Career Insights: Working at NASA 25 January 2023 22:30 - 25 January 2023 23:00
Interested in working for one of the most dynamic agencies in the federal government? NASA panelists will answer questions on how to get involved, what to expect, what to do now to be prepared to apply, where you can find open positions or internships, what types of roles are in the NASA organization, and much more!
Theme: Workforce Connections
Alana B. Cober
Senior Advisor, Human Capital Transformation and Acting Division Director, Talent Strategy & Engagement -
Elizabeth H. DiGiovanni
Senior Advisor for the Future of Work, and Founding Chair of NASA RAVE (Remote and Virtual Employees) -
Jennifer Kibler
Deputy Director, Intelligent Flight Systems, Research Directorate -
Dan Levy
Public Affairs Specialist | Talent Acquisition