Forum 360: Autonomous Operation in an Evolving Ecosystem 20 June 2019 19:00 - 20 June 2019 21:00
Autonomy is becoming ubiquitous in our modern world, but are we really moving the needle to integrate autonomous vehicle operation in our human piloted-world? Acceptance at each higher level of autonomy will not be the same. Verification and validation, testing, and ultimately certification for autonomous systems and complete vehicles will not be a single solution, but more likely a case-by-case solution. Panelists will explore how can we define and create a relationship among all stakeholders for autonomous technology to develop and operate seamlessly with or without humans in the loop.
Parker Vascik
Aerospace Engineering, Technology and Policy
Ella Atkins
Professor of Aerospace Engineering; Director, Autonomous Aerospace Systems (A2SYS) Lab; Associate Director of the Robotics Institute -
Thomas Edwards
Chief Technology Officer -
James Gibson
Experimental Test Pilot, Innovation Program Manager -
Brock Lascara
Principal Investigator, Urban Air Mobility