Focus on Service: Girls Can Fly! Meet Trailblazers in Aerospace and Aviation 18 January 2021 23:00 - 18 January 2021 23:55

Dr. King believed in the opportunity to provide service. He said, “Everybody can be great … because anybody can serve.” These panelists exemplify King’s call to service. Join the conversation with three Black female panelists who will share their dreams, discuss their service, and look ahead toward their next feats. This industry panel discussion will be moderated by Enanga Daisy Fale, Executive Director of the NSBE Aerospace SIG and the newly appointed Regional Deputy Director of Membership within AIAA.  Attendees will be invited to interact with the panel and submit questions.

Register for the full MLK Day: A Tribute to Service program

Click on the panelist profiles below to watch their promotional videos.

  • Enanga Daisy Fâlé Enanga Daisy Fâlé
    Sr. Systems Engineering Manager, Northrop Grumman Corporation; Director, Aerospace SIG (ASIG), National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)