Virginia Stouffer President Transformational Technologies
AIAA Aviation Forum 2019
AIAA SciTech Forum 2023

Ms. Virginia Stouffer is the President of Transformational Technologies, a small business providing aerospace, drone, and business consulting. Ms. Stouffer has been active in the ODM and UAM community of practice, serving on the AIAA Transformational Technologies Program Committee for 5 years. She is currently Chairman of the committee and the Chairman of arranging the Transformational Electric Flight Workshops at AIAA AVIATION. She is a private pilot and a licensed commercial UAS pilot. Previously she was a Program Manager at LMI, coordinating their technical aerospace work for NASA and FAA. Prior to that, she was a senior engineer at Lockheed Martin working on FAA, NASA, DoD, and international aerospace technical support contracts, a civil servant in FAA’s regulatory office, and a fellow of the National Academy of Science in the field of aviation safety. She holds Masters degrees in Electrical Engineering from Virginia Tech and in Economics from George Mason University.