AEDC Hypervelocity Wind Tunnel No. 9 Tour 9 May 2019 03:00 - 9 May 2019 05:00


Join us on Wednesday, 8 May 2019 for a tour of AEDC Hypervelocity Wind Tunnel Number 9. The tour is limited to 40 people, so be sure to sign up as you’re picking up your badge at registration!

The Hypervelocity Wind Tunnel No. 9, (Tunnel 9) located at the White Oak, Maryland site of the Arnold Engineering Development Complex provides aerodynamic simulation critical to hypersonic system development and hypersonic vehicle technologies. The facility continues to supports testing for DOD, MDA, DARPA and NASA programs as well as advanced hypersonic technologies such as boost glide-type vehicles, scramjets, and trans-atmospheric space planes.

Tunnel 9 is the DoD’s primary high Mach number and high Reynolds number facility for hypersonic ground testing and the validation of computational simulations. Noteworthy advantages over other facilities include a unique storage heater with pressures up to 1900 atmospheres and temperatures up to 3650 degrees Rankine. Axisymmetric contoured nozzles for Mach 7, 8, 10 and 14 (soon Mach 18) operation are available. When compared to other hypervelocity facilities which have run times of a few milliseconds, the long test times (seconds) available in Tunnel 9 provide higher productivity by allowing for parametric variation, e.g. an angle- of-attack sweep or flow survey, during a single run. The five foot (1.5 meters) diameter test cell accommodates large-scale test articles. The combination of operational range, long test times, and large test cell results in the highest Reynolds number, largest scale ground test facility in the world capable of simultaneously collecting continuous pitch polar static force and moment, pressure and heat transfer data during each test run. Having the ability to test at flight matched Reynolds numbers provides a significant risk reduction for the design and evaluation of hypersonic systems.

For complete details on the tour, view the flyer.