Publication Policies

 Self-Archiving and Posting Policy

Authors of journal articles, magazine articles, and meeting papers published by AIAA may post their articles and papers on their private websites and deposit them in their institutional repositories, so long as access to the website is free of charge. In no circumstance shall any charge be made for access to the posted article or paper. Posting to an institutional repository is limited to those to which the author has a direct relationship (e.g., academic department repository, university repository, corporate intranet, agency repository, laboratory website, funding sources, or similar) including those that have deposit mandates. We comply fully with the open access requirements of UKRI, Wellcome, and NIHR. Where required by their funder, authors retain the right to distribute their Author Accepted Manuscript (AAM), such as via an institutional and/or subject repository under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license for release no later than the date of first online publication.

The conference papers and journal articles posted must be either the submitted (or electronic pre-print) version of a conference paper or the final accepted manuscript (revised to incorporate review recommendations) of an article to be published in one of AIAA’s journals. Authors may not post the final published version of journal articles  (which include the results of copy-editing, proof-reading, and formatting performed by AIAA). Authors of articles published in the magazine, Aerospace America, may post a PDF version of the final published article.

Authors are required to include the appropriate copyright notice on their posted paper or article. Upon publication, authors must ensure that the posted paper or article includes either 1) the complete citation to the AIAA work with a full URL that includes the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) or 2) direct links to the work in the AIAA electronic library or the Aerospace America website.

 How Can I Share my Research? Guidelines for Authors

Prior to submitting to an AIAA journal or a conference, authors can:

  • Post draft manuscripts and research results anywhere, anytime, including pre-print servers

Upon submission to an AIAA journal or conference, authors can:

  • Post draft manuscripts on their own personal websites and on their employers’ websites
  • Archive their draft manuscript in institutional/funder websites as required
  • Post/share copies for the authors’ own classroom use

Upon acceptance to an AIAA journal or conference, authors should:

  • Update manuscript versions to include the final, accepted manuscript (which includes peer-review input)  where posted on their own or their employers’ websites, on institutional/funder websites, and on approved third-party, not-for-profit servers (e.g., ArXiv)
  • Include the appropriate copyright notice for the upcoming article or conference paper
  • Remove manuscripts from all other third-party servers and scholarly collaboration networks when copyright ownership has been assigned to AIAA (e.g., ResearchGate)

Upon publication of an article or paper in an AIAA journal or conference proceeding, authors can:

  • Maintain accepted manuscript versions that have been posted/archived on approved personal and institutional websites
  • Share published copies within private research groups and with individuals upon request for personal use only, so long as copies are not systematically reproduced or further distributed
  • Share links to the published article or paper to encourage researchers to find, access, and cite the best available version and to ensure that usage of their publications is effectively tracked
  • Use in their own classrooms or for training  (with permission of AIAA if required by copyright)
  • Use in their own theses/dissertations (with permission of AIAA if required by copyright)
  • Deposit accepted manuscript versions of journal articles in designated U.S. Government archives following the stated embargo period, when required by federal mandate

Authorization is given to copy published articles or papers beyond the free use permitted by U.S. Copyright Law, so long as the per-copy fee is paid to the Copyright Clearance Center,

Third-party reuse of any published material requires permission from AIAA or other copyright owner. For permission to use material from AIAA publications beyond that permitted here, see  How to Request Permission to Reprint from AIAA.

 Ethical Guidelines for Scholarly Publishing

AIAA maintains high ethical standards for its books and journals. Understanding and observing these standards is vital to maintain the integrity of the whole engineering and scientific enterprise, and it is important that guidelines be transparent and available. All editors, authors, and reviewers should be aware of their obligations as described in AIAA’s Ethical Standards for Aeronautics and Astronautics Research, and also should be familiar with the process for investigating ethical violations.

