Basic Steps in Developing an AIAA Standard

In This Section

Process flow

From new project proposal to publication, AIAA adheres to procedures that facilitate adoption of its standards by agencies and industry, as well as serve as the basis for international standards. Below is a flow chart of how a Standard, Recommended Practice, or Guide is developed.

Consensus body is formed; if new, then submit Proposal for New Committee on Standards form to AIAA Program Manager for Standards Steering Committee (SSC) approval. Once approved, then Committee on Standards (CoS) submits new project proposal to AIAA SSC.

New project proposal is approved; announcement made for participation on committee

Committee on Standards prepares first draft based on AIAA Standards template

Final draft is submitted to AIAA Standards Secretariat for review

Document is approved by CoS ballot for public review and announced

Public review comments are collected and submitted to the CoS for resolution

Changes are made to the document; if substantive, then document submitted for second public review

Comment disposition sent to individual who submitted comments and CoS with notification of right to appeal

CoS ballot authorized; AIAA circulates ballot

Ballot and comments recorded by AIAA and circulated to the CoS

CoS resolution of ballot and comments; individuals who submitted comments notified of right to appeal

AIAA document and process list submitted to SSC for approval for publication

ANSI/AIAA document and process list submitted to SSC for approval for publication

SSC approves document; ballot results sent to SSC

Ballot results sent to SSC; if approved, BSR9 form submitted to ANSI for final approval

Publication as AIAA or ANSI/AIAA Standard, Recommended Practice, or Guide