Timothy Walton Senior Fellow, Center for Defense Concepts and Technology Hudson Institute

Timothy Walton

Timothy A. Walton is a senior fellow at Hudson Institute, supporting the work of the Center for Defense Concepts and Technology. He is an expert in force development, air and missile defense, long-range missiles, and logistics and posture. His research and analysis focus on the development of new operational concepts and the assessment of trends in future warfare and Indo-Pacific security dynamics.

Prior to joining Hudson, Mr. Walton was a research fellow at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments (CSBA), where he led and contributed to studies and war-games for the US government and its allies on new operational concepts and force planning.

Before his time at CSBA, Mr. Walton was a principal of Alios Consulting Group and an associate of Delex Consulting, Studies, and Analysis, both defense and business strategy firms. During this period, he led and supported studies for the US Navy and Army that developed road maps for future technologies, analyzed Asia-Pacific security dynamics, and assessed US and Chinese concepts. He also facilitated strategic planning, capture shaping, and acquisition due diligence for commercial and defense companies. Walton has authored numerous reports, articles, and book chapters on a wide range of topics, ranging from US force planning to Chinese information warfare. He frequently contributes to print and broadcast media, is a regular participant in regional conferences, and has served as a guest lecturer at the Catholic University of America, Georgetown University, and Purdue University. Walton received his BS in international politics and MA in security studies from Georgetown University. He also received a CIEEIntensive Chinese language and culture certificate in Chinese studies at Nanjing University.