

AIAA has played a critical role in advancing space exploration, inspiration, and discovery since the beginning of modern rocketry. Space is becoming an essential part of our everyday lives and there are more and more entities getting involved, making space more congested and complex, requiring new rules and norms so that all participants can coexist and prosper. AIAA plays a key role in bringing diverse perspectives together to collaboratively develop solutions. Based on its decades of technical heritage, AIAA fosters the advancement of key future technologies and helps play a role in developing newly required technical standards.

AIAA Domain Lead for Space
Brent Sherwood - Space Domain LeadBrent Sherwood

Blue Origin (retired) |  Contact Us

Key Topics

  • space-economy-domains-thumbnail Competitive and Burgeoning Space Economy

    Space use continues to expand and become more of a commercial concern. The United States must evolve how it works in space to maintain and continue to grow the U.S. commercial space sector.



    Lunar Surface Exploration and Development
    The Moon is the maior shared focus of current and future space exploration. Many actors - public and private, domestic and international - are increasingly endeavoring to land and operate on the Moon with both robotic and human flight systems in the face challenges at the frontiers of technical, financial, and programmatic capabilities. The Lunar Surface Exploration and Development Task Force will identify and document critical initial steps for lunar surface exploration that will promote sustainable lunar and space exploration, international cooperation and coordination, and economic development.

    Cislunar Infrastructure & Operations
    The future of cislunar missions will depend on an emerging infrastructure of private and public sector services and capabilities. A range of human and/or robotic/autonomous mission approaches, great power competition, and economic forces will drive the development of various cislunar infrastructure and operational capabilities. The Cislunar Infrastructure and Operations Task Force intends to drive toward answering the hard questions of how government and commercial capabilities will combine to enable development of cislunar operations infrastructure.

    Space Ecosystem Development
    The economic and governance foundations of space activity are shifting rapidly as decades of government dominance of the space sector gives way to an increasingly privately capitalized space industry. Nonetheless, non-government market demand for such high-profile space-related capabilities as human spaceflight, and lunar and deep space exploration, remains low. The Space Ecosystem Development Task Force will address today's and tomorrow's economic, governance, and business approaches that impact the viability, extent, and growth.
  • Space-Threat-Domains-thumbnail Outpacing the Space Threat

    Space is essential to our everyday lives. How do we protect this asset, maintain U.S. global leadership, and continue to defend U.S. national security interests?

  • Space-Exploration-domains-thumbnail Space Exploration

    How can we sustainably explore our solar system and beyond including the capabilities of the many new companies and countries that have spacefaring capability and ambitions?

  • Sustainability-domains-thumbnail Space Sustainability

    Space Sustainability How can we best use space/space assets to protect and manage our planet’s resources, people, and property and to address the climate crisis.

  • STM-Domains-thumbnail Space Traffic Management / Space Traffic Coordination

    With the ever-growing presence of objects in space, especially the large LEO constellations, there are needs for norms, rules, and principles to guide the use of outer space if we are to preserve it for current and future generations.

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