 New Name Policy

As part of AIAA’s ongoing efforts to support diverse perspectives and identities, AIAA Publications has facilitated a process for implementing name changes for authors of publications. These requests must be made by the author and not on the behalf of the author. The steps will include:

  1. Send a request via email to [email protected] with former name, requested new name and a list of author’s AIAA publications.
  2. AIAA will change author’s name in AIAA systems for implementation in future publications.
  3. AIAA will retroactively change author’s name on previously published journal articles and conference papers as well as publish a Crossmark to notify readers of this change.
  4. AIAA will notify Google Scholar to document name change on previously published journal articles and conference papers.

For assistance with a name change request, or for additional information, please contact [email protected].

 Numerical and Experimental Accuracy

The accuracy of numerical solutions and experimental results is an essential element of the research presented in our publications. To the best of their ability, authors should ensure the credibility and reproducibility of the numerical aspects of any simulation results being reported, and sufficient information should be available for readers to independently assess the statistical confidence of results presented in AIAA journal articles. Further guidance can be found in the  Editorial Policy Statement on Numerical and Experimental Accuracy.

 Subscriptions Policy

AIAA member subscriptions may be purchased only by individual AIAA members for their personal use. Members may purchase subscriptions to any of AIAA’s online technical journals:

  • AIAA Journal
  • Journal of Aerospace Information Systems
  • Journal of Air Transportation
  • Journal of Aircraft
  • Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics
  • Journal of Propulsion and Power
  • Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets
  • Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer

Each fully paid member subscription includes access to the complete online archive of that particular journal. Access to the journal’s archive is available until the current year subscription expires.

Members may not purchase multiple subscriptions to any one title at the member rate. If they wish to purchase duplicate subscriptions, they will be charged the institutional rate. They also may not purchase back volumes of any journals. Under no circumstances may member online access be transferred to libraries or other institutions. The special rates enjoyed by AIAA members are considered a personal benefit of AIAA membership. Libraries and corporate entities pay higher rates because their subscriptions serve multiple users.

The prohibition against sharing personal subscriptions has no time limit. Members must order their subscriptions (and renewals) directly from AIAA via Aerospace Research Central ( or by calling AIAA’s Customer Service Department (703.264.7500). Individuals may not use subscription agencies to purchase or renew their journal subscriptions.

Any member thought to be in violation of these policies will be contacted by AIAA.

 Terms of Use

I shall use the information provided herein for my own personal scholarly research and educational use. I may make up to one copy per screen display of the information. Other than for interlibrary loan purposes, I shall not forward, transfer, or otherwise knowingly distribute or provide access to the content contained herein or any portions thereof. I ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED THROUGH THIS SERVICE IS PROVIDED “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, WARRANTIES OF PERFORMANCE OR MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR WARRANTIES AS TO THE ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OF THE CONTENT PROVIDED HEREIN.

 AIAA Guarantee and Return Policy

We guarantee member satisfaction. If AIAA members wish to cancel their subscription(s) at any time, notify our customer service department at 800.639.2422 or 703.264.7500. We will refund the payment for all issues not yet delivered. Cancellation of library prepaid subscriptions will not be accepted after the subscription year has begun.

Requests for Print Issues
Claims for undelivered issues of Aerospace America will be honored up to four months after the mailing date. Thereafter the single-copy price will be charged for replacements, if available. Inquiries about issue availability and price should be directed to [email protected].

Conference Proceedings, Software, and Electronic Documents
ALL SALES ARE FINAL. Software may be exchanged if found to be defective.

Print Books and Case Studies
We guarantee your satisfaction with every book purchase. Return the item in resalable condition within the timeframe specified below:

AIAA members and individuals— within 30 days from invoice date.
Bookstore, wholesale, and distributors within the United States – within 90 days from the invoice date.
University bookstores may return up to 25% of invoiced units within 90 days from the invoice date.

Mail returns in resalable condition to:
AIAA Returns Department
22883 Quicksilver Dr.
Dulles, VA 20166-2019

Please contact customer service at 800.639.2422, 703.264.7500, or  [email protected] if you have any problems.