prior to his current assignment, Ralph served as a senior advisor for the Advanced Air Transport Technology (AATT) project, as a principal investigator for the Convergent Aeronautics Solutions (CAS) project, and as the Glenn Research Center (GRC) advisor and liaison to the X-57 effort being conducted at Armstrong Flight Research Center. In addition, he serves as the Hybrid Electric Technical Integration Manager at GRC where he coordinates project activities focused on EAP to maximize unique contributions and leverage progress across projects; he has also led a number of cross-center activities related to EAP. Prior experience includes work on energy storage systems for the International Space Station, leading the power system team for the Ares I upper
stage, working collaboratively with Kennedy Space Center on ground-based power system integration, and systems analysis of advanced concepts for use in low earth orbit. He began his career working on bearings for spacecraft and magnetic bearings for aircraft engines. Ralph’s career at GRC has been characterized by addressing multidisciplinary problems to enable space and aeronautical system technologies across a wide range of technology readiness levels. He holds a M.S. in Mechanical Engineering and a B.S. in Fluid and Thermal Engineering from Case Western Reserve University.