SciTech Forum Awards Luncheon (Proof of Purchase Required) 9 January 2020 23:00 - 9 January 2020 00:30
Education Awards:
Abe M. Zarem Award for Distinguished Achievement in Aeronautics
Cole Anderson
Oregon State University
Abe M. Zarem Educator Award in Aeronautics
Roberto Albertani
Oregon State University
Abe M. Zarem Award for Distinguished Achievement in Astronautics
Johnie Sublett
Georgia Institute of Technology
Abe M. Zarem Educator Award in Astronautics
Dimitri Mavris
Georgia Institute of Technology
Literary Awards:
2020 AIAA Gardner-Lasser Aerospace History Literature Award
Jeremy R Kinney
National Air and Space Museum
Reinventing the Propeller: Aeronautical Specialty and the Triumph of the Modern Airplane
2020 AIAA History Manuscript Award
Glen R. Asner
Office of the Secretary of Defense
Stephen J. Garber
NASA Headquarters
Manuscript: “Untethering Spaceflight: A History of U.S. Space Exploration Policy 1999-2004”
2020 AIAA Pendray Aerospace Literature
Russell M. Cummings
U.S. Air Force Academy
For being the lead author on a groundbreaking undergraduate text that introduces computational fluid dynamics to aeronautical engineering students.
2020 AIAA Summerfield Book Award
Dr Steve A. Brandt
US Air Force Academy
COL Randall J. Stiles
Colorado College
J. Bertin
Ray Whitford
Introduction to Aeronautics: A Design Perspective, Third Edition
Service Award:
2020 AIAA Diversity and Inclusion Award
Charles Wilson
MIT Lincoln Laboratory (retired)
For zealously pursuing AIAA’s Diversity and Inclusion initiative, hosting special events and collaborating with organizations to promote progress in diversity for AIAA and with the AIAA New England Section team.
Technical Awards:
2019 AIAA Aerodynamic Measurement Technology Award
Marcus Aldén
Lund University
For wide ranging and pioneering work in developing and applying laser diagnostic techniques, including linear and non-linear approaches, for study of fundamental and practical combustion.
2020 AIAA de Florez Award for Flight Simulation
Edward L. Burnett
Martin Aeronautics (Retired)
For his outstanding contributions to the nation’s most advanced military aircraft through the art of modeling and simulation to enhance controllability and performance.
2020 AIAA ICME Prize
Will be announced at SciTech
2020 AIAA Intelligent Systems Award
Jonathan P. How
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
For outstanding and sustained contributions to the decision making and control of intelligent autonomous aerospace vehicles
2020 AIAA Mechanics and Control of Flight Award
Christopher N. D’Souza
NASA Johnson Space Center
For seminal contributions to the theory and practice of autonomous guidance, navigation, and control of space vehicles
2020 AIAA Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Award
Stephen P. Engelstad
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company
“For outstanding contributions as an industry leader in R&D and DOD applications of new aeronautics computational mechanics and composites structure/certification technologies.”
2020 AIAA Survivability Award
Charles F. Frankenberger
Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division
For technical and leadership excellence in propulsion system survivability enhancement and executing multi-service test programs to evaluate and improve overall aircraft survivability.
Best Papers:
2019 AIAA Adaptive Structures Best Paper
“Off-Design Sonic Boom Performance for Low-Boom Aircraft” (AIAA 2019-0606)
Authors: David S. Lazzara, Todd Magee, Hao Shen, James H. Mabe, Boeing Research & Technology
2019 AIAA Atmospheric and Space Environments Best Paper
“Remote Sensing of Spacecraft Potential at Geosynchronous Orbit using Secondary and Photo Electrons” (AIAA 2019-0311)
Authors: Miles T. Bengston, Hanspeter Shaub, University of Colorado
2019 AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Best Paper
“Effects of Model Simplification on Wind Reconstruction During Open-Loop Longitudinal Flight” (AIAA 2019-1599)
Authors: Hunter G. McClelland, Craig A. Woolsey, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
2019 Collier Research Hypersizer/AIAA Structures Best Paper Award
“Experimental and Numerical Study on the Low Velocity Impact Damage of a Shear Dominated Composite Laminate” (AIAA 2019-1269)
Authors: Shiyao Lin, Anthony M. Waas, University of Michigan
2019 AIAA Design Engineering Best Paper
“An Exploratory Design Tool for Lattice Airplane Wing Components” (AIAA 2019-3067)
Authors: Patrick Riley, Samar Malek, United States Naval Academy
2019 AIAA Guidance Navigation and Control Best Paper
“Vision-Based Navigation for the NASA Mars Helicopter” (AIAA 2019-1411)
Author: David S. Bayard, Dylan T. Conway, Roland Brockers, Jeff Delaune, Larry Matthies, Håvard F. Grip, Gene Merewether, Travis Brown, Miguel San Martin, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
2019 AIAA High Speed Air Breathing Propulsion Best Paper
