Standards Contributors

In This Section

It is essential for aerospace students and professional to have access to the latest standards in the industry. As a contributor, you help provide these best practices and present the industry with economies of scale, expanded trade possibilities, and increased resource flow.

One of the strengths of AIAA Standards is that they are created by the people that need them. Industry experts drive all aspects of the standard-development process, from deciding whether a new standard is needed to defining all the technical content.

Getting involved in this process can bring significant advantages. For example:

     Giving early access to information that could shape the market in the future
     Giving your company/organization a voice in the development of standards
     Helping to keep market access open

Current Standards List (Topics/Subtopics)

  • Aviation and Aircraft
  • UAVs
  • Systems Engineering and Project Management
  • Mission Assurance
Modeling, Simulation, and Testing
  • Ground Testing
  • Computational Fluid Dynamics
  • Atmospheric, Orbital, and Space Environment Models
Space Systems and Vehicles
  • Spacecraft Architecture
  • Space Systems
  • Space Operations
  • Launch Vehicles
  • Space Power and Propulsion
  • Safety

For questions about standards, please contact Nick Tongson.