“Study of Parasitic Combustion in an Optically Accessible Continuous Wave Rotating Detonation Engine ” (AIAA 2019-0473)
Authors: Fabian Chacon, Mirko Gamba The University of Michigan
2020 AIAA Meshing Visualization and Computational Sciences Best Student Paper
“Advancing Layer Surface Mesh Generation” (AIAA 2020-TBD)
Authors: Jasmeet Singh, Carl Ollivier-Gooch, University of British Columbia
2019 AIAA Modeling and Simulation Best Paper
“The Suitability of Objective Motion Criteria for Rotorcraft Manoeuvres” (AIAA 2019-0180)
Author: Michael Jones, German Aerospace Center (DLR)
2019 AIAA Pressure Gain Combustion Best Paper
“Operational Stability Limits in Rotating Detonation Engine Numerical Simulations” (AIAA 2019-0748)
Authors: Daniel Paxson, NASA Glenn Research Center, Doug Schwer, Naval Research Lab
2019 AIAA Sensor System and Information Fusion Best Paper
“Autonomous Wildfire Monitoring Using Airborne and Temperature Sensors in an Evidential Reasoning Framework” (AIAA 2019-2263)
Author: Alexander A. Soderlund, Mrinal Kumar, Chao Yang Ohio State University
2019 Shahyar Pirzadeh Memorial Meshing Visualization and Computational Environments Best Paper Award
“Verification of Unstructured Grid Adaptation Components” (AIAA 2019-1723)
Authors: Michael A. Park, Aravind Balan, W. Kyle Anderson, NASA Langley Research Center; Marshall C. Galbraith, Philip C. Caplan, Hugh A. Carson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology;Todd Michal, Joshua A. Krakos, Dmitry S. Kamenetskiy, Boeing Research & Technology; Adrien Loseille, Frédéric Alauzet, INRIA Paris-Saclay; Loïc Frazza, Sorbonne Universités; Nicolas Barral, Imperial College London
2019 AIAA Spacecraft Structures Best Paper
“Analysis of the Column Bending Test for Bending of High Strain Composites” (AIAA 2019-1746)
Authors: Ajay Sharma, TJ Rose, Andrew Seamone, Francisco López, University of Colorado; Thomas Murphey, Opterus R&D
2019 The Walter R. Lempert Student Paper Award in Diagnostics for Fluid Mechanics, Plasma Physics, and Energy Transfer
“Single-Exposure Field-of-View Extension Using Multiplexed Structured Image Capture” (AIAA 2019-0832)
Authors: Cary Smith, Jacob Harrold, Zhili Zhang, Mark Gragston, The University of Tennessee
2019 AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Best Student Paper
“Experimental Validation of the Unsteady CFD-generated Airwake of the HMS Queen Elizabeth” (AIAA 2019-3029)
Author: Neale A. Watson, Mark D. White, Ieuan Owen, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom
2019 AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Student Paper Competition
“Beneficial Effect of the Coupled Wing-Body Dynamics on Power Consumption in Butterflies” (AIAA 2019-0566)
Authors: Madhu Sridhar, Chang-kwon Kang, David Brian Landrum, University of Alabama in Huntsville
David P. Weaver Student Best Paper Award
Guidance, Navigation and Control Graduate Student Paper Competition
Harry H. and Lois G. Hilton Student Paper Award in Structures
Intelligent Systems Student Paper Competition
Jefferson Goblet Student Paper Award
Lockheed Martin Student Paper Award in Structures
Meshing, Visualization, and Computational Environments student paper competition
SwRI Student Paper Award in Non-Deterministic Approaches
1st Place – 2019 AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Student Paper Competition
“Sensitivity computation of statistically stationary quantities in turbulent flows” (AIAA 2019-3426)
Authors: Nisha Chandramoorthy,Qiqi Wang, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2nd Place – 2019 AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Student Paper Competition
“A Novel Flux Reconstruction Method for Diffusion Problems”(AIAA 2019-3063)
Authors: Philip E. Johnson, University of Michigan, Eric Johnsen, University of Michigan, H.T. Huynh, NASA Glenn Research Center
3rd Place – 2019 AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Student Paper Competition
“Assessment of low-dissipative shock-capturing schemes for transitional and turbulent shock interactions” (AIAA 2019-3208)
Authors: David J. Lusher, University of Southampton, Neil D. Sandham, University of Southampton
2019 ASEE John Leland Atwood Award
Azad M. Madni, Ph.D.
University of Southern California
For exemplary leadership in aerospace systems engineering education and research, and for lasting contributions to the aerospace industry as thought leader, author, educator, researcher and mentor.
2019 ASME/Boeing Structures & Materials Award
“Effect of Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) Manufacturing Signature on Mechanical Performance” (AIAA 2019-0516)
Authors:Minh Hoang Nguyen, University of Michigan, Avinkrishnan Ambika Vijayachandran, University of Michigan, Paul Davidson, University of Michigan, Damon Call, Toray Composites American, Dongyeon Lee, Toray Composites American, Anthony M. Waas, University of Michigan
American Society for Composites Student Paper Award
Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Best Student Paper Competition